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‫ البرنــامج الـدولــي‬- ‫تـقريـر برنامج بمدارس الجودة‬

‫ـ‬Academic year 2023-2024

Program Name : ( .............. Explore life / ‫مسمى البرنامج‬
‫المنفذون‬ ‫فــئــة المستفيديــن‬ cycle................
‫عدد المستفيدين‬ ‫) مكان التنفيذ‬ ‫تاريخ التنفيذ‬ ‫مدة التنفيذ‬
Executors Target Group Number of recipients Place Date Lead Times
Mrs.Aya KG3 students 23 KG3 section 2-10-2023 min 30

Program Objectives / ‫أهـــــــــداف الـــــبـــــرنـــــــامج‬ key recommendation / ‫أهـــــــــم الـــــتــــوصـــــيـــات‬

It helps the student’s to visualize the steps that -1
occur from a chick’s birth to when it becomes a Give the students a chance to discuss about -1
chicken . .chicken life cycle
Students will know the key stages of life cycle of -2
the chicken ( egg-hatch- chick-chicken)
Students will be able to understand the life cycle -3 Let students feel curios about other animals life -2
of chicken .cycle

School principal :Abeer Alsoyayfi

School principal :Abeer Alsoyayfi
‫ البرنــامج الـدولــي‬- ‫تـقريـر برنامج بمدارس الجودة‬
Academic year 2023-2024
Program Name : ( .............. Counting / ‫مسمى البرنامج‬
‫المنفذون‬ ‫فــئــة المستفيديــن‬ ‫ المستفيدين‬numbers
‫عدد‬ ............
‫) مكان التنفيذ‬ ‫تاريخ التنفيذ‬ ‫مدة التنفيذ‬
Executors Target Group Number of recipients Place Date Lead Times
Mrs.Aya KG3 students 23 KG3 section 25-10-2023 min 30

Program Objectives / ‫أهـــــــــداف الـــــبـــــرنـــــــامج‬ key recommendation / ‫أهـــــــــم الـــــتــــوصـــــيـــات‬

It helps the student’s to be able to count objects -1
.and match them to the correct number providing an educational environment for the -1
The students will be able to recognize the -2 . students
. numbers
Students will learn how to do group activities in a -3
.cooperative way Create an environment for the students that-2
. support self learning

School principal :Abeer Alsoyayfi

School principal :Abeer Alsoyayfi

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