Enhancement and Drawbacks in International Trade Due To Globalization

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Enhancement and

Drawbacks in international
trade Due to Globalization.

Globalization has greatly enhanced international trade by facilitating cross-

border commerce, fostering global supply chains, and enabling cultural
exchange. However, it also poses several challenges that need to be addressed.

Saad Ahmed
BS-7th Development Economics
The Benefits of International Trade
Economic Growth Increased Competition
International trade encourages countries to Competition promotes innovation, reduces costs,
specialize in producing goods and services in and offers consumers greater choices and higher
which they have a comparative advantage, leading quality products.
to increased productivity and economic growth.

Access to Resources Investment Opportunities

International trade allows countries to access International trade creates investment
resources, such as raw materials and energy, opportunities, allowing companies to expand their
which they may not have domestically. businesses, access new markets, and establish new
Challenges of International Trade

Language and Trade Barriers Political Instability Currency

Cultural Fluctuations
Trade barriers, such as Political instability, such
tariffs, quotas, and as civil wars or regime Currency fluctuations
Cultural differences and regulations, can limit changes, can disrupt can impact the cost and
language barriers can market access and supply chains, increase profitability of
make it difficult to increase the cost of risks for investors, and international trade
communicate doing business. discourage trade. transactions, especially
effectively and develop for importers and
relationships with exporters.
foreign partners.
Impact on Economies

Job Creation Inflation and Deflation Fiscal and Monetary

International trade can create International trade can affect
job opportunities, particularly in inflation and deflation rates, International trade can
sectors that have a comparative depending on the demand and influence fiscal and monetary
advantage. supply of goods and services. policy, as governments may
have to adjust their policies to
maintain economic stability.
Technological Advancements

Automation in E-commerce Platforms Cloud Computing

E-commerce platforms have made Cloud computing enables
Advancements in robotics and it easier for small and medium- businesses to access computing
automation have transformed sized enterprises to sell goods and resources and data storage over
manufacturing, allowing for services online, tapping into the internet, reducing costs and
greater production efficiency and global markets. facilitating global collaboration.
cost savings.
Cultural Exchange
1 Food 2 Arts and 3 Education
International trade allows International trade
access to different cuisines, International trade facilitates student
ingredients, and flavors, promotes the exchange of exchanges and academic
providing an opportunity to artistic and cultural collaborations, providing
explore and appreciate products, such as literature, opportunities for cross-
different cultures. music, films, and fashion. cultural learning and
Policy Implications
Trade Agreements
Trade agreements establish the terms and conditions of international trade, addressing
issues such as tariffs, quotas, and intellectual property rights.

Investment Protection
Investment protection agreements provide legal protections for foreign investors,
such as fair and equitable treatment and compensation for expropriation.

Environmental and Labor Standards

International agreements aim to promote environmental and labor standards in
international trade, ensuring that trade is fair and sustainable.

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