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Before the start of actual polygraph test, the

examiner must obtain complete background of the
case. Polygraph does not violate a subject’s human
rights if voluntary consent is acquired.
A polygraph test last about 1 to 3 hours
 Examinee is informed of his involvement in the case
being investigated;
 Obtaining consent of the examinee to undergo
polygraph examination;
 Taking of Personal Data of the subject;
 Assessment of the subject’s emotional and
physiological suitability to undergo the test;
 Attachment of transducers to the body along with
such explanation to the subject;
 Review of test questions to be asked to the subject.
 This is the actual instrumental phase where all the questions
reviewed during pre-test is asked to the subject.
 May last 45 minutes to 1 hour depending on the cooperation of the
 For computerize polygraph system, biometrics data like photo of
the subject, fingerprint and signature of the subject will be taken;
 If the subject’s test indicates deception, a short interview is taken to
obtain possible admission or confession;
 If the subject’s test indicates otherwise, the subject shall be released
and words of appreciation shall be extended for his/her cooperation.
 Assure the examinee that evaluation and review of the charts will
be accomplished in a few days;
 If any doubts exists, a conference with the investigator shall be
taken up to resolve issues of concern
 Review of all test data acquired from examination and
interpretation of polygraph charts which forms the basis for any of
the conclusions:
 Subject is telling the truth;
 Subject is not telling the truth;
 Inconclusive.
 A written report is prepared for the requesting party consisting of:
 Summary of the case information
 List of relevant test questions,
 Subject’s answers
 Examiner’s opinion
 Re-test or re-examination may be conducted
 Insufficiency of standard tracing,
 Uncooperativeness of subject;
 Countermeasures

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