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- It aims to slow the
buildup of waste in
the blood and to
reduce work of
the kidney.
Most kidney diseases attack the nephrons. This
1 damage may leae kidneys unable to remove
2 Causes can include genetic problems ,
injuries , or medicines.

3 You have a higher risk of kidney disease if
you have diabetes , high blood pressure
or a close family member with kidney
. disease.


The first steps to eating right

Step 1: Choose and prepare foods with less salt and sodium

Why? To help control your blood pressure. Your diet should contain less than
2,300 milligrams of sodium each day.

Buy fresh food often. Sodium (a part of salt) is added to many prepared or
packaged foods you buy at the supermarket or at restaurants.

Cook foods from scratch instead of eating prepared foods, “fast” foods, frozen
dinners, and canned foods that are higher in sodium. When you prepare your
own food, you control what goes into it.

Use spices, herbs, and sodium-free seasonings in place of salt.

Check for sodium on the Nutrition Facts label of food packages. A Daily Value of
20 percent or more means the food is high in sodium.
Ste p 2: Eat th e right am o u nt an d th e right typ e s o f p ro te in

W hy? To h e lp p ro te ct yo u r kid n eys. W h e n yo u r b o d y u se s p ro te in , it

p ro d u ce s w aste . Yo u r kid n eys re m o ve th is w aste . Eati n g m o re p ro te in th an
yo u n e e d m ay m ake yo u r kid n eys w o rk h ard e r.

Step 2: Eat the right amount and the right types of protein

Why? To help protect your kidneys. When your body uses protein, it
produces waste. Your kidneys remove this waste. Eating more protein than
you need may make your kidneys work harder.
Animal-protein foods:
- Chicken
- Fish
- Meat
- Eggs
- Dairy
A cooked portion of chicken, fish,
or meat is about 2 to 3 ounces or
about the size of a deck of cards.
A portion of dairy foods is ½ cup
of milk or yogurt, or one slice of

Animal-protein foods: Plant-protein foods:

- Chicken
- Fish - Beans
- Meat - Nuts
- Eggs - Grains
- Dairy
A cooked portion of chicken, fish, A portion of cooked beans is about ½
or meat is about 2 to 3 ounces or cup, and a portion of nuts is ¼ cup. A
about the size of a deck of cards. portion of bread is a single slice, and
A portion of dairy foods is ½ cup a portion of cooked rice or cooked
of milk or yogurt, or one slice of noodles is ½ cup.
S te p 3 : C h o o s e fo o d s t h a t a re h e a lt h y fo r
yo u r h e a rt

W h y ? To h e l p k e e p f a t f r o m b u il d i n g u p
in y o u r b lo o d v e s s e ls , h e a r t , a n d k id n e y s .

G r i l l , b r o i l , b a k e , r o a s t , o r s ti r - f r y f o o d s ,
in s te a d o f d e e p fr y in g .
C o o k w i t h n o n s ti c k c o o k i n g s p r a y o r a
s m a ll a m o u n t o f o li v e o i l i n s t e a d o f
b u tt e r.
Tr im fa t fro m m e a t a n d re m o v e s k in fro m
p o u l t r y b e f o r e e a ti n g .
T r y t o li m i t s a t u r a t e d a n d t r a n s f a t s . R e a d
t h e fo o d la b e l.
H e a r t - h e a lt h y f o o d s :

L e a n c u t s o f m e a t , s u c h a s lo in o r ro u n d
P o u lt r y w it h o u t t h e s k in
F is h
V e g e ta b le s
F r u it s
L o w -fa t o r fa t-fre e m ilk , y o g u r t , a n d
ch eese

Step 3: Choose foods that are healthy for

your heart

Why? To help keep fat from building up

in your blood vessels, heart, and kidneys.

Grill, broil, bake, roast, or stir-fry foods,

instead of deep frying.
Cook with nonstick cooking spray or a
small amount of olive oil instead of
Trim fat from meat and remove skin from
poultry before eating.
Try to limit saturated and trans fats. Read
the food label.
Heart-healthy foods: GRILL

Lean cuts of meat, such as loin or round GRILL

Poultry without the skin

Fruits BAKE

Low-fat or fat-free milk, yogurt, and BAKE

Choose foods with the right amount of potassium

Why? To help your nerves and muscles work the right

way. Problems can occur when blood potassium levels
are too high or too low. Damaged kidneys allow
potassium to build up in your blood, which can cause
serious heart problems. Your food and drink choices
can help you lower your potassium level, if needed.

Salt substitutes can be very high in potassium. Read the

ingredient label. Check with your provider about using
salt substitutes.
Drain canned fruits and vegetables before eating.
Foods Lower in Potassium

Apples, peaches

Carrots, green beans

White bread and pasta

Foods Lower in Potassium

White rice

Rice milk (not enriched)

Cooked rice and wheat cereals, grits

Apple, grape, or cranberry juice

Apples, peaches

Carrots, green beans

White bread and pasta

White rice

Rice milk (not enriched)

Cooked rice and wheat cereals, grits

Apple, grape, or cranberry juice


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