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Genesis chapter 1

• God’s management principles

or kingdom management principles
• born to be in business
• designed by God to be in business
• cemetery
• dreams that never became reality, books that
were never written, paintings that were never
painted, are in the graveyard, music that was
never written or sung are in the cemetery
• “potential” means “untapped power,
unused energy, dormant ability”; it
means hidden strength, it means
unused success.
• never manifesting the great ability,
gifts, and talents that is within each of
Genesis 1:26 - 28
“And God said, Let us make man in our
image, after our likeness:” Why did God create
these beautiful creatures called man? It is
written in the next statement,“and let them
have dominion over the fish of the sea, and
over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and
over all the earth, and over every creeping thing
that creepeth upon the earth.So God created
man in his own image, in the image of God
created he him; male and female created he
them. And God blessed them...”
• same company man
• same product
• different models two
• “man” models
• “ish”
• referring to the whole species, all of us
are spirit beings called “man”
• different models and God blessed them
• He gave us dominion
↦“to govern, to rule, to control, to master, to
manage, and to lead.”
↦“dominion” means rulership, kingship,
authority to govern, to rule, to control, to
manage, and to lead
• he had rulership; when God created you, He
did not have servitude on His mind, he had
authority, and dominion, and management, and
• to demonstrate rulership, dominion, authority,
mastery, management, but not over people
• so mind your own business
• over something on the earth.
• the spirit of dominion, trapped inside of
you is the gift of rulership and mastery
but not over people
• inside of Adam
• He put it there
• verse 28
• “And God blessed them,”
• a blessing must be followed by an
• Why? Because a blessing is a
permission to release ability that is
trapped on the inside
• “to bless” means to permit ability to be
• “And God blessed them, and say…”
• Because to bless means to identify and
to release ability
• Adam
↦“dark earth.”
↦Hebrew description
↦dark earth
• woman
↦verse 28, God is starting a business.
• “Adam, be fruitful,”
• “Be fruitful.”
Genesis 2:4-7,
“These are the generations of the heavens
and of the earth when they were created, in the
day that the Lord God made the earth and the
heavens, And every plant of the field before it
was in the earth, and every herb of the field
before it grew: for the Lord God had not caused
it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a
man to till the ground. But there went up a mist
from the earth, and watered the whole face of
the ground. And the Lord God formed man of
the dust of the ground, and breathed into his
nostrils the breath of life; and man became a
living soul.”
• “because God did not allow rain,”
• He did not want anything to grow
• verse 5
• no man to work the ground.
• “work”
↦“to manage, to create order, to cultivate,
to produce productivity.”
• manager
• God created you and me because he needed
a manager.
• MANAGEMENT is God’s motivation for your
• God needing a manager
• he needed someone to manage the material
resources on earth.
• God needing a business manager.
• God will not allow growth where there is no
• When you fail to manage, God will make sure
things die and if you do not manage what you
do have, you will lose what you have
• Mismanagement will always produce poverty;
good management will always attract prosperity
• good management and effective management
will always produce more.
Here’s a lesson to remember about

t m o re fr o m
if you wan li tt le
g e th e
God, mana v e ly
e e ffe c ti
you hav

God is always watching management.

• Luke chapter 16
• if you cannot be trusted with little first,
who will trust you with more?
• if you mismanaged little, you will
mismanaged much
• God refuse to allow progress and growth
on earth because there was no man to
• verse 7, so, the Lord God formed the man
form the dust of the ground, breathe into
him the breath of life and man became a
living being soul.
Management is the effective
coordination of resources for the
successful fulfilment of goals.
Management is the intentional acceptance
of responsibility for the use of resources
with accountability to oneself and to
another’s authority

Management is the successful

fulfilment of stewardship
• Luke chapter 16
• if you cannot be trusted with little first, who will trust you with
• if you mismanaged little, you will mismanaged much
• God refuse to allow progress and growth on earth because
there was no man to manage
• verse 7, so, the Lord God formed the man form the dust of the
ground, breathe into him the breath of life and man became a
living being soul.
• 1. Management is the effective coordination of resources for
the successful fulfilment of goals.
• 2. Management is the intentional acceptance of
responsibility for the use of resources with accountability to
oneself and to another’s authority.
• Management is the successful fulfilment of stewardship
• same mandate
• whatever you mismanage, you will lose
• same mandate
• whatever you mismanage, you will
• you must maximize and effectively
learn how to manage what you have
• Start with what you have and make it
• Let me close with God’s
program for management
• God will never give you an instruction
without giving you instruction on how
to do it
• how to do
• verse 27-28
• God created man in his own image, male
and female; and God blessed them
• “blessing” mean?
• To release what’s on the inside
First of all, he said,
(1) “be fruitful”;
(2) “multiply”;
(3) “replenish”;
(4) “subdue”;
(5) “have dominion”.
Verse 28 is a secret to good business
How do you go from rags to riches?
• “fruitful”
• “to be productive”.
• it means to be productive
• to be productive
• produce something
• “fruitful”
• God uses the word fruitful also
because it assumes that there is seed.
• the seed pre-exists
• Fruit comes from seed
• “be seedful”
• Because he has already assumed that
you have seed
• to be fruitful, produce what I know is
on the inside
• “be fruitful”
• a job and a business
• a job is what they pay you to do but a business
is what you pay them to become
• A businessman/woman, a genuine business
person, doesn’t seek a job, they seek to
manifest and idea
• entrepreneurs.
• And entrepreneur is a person who discovered
an idea that wouldn’t leave them.
• you are only designed and built to
produce your own seed
• my wealth is in my seed
• in the Caribbean

• the seeds don’t know that, so they still

grow – so it is with you and I
• to multiply that fruit
• reproduce it
• “multiply”
• “reproduce”
• First, they produced a fruit
• Steven Jobs
• software outside of college
• how do you multiply it?
• You must develop a fruit
that is able to be multiplied.
• “replenish”
• “to distribute”
• distribution
• Business will only succeed if you can
distribute your product
• no distribution system
• listen to the Words of God; first
produce a fruit, then multiply it,
reproduce it, then distribute it
• You must find a way to distribute
• lack of distribution
• Why can’t we dream?
• Distribution is the key to success in

• they produce a product then they

reproduce it
• What is your distribution system?
• Jesus Christ created the first global
• Go into all the world,” he says, “
• the Gospel, to every creature.” You
must think the same way.
• “subdue”
• “to control the market.”
• Every successful business will only
succeed if it controls its part of the
• he subdues the market
• go into business to dominate the
market of your gift.
• Become the best in your gifting
• Subdue
• if you are fruitful, produce your gift
and if you multiply, reproduce your
gift, and if you distribute, replenish
your gift and if you dominate your
market, subdue it; then he says, you
will have dominion
• My question is … what do
• There’s something you master?
you were born to
do that no one
else can do like you.
• John chapter 17.
• “What are you doing here? We were
looking for you everywhere.”
• going “everywhere”.
• find something to master
• “you were looking for ME? Did you not
know …”
• “... I was about My Father’s business.”
• focus on one thing
• “father’s business”?
• Father, the hour has come to glorify
Your Son because I have brought You
• “Lord, let me bring you glory on earth.”
• What is your business?
• My business is to be a ransom and to
teach the kingdom to the world and to
die to redeem them.
• they “are” mango trees
• “now, I brought you glory.”
• that is where your prosperity is
• “a man’s education will make room for
him in the world,”
• “a man’s gift.”
• he that turneth his gift, it shall prosper
• “turneth”
• to refine, to develop, to maximize
• your business is something you are

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