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ROLL NO :CE-020 (2019-20)

About The Writer
Shuja Nawaz
 Distinguished Political And Military Analyst.
 He Started his career with PTV, then worked with various
news agencies.
 Has Worked Previously with IMF, World Bank and Other
Reputable Organizations.
 Currently Works at Different Think Tanks Across the
 Has Written Various books on Foreign and Military
conflicts of Pakistan.
 This Book offer a detailed insight into the History of
Pakistan Army and it’s involvement in the evolution of
 Throughout it’s 18 Chapter it Covers in Detail the
 Indo Pak Wars of (1947,1965,1971 And Kargil War)
 Civil Military Relationship
 Alliance With the USA in terms of Military Aid and in
different conflicts
 Involvement in Internal Conflicts within the Country
 Martial Law Regimes in the Country.
1 Indo Pak Wars

This book briefly discuss 4 indo Pak wars (1947,1965,1971 and 1999) and strategies that was adopted by the Pakistan Armed
forces to face an enemy larger is size and weaponry.
 In all of these wars except for 1971 war in Pakistan Army war strategy was solely based on keeping the war within the Kashmir
and it never wished to expand the war on the international border. However India was quick to expand it to other fronts.
 Owing to this strategy Pakistan army in all of these wars adopted a defensive approach on the international border due to larger
size of enemy as compare to itself.
 Strategic failures of the Pakistan army and the events that lead to these strategic failures were also discussed in detail. Throughout
these wars there were various strategic failures like
 Lack of boldness form Higher Military Command in spite of some exemplary display bravery from it’s junior officers and
soldiers on many instances.
 Failure to gain information about enemy strengths, weaknesses and their strategies before starting the conflict.
 Lack of foresight of possible end result and their consequences on the international relations .
2 Civil Military relationship
 The book also very briefly discussed about the civil military relations and how the Pakistani military progressively took power
from the political establishment after independence. Directly military has ruled the country through four martial laws.
 Although the open role of military in a Political system is always controversial but this role was due to internally weak and
undemocratic political parties rule by individual personalities wanted to involve the army in political affairs to get into the
corridors of powers only to become critical of it’s active role in politics later.
 The army, while trying the save the nation, has found itself acting as power broker for a variety of competing political groups and
running a civilian administration for which it was never trained.
 As a result of fragile civil military relations Pakistan’s diplomatic position in international community have always remains a
question mark owing to doubts in the minds of international world about who is running the country actually. This Factor have
3 Alliance with USA
 Since Independence Pakistan Military has remain a close ally of USA . Pakistan army has received a considerable military
aid form the US by remaining indulge with the US in the conflicts like Cold war, Afghan War and War on Terror.
 The close relationship with USA has given Boost to Important role of military in country’s foreign affairs . However in this
alliance with the USA and in various conflicts Pakistan army has acted upon on national interest mainly .
 Although these military aid was primary source of acquisition of weapons for the army in its early stages but this supply of
military aid was conditional. But strategically acquisition this military aid did helped Pakistan army a lot in it’s various
conflicts especially in wars against India.

4 Involvement in Internal Conflicts

 From the independence Pakistan’s Military had to involve in different internal conflicts within the country . The book had
describes these conflicts in detailed manner , strategies that were adopted and their failure . The conflicts that were being
discussed are as follows.
 East Pakistan
 Baluchistan Insurgency
 Karachi Operation
 War on Terror
 All of these conflicts except for war on terror were political and administrative in nature . Failure to solve it politically
resulted in involvement of military which was only a partial solution to these conflicts.
 Since it’s involvement in war on Terror Pakistan Military strategy have proved to quiet effective in countering this terrorism .
This was quiet an achievement pertaining to the fact this warfare was quiet different from the traditional one’s .
5 Martial Law’s Regimes
 The Pakistan Military has been in the corridors of Power from independence in the different Martial regimes
 Ayub Khan
 Yayha Khan
 Zia l Ul Haq
 Pervez Musharraf
 All of these martial laws were enforced were enforced as result of political instability and were given constitutional recognition
due to ideology of need. However in longer runs these military rule was not successful as they prolonged way too much contrary
to the initial commitments to remain in power for just temporary period.
 As a result of remaining in Power for so long a corporate culture was developed in the army leading to its induction in various
civilian institution’s.

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