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Chapter 11

Mr. Telesk
Brain Gym Exercises

Answer the following maths problem:


Brain Gym Exercises

Answer the following maths problem:

= 3.75

Brain Gym Exercises

Let's make a list of things that can be

accomplished in 3.75 hours:


You’re a news reporter.

Break up into 4 news agencies, 4 students in
each agency.

The events of chapter 11 have just unfolded,

and you have 30 - 60 seconds to report your
assigned event live on the air.

You have 5 minutes to put the newscast

together with your team.
Agency 1: Reporting on the death of Ade Coker
(p. 199 to 201 and 206 to 207).

Agency 2: Reporting on the state of Papa after

the death of Ade Coker (p. 206 -208)

Agency 3: Reporting on the destruction of the

painting the ensuing beating inflicted upon
Kambili by Papa (p. 208-211).

Agency 4: Reporting on Kambili’s recovery in

the hospital (p.211-216).
Outcome: Show detailed knowledge of the content of the text.

How does the

government's action
against Ade Coker
mirror Papa's action
against Kambili in 2 to 3 minutes to think, discuss in pairs, and then
this chapter? share what you’ve come up with.

Outcome: explore the text beyond surface

3.75 Hours
15 minutes a
year for 15 years
The Painting is the catalyst for Papa’s attack on Kambili
Read the following quote and take a
few minutes to think about why, even
though she knew Papa would react
with violence, Kambili chose to not
hide the painting of her grandfather
(pg. 209). Considering this, what does
the painting represent at this point in
the story?
“Art is a reflection of humanity. It
helps us understand ourselves—our
beauty and our scars—and also the
world in which we live”. – Chase
Purdy, Food Writer for Quartz.
Activity: All events today, however tragic or personal, are relayed in
real-time via Twitter.
Choose a character
from the text and
write a 280-character
reaction to Papa's
actions against
Kambili from their

Outcome: demonstrate understanding of what's thought, felt, or imagined.

Wrap-up Discussion

Silence is very much a character in Purple Hibiscus. In chapters 9 and 10 we see

Kambili slowly break free of that silence and begin speaking freely for the first time.
Consider the theme of silencing dissent in this chapter. What effect does the active
silencing of dissent have on a society?
Thank you for your time!
The government's response to Coker's investigations and the subsequent actions of
Kambili's father expose a commonality in the abuse of authority. Whether on a
national scale or within the confines of a family, the oppressive nature of those in
power manifests in silencing voices that dare to dissent.
Write a short News
write a very brief news report
outlining the who, what, where, why,
and when of Ade Coker's death.

You may reference the information at

the beginning of CH 11, but also
reflect on CH 10.

10 Minutes

Outcome: demonstrate understanding of

events within context.

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