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Artificial Intelligence

Chapter 1- Introduction to AI
Chapter one
• Introduction to AI

• Objectives/Goals of AI

• why is AI?

• Approaches to AI – making computer:

• 1.3.1. Think like a human ( Thinking humanly)

• 1.3.2. Act like a human (Acting humanly)

• 1.3.3. Think rationally (Thinking rationally)

• 1.3.4. Act rationally (Acting rationally)

• 1.4. The Foundations of AI

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• Intelligence is the capability of observing,
learning, remembering & reasoning.
• AI attempts to develop intelligent agents.
• The ability of problem solving demonstrates
Agent is something that perceives its environment through SENSORS
and acts upon that environment through EFFECTORS.
The ability to tackle ambiguous and fuzzy problems demonstrates
Characteristics of Intelligent system
Use vast amount of knowledge
Learn from experience and adopt to changing environment
Interact with human using language and speech
Respond in real time
Human Intelligence
How does our brain work when we solve a
Do we think it over and suddenly find an answer?
How do people Reason?
Create categories & relate one concept to another:
Reasoning by analogy /correlation:
Use specific rules: rule-based reasoning
if ‘a’ then ’b’ and if ‘b’ then ‘c’ a  b  c
Use Past Experience, “CASES” (case-based reasoning)
 Similarities of current and previous case
Use “Expectations” (probabilistic reasoning)
With the help of previous experience they use Heuristics
- “Rule of thumb” to guess the probability of occurrence
of events or guess solution for the problem at hand.
Deductive and inductive reasoning
Deductive reasoning: exact reasoning from
general premises,, to more specific, certain
Gravity makes things fall. Hence, the apple
that hit my head was due to gravity.

–All athletes work out in the gymnasium. Getu is an athlete.

Therefore, Getu works out in the gymnasium.
• Inductive reasoning: reasoning from a set of specific facts or
individual cases to a more general, but uncertain, conclusions.
–What is the next number in the sequence 6, 13, 20, 27,…
• Since 13 – 6 = 7, 20 – 13 = 7, 27 – 20 = 7. Thus the next term is 34,
because 34 – 27 = 7.

A classic example of deductive reasoning,:
 All men are mortal. (major premise)
 Socrates is a man. (minor premise)
 Socrates is mortal. (conclusion)

A classic examples of inductive reasoning,:

The wheel is round. (Or, all wheels I have seen are round)
 using inductive reasoning we can infer the general proposition: All
wheels are round.
 The bird flies. (Or, all birds I have seen could fly)
 using inductive reasoning we can infer the general proposition: All
birds can fly.

Introduction of AI
• Artificial intelligence (AI) may be defined as the branch of computer science that is concerned with the
automation of intelligent behavior.

• It is a research area and a field of technology that creates both software and hardware sophisticated
features in order to include virtual artificial agents.

• Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that aims to create intelligent machines capable
of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence.

• The ultimate goal of AI is to develop systems that can think, reason, learn, and adapt in a manner similar
to human beings.

• AI encompasses a broad range of techniques, algorithms, and technologies that enable machines to exhibit
cognitive functions such as problem-solving, language understanding, perception, and decision-making.

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• It can be divided into two categories based on thinking and acting(There are two main types of

1. Narrow or Weak AI: This type of AI is designed and trained for a specific task. It excels at that
particular task but lacks the broad cognitive abilities of a human.

• Examples include speech recognition systems, image recognition software, and recommendation

2. General or Strong AI: This is an advanced form of AI that possesses the ability to understand,
learn, and apply knowledge across a wide range of tasks at a level equivalent to human intelligence.

 Achieving true general AI is a complex and challenging goal that remains largely theoretical at
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Strong AI vs. Weak AI
Is it possible to build a machine with mind?
Strong AI argues that it is possible that one day a computer
will be invented which can be called a mind in its fullest
Strong AI aims to create an agent that can replicate
humans intelligence completely; i.e., it can think, reason,
imagine, etc., & do all the things that are currently
associated with the human brain.
Weak AI, on the other hand, argue that computers can only
appear to think & are not actually sensible in the same way
as human brains are.
AI should try to develop systems which have features of
9 intelligence, but the objective is not to build a completely
Objectives/Goals of AI
• The objectives and goals of Artificial Intelligence (AI) are diverse and can vary depending on
the context, application, and the perspective of those involved.

• Problem Solving: AI aims to develop systems that can effectively solve complex problems,
whether they involve logical reasoning, pattern recognition, decision-making, or optimization.
AI systems should be able to handle tasks that traditionally require human intelligence.

• Automation: One of the primary goals of AI is to automate repetitive and routine tasks, allowing
machines to perform them with efficiency and accuracy. This automation can lead to increased
productivity and the allocation of human resources to more creative and complex endeavors.

• Learning and Adaptation: AI systems strive to possess the ability to learn from data and
experiences, improving their performance over time.
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Objectives/Goals of AI
• Natural Language Processing (NLP): Enabling machines to understand, interpret, and generate human
language is a key objective of AI. This includes tasks such as language translation, sentiment analysis, and
effective communication between humans and machines.

• Perception and Recognition: AI seeks to give machines the ability to perceive and recognize the world
through computer vision and sensory data. This includes image recognition, object detection, and
understanding the context of visual information.

• Robotics: Integrating AI with robotics to create intelligent machines capable of interacting with the physical
world. This involves developing robots that can perform tasks, make decisions based on sensory input, and
adapt to changing environments.

• Decision-Making: AI systems aim to make informed and data-driven decisions, often in real-time. This is
crucial in various fields, such as finance, healthcare, and autonomous vehicles, where decisions must be made
based on complex and dynamic information.
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Objectives/Goals of AI

• Human-Machine Collaboration: Facilitating effective collaboration between humans and

AI systems is a goal to enhance productivity and address challenges. This involves
designing AI interfaces that are user-friendly, transparent, and aligned with human values.

• Ethical AI: Promoting the development and deployment of AI systems that adhere to
ethical principles and values. This includes addressing bias in algorithms, ensuring
transparency, and considering the societal impact of AI applications.

• Safety and Security: Ensuring that AI systems are robust, reliable, and secure. This
involves addressing concerns related to system vulnerabilities, data privacy, and the
potential misuse of AI technologies.
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Approaches to AI – making computer:
• The four approaches you've mentioned—thinking like a human, acting like a human, thinking
rationally, and acting rationally

1. Thinking Like a Human (Thinking Humanly):the cognitive modeling approach

• Objective: This approach focuses on designing AI systems that simulate human cognitive processes and
reasoning. The goal is to replicate human thought patterns, problem-solving methods, and decision-making

• Methods: Cognitive science and psychology are used to understand how humans think. AI systems are
designed to mimic human mental processes, including perception, learning, and problem-solving.

• Challenges: Understanding the complexities of human cognition and accurately replicating them in machines
is a formidable challenge. Human thought processes are often not explicitly understood or easily articulated.

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Thinking humanly:
Reasons like humans do
Programs that behave like humans

Requires understanding of the internal activities of the

see how humans behave in certain situations and see if you
could make computers behave in that same way.
Example. write a program that plays chess.
making the best possible chess-playing program, you would
make one that play chess like people do.

Approaches to AI – making computer
2. Acting Like a Human (Acting Humanly): Turing test approach
• Objective: This approach aims to create AI systems that mimic human behavior
in their actions and interactions.

• Methods: Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Computer Vision (CV) are
commonly used to enable machines to understand and generate human language,
as well as interpret and respond to visual information.

• Challenges: Achieving truly human-like behavior in a broad range of contexts is

challenging. It requires understanding the nuances of human communication,
emotions, and social interactions.
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Thinking Rationally: The Laws of Thought
A system is rational if it thinks/does the right thing
through correct reasoning
Always gave correct conclusions given correct
Abebe is a man; all men are mortal; therefore Abebe is mortal

Such systems rely on logic rather than human to

measure correctness.

Approaches to AI
3. Thinking Rationally (Thinking Rationally): the law of ‘thought’

• Objective: This approach involves designing AI systems to emulate human rationality and logical
reasoning. The goal is to create systems that can deduce conclusions logically based on explicit knowledge
and rules.

• Methods: Logic-based systems, rule-based systems, and knowledge representation are used to encode
human-like reasoning. These systems operate on explicit rules and can draw logical inferences.

4. Acting Rationally (Acting Rationally): rational agent approach

• Objective: This approach focuses on creating AI systems that act optimally to achieve specific goals,
regardless of whether the actions mimic human behavior or reasoning.

• Methods: Decision theory, optimization, and game theory are used to model rational decision-making. The
emphasis is on achieving the best possible outcome given the available information.
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Acting rationally: The rational agent

Doing the right thing so as to achieve one’s goal.

Rational behavior means doing right thing.
AI is the study and construction of rational agents (an
agent that perceives and acts)
Rational action requires the ability to represent
knowledge and reason with it so as to reach good

Human Intelligence VS Artificial Intelligence
Is AI equals human intelligence?

Human Intelligence Artificial Intelligence

Common sense, Ability to simulate human
Judgment, Creativity, behavior and cognitive
Philosophies etc processes
• They have limited No “common sense”
knowledge bases Fast Response. The ability
Believable Reasoning to understand large
amounts of data quickly.
and Critical thinking

Why AI?
What is our concern in designing an Intelligent agent?
Is that to replace human beings or to support and give power
to them?
"AI can have two purposes.
One is to use the power of computers to expand human
thinking, just as we use motors to augment human or
horse power.
Robotics and expert systems are major branches of
The other is to use a computer's artificial intelligence to
understand how humans think in a humanoid way.

Applications of AI
Solving problems that require thinking by humans:
 Playing games (chess, checker, cards, ...)
 Proving theorems (mathematical theorems, laws of
physics, …)
 Classification of text (Politics, Economic, Social, Sports,
 Information filtering and summarization of text
 Giving advice in Medical diagnosis, Equipment repair,
Computer configuration, …

The Foundations of AI
• The field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is built upon several foundational concepts, theories, and technologies that
provide the framework for developing intelligent systems. Here are some key foundations of AI:

1. Machine Learning (ML):

• Definition: Machine Learning is a subset of AI that focuses on the development of algorithms and statistical models
that enable computers to perform tasks without explicit programming.

• Significance: ML allows systems to learn from data and improve their performance over time. It includes supervised
learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning.

2. Neural Networks and Deep Learning:

• Definition: Neural networks are computational models inspired by the structure and function of the human brain.
Deep Learning involves neural networks with multiple layers (deep neural networks).

• Significance: Deep Learning has been highly successful in tasks such as image and speech recognition, natural
language processing, and playing games.
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The Foundations of AI
3. Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLP is a branch of AI that focuses on enabling machines to understand,
interpret, and generate human language.

• Significance: NLP is crucial for applications such as language translation, chatbots, sentiment analysis, and

speech recognition.

4. Computer Vision: Computer Vision involves giving machines the ability to interpret and make decisions based on
visual data, such as images and videos.

• Significance: Computer Vision is used in facial recognition, object detection, autonomous vehicles, and medical

image analysis.

5. Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Knowledge Representation involves formalizing information to be

used by AI systems, and Reasoning involves drawing inferences and making decisions based on that knowledge.

• Significance: Effective representation and reasoning are crucial for solving complex problems and decision-

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The Foundations of AI
6. Expert Systems: Expert Systems are AI systems that mimic the decision-making ability of a human expert in a

specific domain.

• Significance: These systems use a knowledge base and an inference engine to provide expert-level advice in areas

such as medicine, finance, and engineering.

7. Search Algorithms: Search algorithms are used to explore and find solutions in large problem spaces. They are

fundamental to problem-solving in AI.

• Significance: Search algorithms are employed in tasks like pathfinding, game playing, and optimization problems.

8. Robotics: Robotics involves the integration of AI with mechanical systems to create intelligent machines capable of

interacting with the physical world.

• Significance: AI in robotics enables automation in manufacturing, healthcare, and other industries, as well as the

development of autonomous vehicles.

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Foundations of AI
 Philosophy Logic, methods of reasoning, mind as
system foundations of learning, language,

 Mathematics Formal representation and proof algorithms,

computation, (un)decidability, (in)tractability,

 Economics Utility, decision theory

 Neuroscience Physical substrate for mental activity

 Psychology Phenomena of perception and motor control,

experimental techniques
 Computer Building fast computers
 Control theory Design systems that maximize an objective
25 function over time
 Linguistics Knowledge representation, grammar
History of AI
 1943 early beginnings
McCulloch & Pitts: track model of brain
 1950 Turing's "Computing Machinery and
 1956 :birth of AI _Dartmouth meeting: "Artificial
Intelligence“ adopted (the name itself was coined)
 1955-65: “great interest”
Newell and Simon: general problem solver
Gelertner: Geometry Theorem Prover
McCarthy: invention of LISP

History of AI…
 1965 Robinson's complete algorithm for logical
 1966—73 AI discovers computational complexity
Neural network research
 1969—79 Early development of knowledge
based systems
 1980-- AI becomes an industry
 1986-- Neural networks return to popularity

 1987-- AI becomes a science

 1995-- The emergence of intelligent agents

Thank u


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