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APMATH-Applied Mathematics

MD-Perform shop computations (basic)

TD-Perform mensurations and
• MD-Mechanical Drafting NC1 ( Metals and Engineering)
• TD-Technical Drafting NCII (Construction)
Unit Descriptor
• This unit covers the competencies required to
perform basic calculations using the four-
fundamental operation.(MD)
• This module covers the knowledge, skills and
attitudes on identifying, and measuring
objects based on the required performance
Learning Outcome (MD)
1. Perform four fundamental operations
2. Convert fraction to decimal and vice
3. Convert English to Metric measurement
and vice versa
4. Calculate tap drill size
5. Compute feed and speed
Learning Outcome (TD)
Upon completion of this module, you must be able to:

1. Perform four fundamental operations.

2. Perform basic calculations involving fractions
and decimals
3. Perform basic calculations involving percentages.
4. Perform basic calculation involving ration and
5. Perform calculations on algebraic expressions
Subject Requirements
1. Written Work– Quizzes
2. Performance Task-Assignments
3. Major Exams-prelim, midterm, semi final and
final examinations
Applied mathematics involves the application of
mathematics to problems which arise in various
areas, e.g., science, engineering or other diverse
areas, and/or the development of new or
improved methods to meet the challenges of
new problems.
LO1 Perform four fundamental operation
There are four holes in the base, sixteen holes in
the body and six holes in the handle. How many
holes does the machine have?


4 holes + 16 holes + 6 holes = 26

In the drawing find the missing vertical and
horizontal measurements.
• Solution:


7 cm. – (2 cm. + 1 cm. + 2 cm.) = ?

7 cm. – 5
cm. = 2 cm.
• Horizontal Measurement

6 cm. – (2 cm. + 2 cm.)

6 cm.
– 4 cm. = 2 cm.
One side of the perimeter
fence of a lot has four bays
with equal measurement of
three meters. What is the
length of the side perimeter


4 bays X 3 m.
= 12 m.
According to an
average car has 30,000 parts.
How many parts were needed
to produced 52 cars in the
assembly line?


52 cars X
30,000 parts = 1,560,000 parts
How many pieces of ¼ “ thk.
marine plywood are needed in
the carpentry of 24 sq. m. floor
area low cost housing unit.
Note: Area of plywood = 2.88
sq. m.

24 sq. m. ÷
2.88 sq. m. = 8.33 pcs. ¼ “ thk.
marine plywood

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