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Who or what is this?

What other words does

the word “hobbit” make
you think of?
What other words does the word
“hobbit” make you think of?

The word is probably best seen as a

blend of rabbit and hob, an obsolete
British word meaning “a rustic,
peasant” or “sprite, elf.”
by J.R.R
science fiction

Task One:
Create a list of science fiction, fantasy, and
paranormal works that you know.

You can include books, video games,

movies, and television shows.

You have 4 minutes

Out of the three, do you have a favourite genre?
Why do you think it appeals to you?
How are works of fantasy similar to works of science fiction and the
What elements make the genre of fantasy unique?
Fantasy literature often includes some of the following characteristics

• Magical Forces
• World Building
• Fantastical Characters
• A Dangerous Quest
• Mythical Creatures
Magical Forces
Writers of fantasy literature often come up with their
own magical systems, or borrow from the rich
history of magic from tales of witches, wizards and
mages. Exploring magic is half the fun of a fantasy
story, after all!
World Building
The unique setting of fantasy literature is part
of what makes it fantasy. Whether it’s set in an
alternative magical world, or in a time before
history, fantasy stories rely on world building
to make them believable for the reader. Put
simply, world building is when the author
spends time thinking about the details of the
world they have created. It can get very
complicated. Tolkien even invented his own
languages when writing his books!
Fantastical Characters
Characters sit at the heart of most
genres, and fantasy is no different.
As this genre often focuses on
battles and a fight for power in a
large world, one key thing to focus
on is how each character is related
to each other, and how they all
influence the main character (or
Bilbo Baggins
A Dangerous Quest
The plot of a fantasy story typically features a grand adventure for
its characters to go on. This quest could take the form of a journey, a
mystery to solve, or an obstacle to overcome.

J. R. R. Tolkien's best-known novels, The Hobbit and The Lord of th

e Rings, both have the structure of quests, with a hero setting out, fac
ing dangers, achieving a goal, and returning home.
Mythical Creatures
Unicorns, dragons, pixies and other
mythical beasts are all part of many
fantasy stories.
What kind of source materials do you think authors of fantasy might
draw upon to create their imagined worlds?

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