Leadership in Cinema

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Leadership in Cinema

N I C H O L A S C O N N O R S - J O H N S O N
Coach Carter (2005 Sport/Drama)
Based on a True Story

• Coach Ken Carter – returns to coach

the Richmond Oilers, a high school
basketball team, at his alma mater,
Richmond High. In addition to their
continuous problems on the basketball
floor, the players there are presently
facing difficulties in their academic,
social, and emotional lives.
Leadership Style
Transformational - inspire and motivate team members to achieve common goals and are
known for their ability to bring positive change.

Each student was required to sign contracts

Maintain 2.3 GPA
Set High Expectations Wear suit and tie on game days
Must sit in the front row in all classes

Coach Ken Carter had strong beliefs and faith in his students. He taught them how to win in
life, not just how to win basketball games. eventually allowed them to envision a future they
had never thought was imaginable.
• "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our
deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure."

- Kenny Ray Carter

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