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Alcohol is one of the liquid vehicle.
 Commonly used vehicle
 It is an organic compound that includes a hydroxly group –consisting of an
oxygen , 6 hydrogen atom bonded to a 2 carbon atom

 Alcohols may be considered as organic derivatives of water (H2O) in which one

of the hydrogen atoms has been replaced by an alkyl group, typically represented
by R in organic structures. For example, in ethanol (or ethyl alcohol) the alkyl
group is the ethyl group, ―CH2CH3.

#Primary alcohols are those alcohols where the carbon atom of the hydroxyl group
(OH) is attached to only one single alkyl group. Some examples of these primary
alcohols include Methanol (propanol), ethanol, etc. The complexity of this alkyl
chain is unrelated to the classification of any alcohol considered as primary. The
existence of only one linkage among –OH group and an alkyl group and the thing
that qualifies any alcohol as a primary

 Secondary alcohols are those where the carbon atom of the hydroxyl group is
attached to two alkyl groups on either side. The two alkyl groups present may be
either structurally identical or even different. Some examples of secondary
alcohols are given below.

 Tertiary alcohols are those which feature a hydroxyl group attached to the carbon
atom which is connected to 3- alkyl groups. The physical properties of these
alcohols mainly depend on their structure. The presence of this -OH group allows
the alcohols in the formation of hydrogen bonds with their neighbouring atoms.
The bonds formed are weak, and this bond makes the boiling points of alcohols
higher than its alkanes. Examples of tertiary alcohols include-
 Colourless
 Neutral
 Transparent volatile liquid
 Pleasant smell
 Burning taste
 It freezes at -114*--used as alcohol thermometer for measuring low temperatures .
 Highly hygroscopic and inflammable
 In small doses alcohol is a stimulant but in excess , a poison.
 It is a good solvent for organic compounds.
Ethyl alcohol:

 a member of a class of organic compounds that are given the general

name alcohols; its molecular formula is C2H5OH. Ethanol is an important
industrial chemical; it is used as a solvent, in the synthesis of other organic
chemicals, and as an additive to automotive gasoline (forming a mixture known as
a gasohol). Ethanol is also the intoxicating ingredient of many alcoholic
beverages such as beer, wine, and distilled spirits

 Formula: C₂H₆O
 Boiling point: 78.37 °C
 IUPAC ID: ethanol
 Molar mass: 46.068 g/mol
 Density: 789 kg/m³
 Melting point: -114.1 °C

 1. Molasses, a waste byproduct from sugar factories. In India, it is the main source
of ethyl alcohol.
 2. Substances rich in starch (C₂H10O5)n, e.g. rice, wheat, maize, potato etc.
 3. Substances rich in sugar. e.g. beet, carrot, grapes, sugarcanes etc.
 4. From sugars, e.g. beet-sugar, cane-sugar etc.5. Synthetically-from ethylene.

 Preparations
 A. From Molasses
Molasses is the mother liquor left after crystal- lisation of cane-sugar from cane
juice. It contains about 50% fermentable sugar (sucrose, glucose, fructose). It is a
thick dark-coloured liquid. It is the chief source for manufacturing of alcohol.The
various steps involve are:
 (a) Preparations of Wash:
 (i) Molasses is diluted with water to pre- pare a 10% solution of sugar. A small
amount of (N*H_{4}) 2 SO 4 is added to it as a food for the ferment.
 It is acidified with small amount of H2SO4
 (ii) It is warmed at 25 C - 30 C and yeast ferment added to it.
 (iii) Fermentation starts with the evolution of CO2 and is completed in 2-3 days.
 (iv) The enzymes invertase and zymase present in yeast bring about the
decomposition of cane-sugar into ethyl alcohol
 Distillation of Wash:The wash contains 15% alcohol. It is subjected to fractional
distillation in a special type of fractionating column known as Coffey's still.The
vapours of almost pure alcohol from the head of the fractionating column are lead
to the condenser.The distillate so obtained is known as crude rectified spirit and
contains about 95% * v / v or 92% w/w of ethyl alcohol.
 From Starchy MaterialsProcess It consists of the following stepe1.
Sachharification(i) Malting(ii) Mashing(iii) Hydrolysis
2. Alcoholic fermentation: The solution of maltose so obtained
is mixed with yeast at 30°C -35°C and kept for 3-4 days.
Maltose is converted into glucose by the enzyme maltose
contained in the yeast. Glucose is converted to C2H5OH and
CO₂, by the enzyme zymase contained in yeast. A 15% solution
of C2H5OH is obtained by this process-technically known as
'wash'. It is subjected to fractional distillation in a special type
of fractionating column known as "Coffey's still". The vapours
of almost pure alcohol from the head of the fractionating
column are led to the condenser. The distillate so obtained is
known as crude rectified spirit and contains about 95% v/v or
92% w/v of C2H5OH.

Non expensive –
No medical
prepared from waste Neutral in reaction
products --molasses

Soluble in all
Long storage
common fluids
Edible in
small dose Preparation
and act as is easy

extracting Great
power for the
medical preserver

Evaporates easily Highly inflammable Highly taxable

Cannot dissolve in
Not easily procurable
many inorganic salts

Large doses it is poisonous

Precautions in preserving it :
 Store it in cool dark place as it evaporates easily .
 Use bottles made up of pyrex glass.
 Avoid alkaline bottles.
 Highly inflammable so it should be kept in cool place
 1. It is added to the juice of plants in fresh state, to prevent their deterioration . It also prevents
moulds, yeast and fermentation of materials inside.
 2. For preparing mother tinctures and mother solutions from crude drug materials.
 3. For preparing dilutions and higher poten- cies.
 4. It is easy to prepare medicines and medi- cate globules with alcohol.
 5. It is used for preparing medicines from gums, resins, oleo-resins, resinoids, alka- loids, and many
volatile oils.
 6. It is employed for making methylated spirit (for varnishes, lacquers etc.), ether, ethylene,
chloroform, iodoform, acetic acid, etc, and also for transparent soaps, hair washes.
 7. It is a solvent in the dye and rayon indus- tries.

 8. Ethyl esters make fruit essences and per- fumes.

 9. It works as an antiseptic, at a strength of above 10%.
 10. It has a cooling effect and so applied on burns and over forehead to soothe burn- ing sensation and
headache, respectively.

 The role of Protien Carbohydrates

 Nitrogen and non nitrogenous food
 Economise use of fat and carbohydrate
 Why it is regarded as food
 Valuve and engery of alcohol
 The caloric value of alcohol

Fusel oil acids

Water Aldehydes

Ketone inferior
bodies qualities of
 2. Detection of impurities
 3.Method of removal of impurities (purifica- tion of alcohol)After detection of
impurities in alcohol (such as fusel oil, aldehyde, ketone, water, low quality
alcohol etc.), the impure alcohol is purified by distillation with purified animal

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