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Art Appreciation

e-portfolio in
Modern Arts
Submitted by: Manalo, Christle Joy C.
Historical Background

01 Modern Art
Includes artistic works produced during the
02 Modern Art
period extending roughly from the 1860’s to Mid-15th Century some artists choose to use
the 1970’s and denotes the style and new subjects, materials, and techniques that
philosophy of the art produced during that signalled a radical change from a medieval
era. past .

03 Modern art 04 Modern art

19th Century modern art was objected to Academic Art In 1648, The Academic Royale de Peintureet
& The subject matter did not represent life as it really de Sculpture established the so-called
was X The manner in which subjects were rendered Academic Art whose style and subject matter
did not reflect reality as it was observed be the naked where derived from conventions
Styles and
Forms of
Modern Art
Modern sculpture is generally
considered to have begun with the
work of Auguste Rodin, who is seen
as the progenitor of modern sculpture.

s t e Rodi 908
Aug hedral, 1
Th e
Modernist sculpture movements include Art
Nouveau, Cubism, Geometric abstraction,
De Stijl, Suprematism, Constructivism,
Dadaism, Surrealism, Futurism, Formalism
Abstract expressionism, Pop-Art, Aug
Minimalism, Postminimalism, Land art, of C ste Rodin
Conceptual art, and Installation art among , 188 , The Bu
9 rghe

Modern architecture, or modernist architecture,
was an architectural movement or architectural
style based upon new and innovative technologies
of construction, particularly the use of glass, steel,
and reinforced concrete; the idea that form should
follow function (functionalism); an embrace of
minimalism; and a rejection of ornament.

Palácio do Planalto, Brasilia, by Oscar Niemeyer


Villa Savoye, France, by Le Corbusier

The modern period of art history witnessed the
demolition of traditional restrictions, in terms of both
form (the appearance of art) and content (the subject
matter). The most prominent innovation in form was
the rise of increasingly distorted painting styles,
culminating in the birth of abstract art. In terms of
content, painting of the modern period tends to feature
ordinary, everyday scenes, as opposed to the
traditional “lofty” subjects (biblical, mythological,

The Modern Era has been a period of

turbulent change in musical style and taste.
Many modern “art-music” composers have
explored untraditional sounds and have
based their music on rhythm, texture and
tone color, instead of the more traditional
aspects of melody and harmony.
Modern artists, who deliberately sought to
break with traditional styles, innovated a
wide range of new aesthetics. Modern
literature can be broadly divided into two
approaches, realism and radicalism, both
of which can be traced back to ca. 1850.
artists and
their works
Famous Sculptors
and their works

The thinker, 1902 Oviri (Sauvage) 1894 Muse, 1912

Auguste Rodin Paul Gauguin
Famous Sculptors and
their works

Negress (La Negresse)

Boy with a Coney, 1914 The Night, 1920

Henry Gaudier- Brzeska Aristide Maillol
Famous Sculptors
and their works

Groupe de femmes, 1912 “Birth of the Muses”, 1944-1950 Red Mobile, 1956 Public Sculpture, 1967

Joseph Csaky Alexander Calder
Famous Architects
and their works

Solomon R. Guggenheim Chapelle Notre Dame du

Farnsworth House
Museum Haut, Ronchamp

Frank Lloyd Wright Ludwig Mies van der Le Corbusier

Famous Architects
and their works

Gropius House Melkinov House Wainwright Building

Walter Gropius Louis Sullivan
Famous Architects
and their works

Whitney Museum of American art Castle Béranger Murinsel Three World Trade Center

Marcel Breuner Hector Guimard

Famous painters and
their works

Galatea of the Spheres, 1952 Artist’s Garden at Giverny, 1900 Composition 8, 1923

Salvador Dalí Claude Monet Wassily Kandinsky

Famous painters and
their works

Le bonheur de vivre, 1905- Self Portrait with Fright Oriental Poppies, 1927
1906 Wig, 1986

Henry Matisse Andy Warhol Georgia O’Keeffe

Famous painters and
their works

Mural, 1943 Automat, 1927 Composition II en rouge, bleu et

jaune, 1921 The Weeping Woman, 1937

Jackson Pollack Edward Hopper Piet Mondrian Pablo Picasso

Famous composers
and their works

Petrushka, 1911 Pierrot lunaire Rhapsody in Blue, 1924

Igor Stravinsky Arnold Schoenberg George Gershwin

Famous composers
and their works

Piano Sonata No. 2 Symphony No. 8 Music of Changes, 1951

Charles Ives John Cage
Famous composers
and their works

Piano Concerto No. 3 Simple Symphony Make our Garden Grow Clair de lune

Sergei Prokofiev Benjamin Britten Leonard Bernstein Claude Debussy

Famous writers and
their works

Dona Flor and Her Two Macunaíma, 1928

Requiem, 1935–40 Husbands, 1966

Anna Akhmatova Jorge Amado Mário de Andrade

Famous writers and
their works

Four Quartets, 1943 As I Lay Dying, 1930 Estrela de absinto, 1927

T. S. Eliot William Faulkner Oswald de Andrade

Famous painters and
their works

Il Piacere, 1889 Alcools, 1913 Poems, 1928 Murphy, 1938

Gabriele Guillaume W. H. Auden Samuel Beckett



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