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• Two categories of parallel computers are discussed

below are distinguished by having shared common
memory or unshared distributed memory.
• Suitable for general purpose and time sharing
applications by multi user.
• It can be used to speed up the execution of a single
large program in time critical applications.
Other variations – CC-NUMA
• Cache coherent non-uniform memory access
• Specified with distributed shared memory and
cache directories .
• All cache copies must be kept consistent.
• Modern multicomputer use hardware routers to pass
message. Based on the interconnection and routers and
channel used the multi computers are divided into
• 1st generation : based on board technology using
hypercube architecture and software controlled message
switching.Eg:Caltech cosmic
• 2nd Generation: implemented with mesh connected
architecture, hardware message routing and software
environment for medium distributed – grained
computing. Eg: Intel Paragon
• 3rd Generation : fine grained multicomputer like MIT J-
• The network "fabric" used for data transfer varies widely,
• In this section ,we introduce
supercomputer and parallel
processors for vector processing and
data parallelism.
• Vector super computer is built on the top of
scalar processor.
Two pipeline vectors supercomputer models (vector
processor models)
• register to register
– The above figure shows the register –to-register arch.
– Vector register holds vector operands, results etc.
– Vector functional pipeline retrieve operands from vector
registers (to/from).
– All registers are programmable in user instructions.
– Length of each vector register is :64 bit register
in Cray series .
– Other machines uses reconfigurable vector registers to
dynamically match the register length eg:Fujitsu VP
2000 series
• There are fixed numbers of vector registers and
functional pipelines in a vector processor.
• Therefore both resources must be reserved in
advance to avoid resource conflicts between
different vector operations.
• Memory to memory
– uses of a vector stream unit to replace the vector
– Vector operands and results are directly retrieved from
the main memory in super words, say 512 bits as in the
Cyber 205.
Eg: Operational specification of the MasPar MP-
1 computer
• Listed below is a partial specification of the 5-tuple for this
1)MP-1 SIMD machine with N=1024 to 16,384 PEs.

2)The CU executes scalar instructions , broadcasts decoded

vector instructions to the PE-array and control the inter PE-

3)Each PE is a register based load/store RISC prsr capable of

executing integer operations over various data sizes and std fp
operations . PEs receive instructions from CU.
4) The masking scheme is built within each PES and
continuously monitored by the CU which can set
/reset status of each PE dynamically at run time.

5)The MP-1 has an X-net mesh network plus a global

multistage crossbar router for inter CU-PE ,X-net
nearest 8-neighbor,and global router

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