Welcome - Master - 2019-20 - University of Gävle

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Welcome to University of Gävle

Master programme in:

Management of logistics and innovation
60 credits

Assoc. Prof. Robin von Haartman

Programme Manager & Head of Subject
11:440, rhn@hig.se

• Registration
• The Master Programme
• Your courses
• Master thesis
• Teaching forms and
• CLIP – Centre for logistics and
Innovative Production
• The subjects area of Industrial
Engineering and Management
• Photos!
• And of course, your questions.
MSc Programmes in Industrial Eng. and Mgmt
with profile in Logistics and Innovation Management

Knowledge in strategies and University degree according to

methods for developing the Swedish system:
innovative and sustainable
supply chains, applied to new MSc in Industrial Engineering
and established enterprises and Management (1 year).
(“Magister i industriell ekonomi”)
Our programmes

 Undergraduate programmes, 180 cr
 2 programmes: “industriell ekonomi”, “ekonomiingenjör”
 Currently only in Swedish

 Master programme, 60 cr
 Management of logistics and innovation,
 Only in English

 PhD programme, 240 cr.

 New, own PhD programme and collaboration with KTH PhD
school at University of Gävle
 Collaboration with universities in Stockholm, Linköping,
Lund, Luleå
Master programmes 60 credits
Autumn Spring
Now! Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4
Introduction to Industrial Project Innovation Management Master thesis,
industrial Management, and processes, 6.0 15.0
management , 3.0 6.0 Dr. Sarah Philippson
Lykke Sifwerbrand and ‘Dr.
5 Sept Dr. Robin von Haartman Robin von Haartman
99:136 Reliability, Simulation techniques Strategic Sustainability
Maintainability and for logistics systems, 6.0 management, 6.0
Safety Engineering, Dr. Ming Zhou Prof. Rodrigo Lozano,
6.0 Dr. Maria Barreiro Gen
17 Sept and Lea Fobbe
Dr. Ming Zhou
11:220 Strategies and Scientific methods for industrial engineering and
principles for effective management, 6.0
logistics, 6.0 Dr. Maria Barreiro Gen
Dr. Robin von Haartman

Do you want to learn Swedish? Let me asap know if you are interested!
Recommended: Free online courses in geographical information systems (GIS)*, no credits

You need a total of 60 credits in order

to get your degree
Your master degree

 Detailed study plan and requirements. Available at our

 Degree of Master of Science (60 credits) with a major in

Industrial Engineering and Management. In Swedish: Fil.
Mag or Tekn. Mag. (if you have sufficient mathematics)

 Formal master degree criteria

 Courses at basic level of a minimum of 180 credits
 Completed master courses of a minimum of 60 credits at advanced level,
and within the main subject area of Industrial engineering and
The faculty
Teachers you will meet
Lars Bengtsson, PhD, Professor
 Subjects
Innovation Management
Rodrigo Lozano, PhD, Professor Sustainability Management
Ming Zhao, PhD TQM, Reliability, Simulation
Robin von Haartman, PhD Logistics & Supply Chain Management
Maria Barreiro Gen Methodology, Sustainability Management
Chris Dominic, PhD Logistics & Supply Chain Management
Lars Löfqvist, PhD Methodology, Innovation mgmt
Sarah Philipson, PhD Innovatio management
Lykke Silfwerbrand, MSc Project management
Camilla Niss, PhD Project Management
Amer Jazairly , PhD Student Logistics & Supply Chain Management
Jamila Alieva, PhD Student Project Management
Lea Fobbe, PhD Student Sustainability management

In bold = main lecturers

Course platforms

 Student portal ( https://studentportal.hig.se/ )

 Schedules
 If You are a registered student at the University of Gävle you can
see your personal timetable in the Student Portal

 If You who are not registered on the course / program, you are
able to search your schedule by the schedule display tool - KronoX.

 Black Board (http://blackboard.hig.se/ )

 Course platform
Teaching forms
 Teaching forms

 Mixture of lectures, exercises, seminars and supervised projects
 Company related assignments: Interplay between theory and
 Balance: Teacher-led lectures  Studies on your own.
 You will probably experience a higher workload compared to
your previous bachelor programme.

 Examination
 Examining the courses: Written and oral tests, home exams,
assignment tasks, project work and seminars.
 Marks: Pass: A-E, Fail: Fx and F.
 Examining the program: Concluding master thesis.
Specific requirements

 Learning by critical reflection, not copying
 Critical reflection is the basis of management studies
 Produce your own texts. Copying not allowed.
 Safe-Assign is used to check your assignments. See blackboard
(BB) course “test you paper with Safeassign”
 Be active. You are individually responsible for your studies
 Much study time on your own
 Be active. Search information on BB, e-mail, …
 Written instructions are important
 Dialogue is crucial. Questions? Ask the teacher.
 Format
 Good written English is crucial. Use library resources!
 Apply our formal report manual. Found on blackboard.
Master thesis

 Scientific work within the main subject area
 Full time during 10 weeks in April, May and June.
 Groups of 2 students
 Independent application of theory and methods
 Scientific problems and usually company related
 Supervisors: One teacher and sometimes one company tutor
 Support during the entire process: From defining the problem
and choosing methods to final examination. But you are in
 Final examination in June (or Sept)
 Oral presentation 20 minutes.
 Opposition 20 minutes
 Manuals and templates for thesis work on Blackboard:
IE: Information for final thesis
Organising the master thesis

 Defining the theme of the thesis:
 Continuous dialogue to define your areas of interests
 Selected teacher/supervisor and students define the study
together in January-April
 Be active. The teacher may open the doors to companies,
but you have to enter the company and make contact.
 The student write a one page “research proposal”:
Problem, Purpose, Method, Expected Results

 Supervisors support during the entire process

Examples of master thesis topics

 Continuous innovations in logistic
 Digitisation & Lean Manufacturing: A study about Changes in
Manufacturing when the Products are getting Smarter and Connected
 Strategic purchasing in SMEs
 Portfolio approaches in purchasing
 Implementing Lean production at Syntronic
 Lean product development and innovation capability
 Building continuous innovation capability at Korsnäs AB
 Performance measurement system (BSC) at Syntronic
 Explaining CI behaviour in Hong Kong and Sweden by Hofstede’s culture
 Sustainable E-commerce: How to integrate the dimensions of sustainability
within the e-commerce sector.
 Optimizing spare-parts management
 Simulation model at a Sheet metal company
Research profile

R&D projects Partners
• Logistics • Business
• Innovative production • Region

Education Network
• Classes • Competence resource
• Student work • Conferences
• Commissions • Seminars

Centre for Logistics and Innovative Production


• Registration
• The Master Programme
• Your courses
• Master thesis
• Teaching forms and
• CLIP – Centre for logistics and
Innovative Production
• The subject area of Industrial
Engineering and Management
• Photos!
• And of course, your questions.
Smart specialisering

Bio- Digtiala tjänster & Smarta hållbara städer Hållbart & inkluderande Materialteknologi &
ekonomi processer & samhällen arbetsliv Hållbar produktion


CLIP 4.0 Interorg. Digitalt Innovativa

Collaboration Implementation Designdriven samarbete suppliers
for sust. of bioinnovation i nätverk
logistics Human Lean DigITcoll

Sustainable Lean 4.0 - Lean Open and

ports and meets sustainable
transport digitalisation innovations
science center strategies

Transport Science Center Human Lean Center Living Lab

Development based on scientific research, co-production, coaching, education

and collaboration
Introduction to Industrial
Master Programme in Management of Logistics and
Management at Advanced Level, 3


Robin von Haartman, PhD
Programme manager, Associate professor

 Schedule for this week

Period 1 Period 2 Period 3

Introduction to Industrial Project Innovation Management
industrial Management, and processes, 6.0

Reliability, Simulation techniques Strategic Sustainability

Maintainability and for logistics systems management
Safety Engineering

Strategies and Scientific methods for industrial engineering and

principles for effective management, 6.0

Total Quality


Innovative Supply Chains

Industrial Engineering and Management

 Literature analysis
 Case studies
 Simulations
 Surveys
Assignment for the
 course
 Perspectives on industrial-, engineering- or operations management
 Find and read at least 4 scientific article, representing at least 4 of the subjects in the
 The articles should also cover the 3 methodologies: case studies, surveys and
 Write a literature review of at least 5 pages (font 12, single spaced).
 The text should include: introduction, literature review, methods, discussion,
conclusion and references
 Pay special attention to:
 What is the main content of the papers
 How do the papers relate to each other, and the subject of this programme?
 What methodologies have been used? Why did they use these methodologies? Are
they appropriate? Could other methodologies have been used instead. What are the
relative advantage of each method. This is the most important part of your discussion
 Make sure the work is properly referenced, preferably using Harvard style referencing
(see blackboard)
Grading of the


A (~10%) Excellent review of at least 6 scientific articles, Well developed

review and discussion/analysis of methodologies, comparison
across articles and a discussion of the relationship to
industrial/operations management.
B (~20%) Very good review of at least 5 articles. Some weakness in one of the
parts above

C (~20%) Good review of at least 4 articles. Some weaknesses in one or two of

the parts above

D (~20%) Reviewed at least 4 scientific articles, representing 4 subjects.

Commented on methodology and contains elements of all parts
E (~10%) Reviewed 4 scientific articles, properly referenced, 5 pages. Limited
discussion covering only some of the aspects mentioned above.

Fx (~20%) Did not review 4 scientific articles, no comments on methodologies,

and/or improperly reference or much too short
Your Questions?


 In order for you to better get to know each other, and
the staff to know you, I’d like to take a photo of all of
you. A list with names and photos will be distributed
to you within a week.
 Participation is NOT compulsory, but appreciated.
The pictures will be shared among your teachers and
will also be on blackboard for your course mates to

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