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• Social oriented curriculum believes that the purpose
of schooling is to efficiently meet the needs of society.
Social oriented curriculum is constructed to develop
equality and fraternity among the students in such a way
that is enables the interaction of students with social
awareness and is also enables the development of
emotional intelligence of the students.
• This has not grown into a full fledged philosophy. In 1930, it
sprouted as an idea and it is still growing. Problems such as
race and class discriminations, poverty and unemployment
attracted the attention of the progressivists. Studies on this
problems continuous today. This doctrine throws light on
cultural pluralism, equality and society in crisis; tries to widen
the vision of the society .
Social Reconstructionism
•Founder of Social Reconstructionism
•Theodre Brameld (1904- 1987) a philosopher and
visionary educator
Views of Theodre Brameld
• Social Reconstructionism is committed to creating a new
• Society is facing many conflicts and problems such as wars,
poverty in the midst of affluence, racial discrimination,
violence, unemployment, environmental degradation,
oppression by the governments etc. which need urgent
Social Oriented Curriculum for Social
• Curriculum should be framed to make all social activities get
involved in social reconstruction.
• Schools should take forward social activities and social
Activities for Social Reconstruction
• Social Welfare Activities
• Awareness Movement
• Duties and Rights
• Citizenship Training
• Adult Education
Co-Curricular Activities for Social Reconstruction
•Indian society is fragmented by social
disparities, economic conditions, prejudices based on
religion, caste and language, lack of equal
opportunities and personal safety for women. Today,
the urgent need of education is to change this
condition and create social cohesion. The following
could be undertaken to achieve this:
• Secular education
• Education for all
•Enrollment of students without any discrimination of religion
and caste.
•Students living together in hostel.

• Emphasizing the values of concepts like social

•equality and social justice.

•Promoting mutual understanding through sports, common
curriculum, literature, drama and cultural programmes.

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