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College of EducatIon

Prof 212
SY 2023-2024

Prof 212
Jaylord P. Manaud, MAEd Assessment in Learning 1
MEASURES OF College of EducatIon

Dispersion or variation in a data set is the amount of
difference between data values. It tells if the numbers
in the data are close together or spread far apart. In a
data set with little variation, almost all data values
would be close to one another. In a data set with a great
deal of variation, the data values would be spread

Prof 212
Jaylord P. Manaud, MAEd Assessment in Learning 1

RANGE College of EducatIon

It is the difference between the

largest and smallest data values in
a data set.

Range = Highest Value – Lowest Value

Prof 212
Jaylord P. Manaud, MAEd Assessment in Learning 1

VARIANCE College of EducatIon

It is the average of squared

deviations from the mean of
a set of data. It is calculated
using two formulas
depending on whether the
data set being considered is
a population or a sample
data set.
Prof 212
Jaylord P. Manaud, MAEd Assessment in Learning 1

VARIANCE College of EducatIon

1. Determine the mean of the observations.

2. For each observation, calculate the deviation
(difference) between each observation and the
3. Calculate the square of each of the deviations
and find the sum of these squared deviations.
4. If the data is a population, then divide the sum
by 𝑁. If the data is a sample, then divide the sum
by 𝑛 − 1.

Prof 212
Jaylord P. Manaud, MAEd Assessment in Learning 1

It is the most commonly

used measure of variation.
A measure of the “average”
distance of a data value
from the mean for the data
set. It is also the square
root of the variance.
Prof 212
Jaylord P. Manaud, MAEd Assessment in Learning 1

EXAMPLE College of EducatIon

Find the Range, Variance, and Standard

Deviation of the of the given set of data:
4 5 5 6 7 8 8 9 9 9

Range = Highest Value – Lowest Value = 9 – 4 =

Prof 212
Jaylord P. Manaud, MAEd Assessment in Learning 1

EXAMPLE College of EducatIon

Find the Range, Variance, and Standard Deviation of the of

the given set of data: 4 5 5 6 7 8 8 9 9 9
Mean = = 7
x x̅ x – x̅ (x – x̅ )2

𝑠 =∑ ¿ ¿ ¿
4 7 -3 9 2
5 -2 4
5 -2 4
6 -1 1 2 32
7 0 0 𝑠 =
8 1 1
10 − 1
4 𝑠 =
𝑠=√ 3 .5556
𝑠 =3 . 5556 𝑠=1 . 89
9 2 4 2
9 2 4

∑(x – x̅ )2 =32Prof 212

Jaylord P. Manaud, MAEd Assessment in Learning 1

EXAMPLE College of EducatIon

Find the Range, Variance, and Standard

Deviation of the of the given set of data:
12, 12, 12, 15, 16, 16, 17, 18, 19, 19, 20

Range = Highest Value – Lowest Value = 20 – 12 = 8

Variance = 8.8 SD = √8.8 = 2.97

Prof 212
Jaylord P. Manaud, MAEd Assessment in Learning 1

Z-SCORE College of EducatIon

The standard score (or 𝑧-score) of a

data value is the number of standard
deviations that the value lies above or
below the mean. It measures how
many standard deviations a value is
away from the mean. It is used to
compare scores from groups of data
with different terms.
Prof 212
Jaylord P. Manaud, MAEd Assessment in Learning 1

Z-SCORE College of EducatIon

1. The 𝑧-score of a value is positive if the value is above

the mean and negative if it is below the mean. The mean
itself always has a 𝑧-score of 0.
2. A data value is considered to be unusual if it is more
than two standard deviations from the mean.
3. A data value is unusually high if it has a 𝑧-score
larger than 2 and unusually low if it has a 𝑧-score of less
than −2.

Prof 212
Jaylord P. Manaud, MAEd Assessment in Learning 1

Z-SCORE College of EducatIon

 Sample mean is 75.

First section  Sample standard deviation is 5.6.
 Sample mean is 72.
Second section  Sample standard deviation is 7.

Linda, who is from the first section

got a score of 68 while her friend,
Jessa, who is in the second section got
a score of 60. Who has a higher
standard score?
Prof 212
Jaylord P. Manaud, MAEd Assessment in Learning 1

Z-SCORE College of EducatIon

 Sample mean is 75.

First section  Sample standard deviation is 5.6.
 Sample mean is 72.
Second section  Sample standard deviation is 7.

Linda, who is from the first section got a score of 68

while her friend, Jessa, who is in the second section got a
score of 60. Who has a higher standard score?

𝑥 −𝑥̅1 68−75 −7 𝑥 −𝑥̅ 2 60−72 −12

𝑧1 = = = = −1.25 𝑧2 = = = = −1.71
𝑠1 5.6 5.6 𝑠2 7 7

Prof 212
Jaylord P. Manaud, MAEd Assessment in Learning 1

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