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Press and Its Role In

An Overview On Freedom Of Press
The Indispensable Fourth Pillar: Press Freedom and
the Bedrock of Democracy
A vibrant democracy thrives on a foundation of pillars, each crucial in upholding its
structure and safeguarding its principles. Among these pillars, the press stands
tall, not just as a chronicler of events, but as an active participant in shaping and
safeguarding the very essence of a democratic society. A free and independent
press serves as the lifeblood of a healthy democracy, its role as indispensable as
the branches of government and the rule of law.
Right to speech and expression gives the to right which is freedom of press. Indian
democracy depends on four pillars, fourth and strongest pillar is press. No doubt
there is avital role of press to develop Indian democracy. Before independence
and after independence press has played an important role to establish a good
governance and transparency. Democracy cannot survive without this right.
Freedom of Press in India: A Constitutional Imperative
Freedom of the press is a fundamental aspect of a thriving democracy, ensuring
the dissemination of information, fostering public debate, and holding those in
power accountable. In India, the freedom of the press is enshrined in the
Constitution and is regarded as an essential pillar of democratic governance.
Constitutional Framework Of Freedom Of Press In India
The Constitution of India, under Article 19(1)(a), guarantees the right to freedom of
speech and expression to all citizens. Freedom of speech and expression is a
fundamental right. This constitutional provision forms the bedrock for the freedom
of the press, recognizing the media's role as a vital conduit for the exchange of
ideas and information. However, this right is not absolute and is subject to
reasonable restrictions, including those related to defamation, contempt of court,
and incitement to violence.
Brief Overview of Fundamental Rights In India And Article 19

Article 19 of the Indian Constitution encapsulates the Right to Freedom,

acknowledging several crucial liberties that contribute to the democratic ethos of
the nation. This article grants Indian citizens certain fundamental freedoms,
subject to reasonable restrictions in the interest of the sovereignty and integrity of
India, the security of the state, friendly relations with foreign nations, public order,
decency, or morality.
Judicial Safeguards Of Press In India
The judiciary plays a pivotal role in safeguarding the freedom of the press in India.
The Supreme Court and various High Courts have consistently upheld the
importance of a free and independent media in a democratic society. Landmark
judgments, such as the Sakal Papers case and the Bennett Coleman case, have
reinforced the constitutional protection afforded to the press.
Additionally, the Supreme Court has recognized that the freedom of the press
includes not only the freedom to publish but also the freedom from interference,
ensuring that journalists can perform their duties without undue pressure or
censorship. The judiciary acts as a bulwark against any attempts to curtail press
freedom, intervening to protect journalists and media organizations when their
rights are violated.

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