Battle of Mogadishu

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Battle of Mogadishu

Realised by: Cadet Antonio HAMZA

Coordinator: LTC Laviniu BOJOR
1. Introduction
2. Causes
3. The operation process
4. Aftermath
5. Conclusions
Conducted by US SOF during the Somali Civil War
3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, navy seals, pararescuemen
Objective: Restoring order in Somalia and capturing Mohamed Farrah Aidid
Time: 22 August-13 October 1993
Place: Somalia
Supervised by the Joint Special Operations Command
Belligerents: SUA, Malayasia, Pakistan, Italy against SNA
Result: UNUSOM II tactical victory; Somali National Alliance (SNA) strategic victory
• The situation in Somalia, in 1992 was critical; political, economical and
social causes led to the disastre in 1993
• Famine
• Somalia was ruled by the most powerful of the warlords, Mohamed Farrah
Aidid, who used hunger, as his weapon, to enslave others.
• The declaration of war made by Mohamed Farrah Aidid against the
remaining U.N. peacekeepers, after the Marines had withdrawn.
The operation process
December 1992, W. Bush send troops to establish peace in Somalia Civil war
“Restore hope”
5 june 1993- disappeared any hope of peaceful
8 august- 4 U.S. military died from a bomb attack
2 weeks later, 7 military was injured.
William F. Garrison was the commander of the operation starting with 22 august
3 octomber- Starts the operation of capturing Aidid and his top lieutenant (15:42)
Situation degenerate because of civil people and SNA police.
The battle was over by 06:30 on Monday, 4 October and the U.S. forces
were finally evacuated. While leaving the crash site, there was no room
left in the vehicles for a group of Rangers and Delta operators and they
were forced to depart the city on foot to a rendezvous point.
• The battle resulted in the death of 25 Pakistanis, 19 U.S. soldiers, and 500‒
1,000 Somalis
• The battle shifted American foreign policy and led to an eventual pullout of the
UN mission.
• Task Force Ranger accomplished the objective of the mission, by retrieving the
two targets assigned to them.
• 2 hawks destroyed, 4 hawks damaged
• Two Delta snipers, Master Sergeant Garry Gordon and Sergeant First Class
Randy Shughart were inserted by Super 62, after their first two requests had
been denied.
• Both Gordon and Shughart were killed in the attempt, but Durant was nearly
beaten to death and taken as a prisoner.
5.Command and control system
 Personnel
160 military men (SOF), navy SEALs, pararescue, Ranger Regiment
Deaths: 19 US army, 25 pakistan army, 1 malayesian army, around 1000 SNA
 Equipment
19 aircrafts and helicopters (C-130, hawk)
10 humvees, 2 transport vehicles
1 Rifles / Carbines. 1.1 Colt Model 727. 1.2 Colt Model 733
2 Machine Guns. 2.1 M60. 2.1.1 Special
3 Submachine Guns. 3.1 Heckler & Koch MP5A3. 3.1.1 Special
4 Shotguns. 4.1 Remington 870
5 Handguns. 5.1 M1911A1. 5.2 Tokarev TT-33
6 Launchers. 6.1 RPG-7. 6.2 Norinco Type 69 RPG
7 Grenades. 7.1 M67 Hand Grenade
Radio stations, communications systems
Medical gear
 Process – Procedures
Phase 1: infiltration
Phase 2: Capturing
Phase 3: withdrawal
Displacement using convoy, air support, CQB
 Networks
There was communication using radio stations
 Information System
ISR troops used in Mogadishu before operation
ONU information about historical events
Satellite images, Spying using infiltration of people
What were the main mistakes in your perception?
ONU methods reaction (peacebuilding)
Civil consideration
Thank you for watching!

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