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Übergeordnetes Thema Abteilung / Verfasser / Reg.-Nr.
Efficiency Workshop

Übergeordnetes Thema Abteilung / Verfasser / Reg.-Nr.

08.00 - 09.00 Objectives

09.00 - 10.00 Brainstorming
Collection of subjects
Clustering of topics
10.00 - 12.00 Work on first cluster:
identify the issues
12.00 - 13.00 Lunch break
13.00 - 15.00 Work on first cluster:
propose action / responsible / timing / metrics
15.00 - 15.30 Break
15.30 - 17.30 Work on second cluster:
identify the issues

Übergeordnetes Thema Abteilung / Verfasser / Reg.-Nr.

08.00 - 10.00 Work on second cluster:

propose action / responsible / timing / metrics
10.00 - 10.30 Break
10.30 - 12.30 Work on third cluster:
identify the issues
12.30 - 13.30 Lunch break
13.30 - 15.30 Work on third cluster:
propose action / responsible / timing / metrics
15.30 - 16.00 Break
16.00 - 18.00 Summary
Prepare communication to the management
Follow-up date
Tracking of WP

Übergeordnetes Thema Abteilung / Verfasser / Reg.-Nr.

 Review the current situation of the SW domain:

 increasing pressure on resources
 role of SW in our market place
 progress in technology
 organisation
 process (efficiency, appropriateness)
 work sharing, roles and rules
 Define actions to improve our situation
 identification of activities
 who could (realistically) work on it? Which effort is needed?
 What will be the benefits?
 How an we measure it?
 Future of the SW domain
 set up a strategy for SW

Übergeordnetes Thema Abteilung / Verfasser / Reg.-Nr.
My expectations

I expect answers to the following questions:

 Where are our weakest points?
stay as concrete as possible, examples please!
demonstrate the impact in terms of effort, money, …
start within our own area before pointing to others
 What can we do to get some more air to breath?
 How can we start at least one “advanced” topic?
Not really
how can we come to a situation where we can
continuously work on some dedicated, even few subjects?

Übergeordnetes Thema Abteilung / Verfasser / Reg.-Nr.

 Dieter:
Find solutions short term for the resource issues without too much effort
mainly ok
 Phil:
Improvements in efficiency and quality
mainly ok
Review how we are conducting things worlwide if the approach is correct
not really
Be active instead of reactive
mainly ok
 Steffen:
Come out of the “quick and dirty” spiral
not fully convinced
How to survive the next three months
not really
Small actions, but concrete
Changes needed in Timisoara
mainly ok
 Jerome:
Share the Toulouse findings with rest of the team
 Bernhard:
at least on action for the long term
not really
Übergeordnetes Thema Abteilung / Verfasser / Reg.-Nr.

 Jacques:
find some more air to breath in the next weeks / Monthes
not sure
what actions do we need to start now to prepare the future (like Bernhard)
why are we in the negative spiral and how can we come out
good steps
what are our interfaces and how do our actions work together with the rest of the organisation?
Was not the focus, but follow-up needed, we need support from the rest of the organisation
 Martin:
input for the PMTQ workshop (CM, wp process, tracking,..)
review the distributed development
identified, but no concrete actions
 Jean-Jacques:
concrete action to be launched with low effort
yes and no
resource planning: better visibility of the project planning in the other locations to better plan the
resources in TSR
review the process and see if we need adaptions
not really
Übergeordnetes Thema Abteilung / Verfasser / Reg.-Nr.
Tom De Marco

 “The only way to be more efficient you need not to be more efficient, but to
stop to do things!”

Übergeordnetes Thema Abteilung / Verfasser / Reg.-Nr.
Status C CE SW

worldwide organisation
very heterogeneous situation:
big locations intensive working relationship (TLS, RGB, TSR)
smaller locations less well integrated (TRO, VIE)
very small locations not really integrated (Solihull, Ichon)
SW is the only domain really trying to work ww
SW is the only domain with split in customer activities and know-how pooling
SW is supposed to be too expensive, always too late and too buggy
SW is supposed to be "inflexible"

Übergeordnetes Thema Abteilung / Verfasser / Reg.-Nr.
Situation worldwide

 Regensburg:
big programs do not give us a lot of resources free
acquisitions won are not correctly staffed (even SWPLs are missing)
 Troy:
reduction of activity due to delay of customer project and delayed decisions of
NHTSA concerning tire guard
 Toulouse:
problems with Orion to bring it into production and applying a lot of
Fiat program is not very clearly defined
Resource situation is tight: reduction of subcontractors required
 Timisoara:
missing experience and equipment
delay in getting the needed equipment
team stabilisation is needed
communication problems with the projects; planning needs improvement
organisation of the communication process ©
Übergeordnetes Thema Abteilung / Verfasser / Reg.-Nr.
Situation worldwide

 Timisoara cont.
more support is needed from PMTQ
 Vienna:
still problems with JD: tests are missing
resource problems in the “assembler team”
more variants from Webasto coming
about 30 persons working on SW and thereof about 10 external guys
 Bernhards view:
start of generic solutions was good, but now we do have only project specific
we still do not have a SW architecture and this is hindering generic solutions
and better reuse
PMTQ is now out of its infancy, but big difference concerning process
application between projects and locations

Übergeordnetes Thema Abteilung / Verfasser / Reg.-Nr.
Organisational status

customer segments vs. domain activities

local vs. global
task sharing vs. classical organisation

Übergeordnetes Thema Abteilung / Verfasser / Reg.-Nr.
Processes and tools

Process appropriate?
Tool problems
Review efficiency
Timing and project management
cooperation within the project team
roles of the project team

Übergeordnetes Thema Abteilung / Verfasser / Reg.-Nr.
Technical problems

missing architecture
loss of elementary embedded know-how

Übergeordnetes Thema Abteilung / Verfasser / Reg.-Nr.

Identification of major problems

Übergeordnetes Thema Abteilung / Verfasser / Reg.-Nr.
Number one topics

 Martin: Start of Phase Reviews / End of Phase Reviews

 Jacques: Outsourcing
 Bernhard: Start of Phase Reviews / End of Phase Reviews
 Jérôme: Test Bench and DCM transfer
 Jean-Jacques: Apply process in an appropriate way
 Steffen: no modification without payment (incl. change management and
spec freeze)
 Phil: Spec freeze driven through start of phase review defining the content of
every SW delivery
 Dieter: Start of phase review and focus on project management
 Uli: Discipline: review what our people are really doing and set priorities
(catalog to be worked out)

Übergeordnetes Thema Abteilung / Verfasser / Reg.-Nr.
Action 1: SoP / EoP Review
Preparation activities
 Identify the top 5 projects per group / CS
 review the checklist and add questions about timing, changes, specs frozen,
customer payment / cost; tasks to be done, release plan (B. Guerin!)…
validations necessary (e.g. don’t do it for A samples)
 plan the reviews / do a Kick off
 implementation procedure to be defined by the introduction team:
talk to the CS managers, define the top priority projects,…
 analysis to be done by the SWQE, report to be distributed in the SWGL
 no additional work for the SWPL
 include / focus the subject in the SWPOR
 proposals for metrics:
 list of activities cancelled
 list of activities started instead
 % of budget used (?) for the release ©
Übergeordnetes Thema Abteilung / Verfasser / Reg.-Nr.
Action 1: SoP / EoP Review
Objectives of the action
 Make sure that we are using our resources in the most wise way:
 do not do things which are not clear and not payed
 stop to make things nicer if we do not have other things to do
 stop do optimisations which are not necessary
 strengthen the change management
 improve coordination between System / HW / SW and TSR planning
 Identify reuse potential more clearly (even for things outside the CF / BSW
 Refocus project work on the most important priorities
 Refocus the work of the GLs to the projects / teams
 Identify potential risks earlier and start containment actions

Übergeordnetes Thema Abteilung / Verfasser / Reg.-Nr.
Action 1: SoP / EoP Review
 Dieter, Martin, Phil (for inputs), Bernhard
 Rollout to be started before christmas

Übergeordnetes Thema Abteilung / Verfasser / Reg.-Nr.
Action 2: Test bench and DCM transfer
Preparation activities
 Test Bench
 how and when to send a test bench (to TSR) - monitor the transfer time to TSR
 Set up a test and validation strategy:
 what to do on the test environment
 what to do on the multiconfigurable MCU
 what to do with the simulator (provided by µC supplier)
 what to do with a C++ simulation environment
 collect available experience (e.g. Alain Calvy, M. Roth, HP Hellwig,…)
 ultimate responsibility is with the SWPL!!
 join a release note with the DCM (review the existing documents?)
 join a note preventing divergence over weeks (e.g. in the direction of
frequent builds and periodic DCM transfers)

Übergeordnetes Thema Abteilung / Verfasser / Reg.-Nr.
Action 2: Test bench and DCM transfer
 Reduced time lost on not working test bench
 reduce development time
 improve the shipment process (talk to J. Fischer / G. Westerwelle)
 reduce need for (and cost for) test benches in using other alternatives
 improve cooperation between locations (specially TSR)
 improve HW/SW integration (Klapper-SW)

Übergeordnetes Thema Abteilung / Verfasser / Reg.-Nr.
Action 2: Test bench and DCM transfer
 Jérôme
 Nick / Jean-Jacques
 Wolfram
 Deadline:
distribute the shipping procedure until E11/2001
prepare a strategy proposal for decision before christmas

Übergeordnetes Thema Abteilung / Verfasser / Reg.-Nr.
Action 3: Outsourcing

 Build a strategy
 Team: Jacques, Steffen, Uli
 short term solution: until chrismas
 long term strategy: end of January 2002

Übergeordnetes Thema Abteilung / Verfasser / Reg.-Nr.
Additional actions
(on standby for the moment)
 How to change the work with the customers?
 Plan the releases and bug fix deliveries
 strategy per customer needed?
 Reanimate the project agreement workshop!
 Identify the experienced SWPLs to prepare the coachers
 distributed development tracking
 collect existing solutions
 prepare a decision which one to use globally

Übergeordnetes Thema Abteilung / Verfasser / Reg.-Nr.
Topics to be discussed with Dr. R. Müller

 Set up a “bad guy” to separate technical and economical subjects

 Outsourcing
 Acquisition strategy in the view of the budget / resource situation
 ESPAS target (the realistic one)
 project management - how can we get it really running?
 Transfering projects from Rgb to Tls and vice versa (Mazda tire guard, PIC,
Vega) - for SW or the whole project? Constraints?
 TSR consolidation - what does this mean (no increase for the next 6 months,
transfer of delegates
 establish HW development in TSR
 are we too naïve / honest in the SW domain?

Übergeordnetes Thema Abteilung / Verfasser / Reg.-Nr.
Follow up

 13. / 14.12.2001
 Regensburg
 Phil / Jason via Netmeeting (Troy time)
 Tls participatio to be clarified with A. Listl

Übergeordnetes Thema Abteilung / Verfasser / Reg.-Nr.

 Present the results to the whole team:

organize one meeting per location with the whole SW team
 Tls: planned for 19.11.2001
 Rgb:
 Troy: tie in with Netmeeting to the Rgb meeting / or set up separate meeting with
UlSc tying in via Netmeeting
 Vienna: either together with Troy or Rgb (Netmeeting)
 TSR: during TSR visit 27-30.11.2001
 try to find a date with Mr. Matschi
 “order” by UlSc
 inform the organisation : CMT

Übergeordnetes Thema Abteilung / Verfasser / Reg.-Nr.
 Technical side
 Methodology and tool aspect
 Process aspect
 what is the definition of a.?
 Where is it coming from?
 Who is responsible for it?
 What is the link to design?
 Realistic approach to start the topic
 looking to the function list - e.g. look to functions closely linked (e.g. alarm -
flasher -…)
 identifying major problems based on “wrong” architecture
 check activities already ongoing
 collect information about competition activities
 best practice in SV
 Babenhausen
 prepare a systematic questionnaire ©
Übergeordnetes Thema Abteilung / Verfasser / Reg.-Nr.

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