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Chapter: 3 Public Policy : Formulation, implementation and
3. Public Policy : Formulation, implementation and

 Definition of Policy.
 Definition of public Policy.
 Public Policy Process: its Components & Stages.
 Public Agenda as a focal point for Policy Makers.
 The policy makers.
 Implementation of public Policy.
i. Basic principles for implementation
ii.Converting Policy commitments into practice.
iii.Bureaucracy as Agency for implementation.
iv. Conditions that Promote implementation.
v. Conditions that Obstruct implementation

3. Public Policy : Formulation, implementation
and Evaluation

 Evaluation of Public Policy.

 Importance of Public Policy Evaluation.
 General principles of evaluation.
 Key Requirements of Evaluation.
 Public Policy Analysis

3. Public Policy : Formulation, implementation
and Evaluation

 Citizens participation in Public Policy process

 Historical Evolution of Public Policy
 Before Independence
 After Independence
 Pakistan’s Contemporary Administrative structure.
 Key players in public policy process in Pakistan
i. Civil bureaucracy.
ii. Military Bureaucracy.
iii. Political institutions.
iv. Judicial institutions.
v. International Financial Institutions.
vi. Foreign Governments
3. Public Policy : Formulation, Implementation
and Evaluation

 Cotemporary public Policy Processes in Pakistan

i. Legislative policy process.
ii. Top down policy process.
iii. Bottom up policy process
iv. Direct citizen participation programme
A. Public Policy: An introduction-Formulation

 Definition of Policy
 Basic principle by which Govt is guided.
 A declared objective that a Govt or Party seeks to achieve and preserve the
interest of national community.
 Definition of Public Policy
 State declared objective relating to health, moral and well being of
 Public policy is a means by which govt maintains law and order or
addresses the needs of citizens through actions defined by the constitution.
 It is a principled guide to action taken by the administrative/ executive
branch of the state
Public Policy: An introduction-Formulation

 Public Policy Process: Six stages of public policy process

i. Problem Identification
Through individuals, institutions, mass media, interest groups, political parties.
ii.Agenda setting: list of item being actively considered
An idea must make it through political agenda, parliamentarian agenda,
bureaucratic agenda
iii.Policy making
Policy be formulated to address the problem. Policy formulation may be
authorised through parliament
iv. Budgeting Funds be allocated
v. Implementation: through Executive
vi.Evaluation: cost & benefits of policies
Public Policy: An introduction-Formulation

 Public Policy Process: Six stages of public policy process

i. Problem Identification
iv. Formulation
v. Implementation: through Executive
vi.Evaluation Monitoring and control of results
Public Policy: Patton and swaki 1986 six step
 Public Policy Process: Six stages of public policy process
i. Problem Identification
ii. Determining Policy objectives
Iii Establishing Evaluation criteria
iv. Suggesting Possible alternatives
v. Assessing possible alternatives
vi. Implementing, Monitoring and evaluating the new modified policy.
Patton & Swaki Policy Process Model
Public Policy: An introduction-Formulation

 Public Policy process : it’s Components

 Issues that appear on the Public Agenda
i. Substantive issues have major impact on society
ii. Symbolic issues which are quick fixes
 Actors who present , interpret and respond to those issues.
 Resources affected by those issues.
 Institutions that deal with these issues. These are vehicles through which
public policies are formulated
i. The Executive Branch
ii. The legislative Branch
iii. The judiciary
iv. The bureaucracy
v. The regulatory agencies
Public agenda
 Public Agenda Defined as The most demanding problems that have
reached to the attention of policy makers for management and disposition.
 Public Agenda changes with shifting public priorities and values.
 Public Agenda is dynamic in quantity and quality.
 Public agenda are the issues often awaiting action by the policy makers.
 Sources of Public Agenda building
 Public officials i-e President, PM, Legislature, courts, regulatory
agencies, Bureaucracy
 Mass media
 Interests groups
 Bureaucracy
Public Policy-formulation
 The legislature
 The Executive i-e PM and his cabinet
 The judiciary
 The bureaucracy
B. Public Policy-Implementation
 Executive branch of the govt including bureaucracy carry out the public
 Implementation involves organized activities by the govt directed towards
achievement of goals and objectives articulated in authorised policy
 Implementation means adopting rules & regulations, providing services
and products
Principles of Implementation

 Be clear about the problem.

 Work with the wider system.
 Stay close to implementers.
 Stay focused
 Use Ministers to expedite implementation.
Converting public policy commitments into
 Implementation is a process of converting new laws into practice.
 Implementation reveals the gap between policy formulation and
 It also signifies the completion of policy cycle
Conditions that Promote implementation

 Political control on the bureaucracy.

 Legislators can also oversee the implementation process.

 Judiciary can have also its role check the implementation.

 Some miscellaneous steps to expedite implementation:

i. Change the law to tighten loopholes.

ii. Transfer of bureaucrats
iii. Replace the unwilling department.
iv. Cut funding
v . Make legislation more detailed.
Conditions that Obstruct implementation

 Lack of funding.
 Change in priorities.
 Political interference
 Culture of postponement
C. Public Policy- Evaluation

 Definition of Policy Evaluation

 Checking the effects of policies of respective ministries in terms of
efficiency, validity, necessity etc to improve planning and implementation
 Policies are evaluated as per standards.
 Policies are evaluated by a feedback from affectees.
 Scientific research provides empirical evidence regarding effectiveness of
C. Public Policy- Evaluation

 Importance of Evaluation.
 It is the signal to entire organization and stake holders.
 It helps to make evaluation more transparent and democratic.
 Evaluation is a type of learning.
 It is an effective way of changing practice.
 General principles of Evaluation.
 Evaluation should be made part of policy during design phase.
 Evaluation should be resourced.
 Evaluation should be independent from programme managers.
 All stake holders be involved in evaluation.
 It should be timely and strategic.
 It should be transparent, open, comprehensive
C. Public Policy- Evaluation

 Citizens participation in Public Policy process

 Historical Evolution of Public Policy
 Before Independence
 After Independence
 Pakistan’s Contemporary Administrative structure.
 Key players in public policy process in Pakistan
i. Civil bureaucracy.
ii. Military Bureaucracy.
iii. Political institutions.
iv. Judicial institutions.
v. International Financial Institutions.
vi. Foreign Governments
The End

Allah Hafiz

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