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Group 2

4 types of speech
accourding to pupose
Informative speech
A type of speech that
provides knowledge or
information about a specific

Persuasive Speech Demonstrative speech

This type of speech aims to is a presentation or talk where the speaker explains
Conclusion 01 how to do or use something, often using visual aids
persuade or convince the audience
to adopt a certain belief, attitude, or props. It is meant to teach the audience a
or action. specific skill or concept.

Entertaining Speech
Also known as a humorous or after-
dinner speech, this type of speech is
meant to entertain and amuse the
Informative speech Entertaining Speech
for example: teachers who EXAMPLE examples of entertaining
stand at the front of the speeches include a best man's
S speech at a wedding or a
classroom and teach their
principal's speech before a
students about various topics
school talent show.

Persuasive speech Demonstrative speech

For example, speeches given at For example, when someone is
political rallies are often training at a new job, they are
persuasive speeches, because often taking in a variety of
they are used as a way of demonstrative speeches that
influencing the way a person teach them how to complete the
votes. job.
Informative Speech:
- Provides valuable and relevant information to the audience
- Increases the audience's knowledge and understanding of a particular topic
- Can be used to educate and raise awareness about important issues
- Can be adjusted to suit different audiences and levels of knowledge

- Can be too dry and boring if not delivered effectively
- May not be engaging enough for certain audiences
- Can be difficult to keep the audience's attention for a longer period of time
Persuasive Speech:
- Can influence and change people's opinions and behaviors
- Provides a call to action for the audience to take a specific action
- Can be used to promote important causes or ideas
- Can be tailored to appeal to the audience's values and beliefs

- Can be perceived as manipulative or biased by some audience members
- Requires strong evidence and arguments to be effective
- Can be challenging to change deeply held beliefs or opinions
- May not be well received by audiences with opposing views
Entertaining Speech:
- Keeps the audience engaged and entertained
- Can provide a break from serious or heavy topics
- Can help create a positive and enjoyable atmosphere
- Can be used to deliver a message in a more lighthearted and memorable way

- May lack substance or important information
- Can be difficult to balance between being entertaining and informative
- May not suit all types of audiences
- Can be perceived as shallow or lacking in depth
Special Occasion Speech:
- Tailored to a specific event or occasion, making it more relevant and meaningful
- Can help celebrate and honor individuals or groups
- Can evoke emotions and create a sense of unity and togetherness
- Can be used to inspire and motivate the audience

- May be too specific and not relevant to a wider audience
- Can be challenging to come up with original and creative ideas for every occasion
- May not be as impactful or memorable as other types of speeches
- Can be difficult to deliver in a shorter time frame.
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