HIV/AIDs Biology Fact Sheet

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HIV WORLDwide What is it?

HIV can lead to AIDs Treatments:

Virus Antiretroviral drugs:
Approximately 38 million people worldwide Human immunodeficiency virus
These work by stopping the virus from
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
have HIV or AIDs replicating in the body, and allowing the
immune system to repair itself and prevent
Testing is the essential first step to accessing further damage.
HIV/AIDs A combination of HIV drugs are used as HIV can
AIDs related deaths have been reduced by After the immune system becomes severely quickly adapt and become resistant.
68% since the peak in 2004 damaged symptoms include: Some HIV treatments have been combined into
- Weight loss a single pill. The amount of HIV virus in the
The majority of people with HIV are in low - Chronic Diarrhoea blood is measured to see how well treatment is
and middle income countries, Many - Night Sweats working.
countries hardest hit by HIV also suffer from - Skin Problems
other infectious diseases and food security - Recurrent infections Emergency HIV drugs:
- Serious life-threatening illnesses PEP (prophylaxis) medicine can be used to stop
Symptoms: High-risk people from becoming infected.
- Raised temperature Earlier diagnosis can prevent these PEP involves taking HIV treatment everyday for
- Sore throat problems 1 month, this may cause some side effects.
- Body Rash This is only recommended following exposure,
Other symptoms where the sexual partner is known to be HIV
Kaposi’s sarcoma is a type of cancer that may affect individuals with HIV, It can
- Tiredness positive.
progress quickly if it is not treated. Kaposi’s sarcoma is disease in which cancer
- Joint pain
cells are found in the skin, these tumours appear as purple patches or nodules on
- Swollen Glands Treatment does not cure HIV, however it stops
the skin, and can usually be treated very effectively by taking HIV medicine
the virus from reproducing in the body.
HIV/AIDs Can cause flu-like symptoms Medications have been highly effective at
fighting HIV and it’s complications.
After initial symptoms disappear, HIV may not cause any
furthers symptoms for many years, during this time the
virus continues to be active and causes progressive
damage to the immune system
Q1 Describe the trends of the graph below (4
Q2 Describe and evaluate the uses of 2 HIV
treatments. (5 marks)
Q3 Why can HIV not be treated using
antibiotics? (1 mark)
A) Antibiotics are not effective enough for treating HIV
B) Antibiotics only treat viruses
C) Anti biotics only treat bacterial diseases
D) HIV is a virus

Only A
Only D

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