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Competencies ( PEC's)
Characteristics of a successful
entrepreneur in the baking
> Penk Ching and her sister Shen Chan Ratilla are well known lite families for
their unique designs an cakes for all ocation. It is interesting to note that they had
no formal degree in culinary arts, but stretched the limit of their imagination and
creativity to concoct designer fondant cakes
> Penk and Shen started by baking bewe and selling them to friends and relates to
them, their only training in baking came from their Home Bunnies class at the Sph's
College in Queria City.
> An entrepreneur in the baking industry does
not get tired of looking ways and means to
improve his baked products

> Steve Jobs said: "I'm convinced that about half of what
separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non
successful ones is pure perseveration."
A successful entrepreneur is open to new products: One commits to
excellence and constant improvement. The latest addition to the sweet pastry
industry in the cronut It is a hybrid of a croissant and a doughnut. It is a
layered flaky bun with an added crispiness similar to a croissant. It is also
glared and buttery with different toppings

The cronut was introduced into the world of sweets in 2013 in Indianapolis
and reached New York, where it was initially called the "New York pie
doughnut.’’ Dominique Ansel introduced this sweet pastry at his bakery in

In Metro Manila there are now several versions of cronuts. They vary in
names and toppings, such as chocolate cream, almond, and vanilla. Wild
Flour was the first to introduce them in Manila, calling them "croughant" because
the name "cronut" was registered by Ansel Innovation in baked product including doughnuts, is continuous
4. Hardworking
> French Baker CEO John Lu Kon considers Henry Sy,
St. founder of the SM Group, enter when he was starting
his venture in baking. One of Sy’s helpfull advices to him was
"Work hard on your business because the Filipino will always be

5. Quality-conscious
> An entrepreneur should remember that good-quality
baked products are patronized over and over again.
6. Confident
> You must be confident to offer unique baked products
that can satisfy customer expectations.
7. Systematic
> A successful entrepreneur in the baking industry develops
methods of how to economize on fuel, electricity, and
8 Optimistic
> Looking at the bright side of life, manifested by a happy face,
helps steer a business to success
9. Open-minded
> A successful entrepreneur welcomes suggestions and considers
criticisms as challenges to improve
10. Personable
> Treat customers and employees very well and is easy to get along with
Entrepreneurial competencies
1. Technical ability - has adequate knowledge and skills on how
to run/operate the business in baking
2. Communication ability
- Effective communication skills
3. Organizing and controlling abilities – makes well-defined
duties and functions of individuals, units or departments
- checks and evaluates the quality of baked products and services
4. Good health
- Physically and mentally fit to make the business succeed
5. Makes sound decisions
- Considers all aspects of a problem or concern and makes
decisions based on these considerations
- Maintains harmonious working relationship with workers,
motivate them to perform their jobs efficiently, treats worker
fairly, and inspire them to do their best.

7. Problem solver
- Rational rather than emotional
- Firm in making decisions without hurting others
8. Knowledgeable
- Knows every aspect of the business
- Can make a feasible study of the business
9. Managerial ability
- Acquires and uses human and material resources effectively and
efficiently to produce marketable baked products
10. Ability to accept criticism
- Open-minded to suggestions for the improvement of the business

1. Opportunity-seeking

- always looks for opportunities

- can make things possible

- has foresight for the needs of customer
- observes the environment for ideas that can generate profit
- identifies skillful people who can be assets to the business
- surveys available materials in the environment
2. Risk Takers

- takes risks when there is possibility of great profit

- looks at failure as a challenge and a lesson
- believes that in business, winning comes after trials

3. Persistent

- believes that "if there is no struggle, there is no progress"

- tries different alternatives to satisfy the customers
4. Committed

- Strives for excellence and is not satisfied with the saying " pwede na." The
products offered are of excellent quality. In the baking industry, continuous
innovation is necessary.
1. Sets attainable goals

- Plans activities
2. Gives decisions

- The entrepreneur lays out plans, follow up progress, gets feedbacks

- He conceptualizes the total operation of the business by making good use of
modern technology gadgets, such as the computers and cellphones
- The entrepreneur makes decisions geared towards improvement of his products.
- The success of his business depends on his ability to make the right decisions
and to solve problems through his creativity

3. Goal setters

- Clear and specific - Realistic and attainable

Entrepreneurs are people with ideas, initiative, and
skills to lead and manage the business.

Leadership Characteristics of Successful

1. High sense of self-worth or self-esteem
2. Achievers-open-minded
3. Courageous-guts to build a business from scratch
4. Dignified treats workers with respect and promotes their
5. Optimistic-views setbacks as a new direction
6. Hardworking
7. Good leader
8. Healthy
9. Skillful
10. Knowledgeable

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