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Groups and its

Presented By
Mainak Mondal (30901222102)
Reg No: 223091010072
Groups and Its Application

 What is Group Theory?

Groups are a mathematical concept that studies the symmetries and transformations of objects. A group is a set of elements with an
operation that satisfies certain properties, such as closure, associativity, identity, and invertibility.
 About Group Theory
Groups are a mathematical concept that studies the symmetries and transformations of objects. A group is a set of elements with an
operation that satisfies certain properties, such as closure, associativity, identity, and invertibility.

 Why Group Theory is introduced

Groups have numerous applications in different fields such as physics, chemistry, cryptography, and computer
science. For example, in physics, groups are used to describe the symmetries of physical systems and the
behavior of particles. In chemistry, groups are used to classify molecules and predict their properties. In
cryptography, groups are used to design secure communication protocols. In computer science, groups are
used in algorithms for data compression, error correction, and machine learning. Understanding group theory
can help us better understand the world around us and solve complex problems.
Foundations of Group Theory

 Historical Reference: Group theory was first introduced by the French mathematician Évariste Galois in the 19th century. Galois
used groups to study the solvability of polynomial equations, which led to the development of Galois theory .

 Definition: A group is a set G together with a binary operation "•" that satisfies the following four properties:

 Closure: For all elements a, b in G, the product a•b is also in G.

 Associativity: For all elements a, b, c in G, the product (a•b)•c is equal to a•(b•c).

 Identity: There exists an element e in G such that for all elements a in G, a•e = e•a = a.

 Inverse: For every element a in G, there exists an element a ⁻¹ in G such that a•a ⁻¹ = a ⁻¹•a = e.

 Example: The set of 2x2 matrices with real entries and nonzero determinant under matrix multiplication is a group. It satisfies all four
properties of a group:

 Closure: The product of two matrices with nonzero determinant is also a matrix with nonzero determinant.

 Associativity: The product of three matrices is independent of how we group them.

 Identity: The identity matrix is the element such that multiplying any matrix by the identity matrix gives the same matrix.

 Inverse: The inverse of a matrix A is its inverse matrix A ⁻¹, such that A•A ⁻¹ = A ⁻¹•A = I.
Properties Of Group

Group Theory is the study of mathematical objects called groups. A group is a set of elements with a
binary operation that satisfies certain properties, including closure, associativity, identity, and inverse.

 Order: The number of elements in a group.

 Subgroup: A subset of a group that is itself a group under the same operation.
 Coset: A subset of a group obtained by multiplying all elements of a subgroup by a fixed element of the group.
 Homomorphism: A function between two groups that preserves the group structure.
 Isomorphism: A bijective homomorphism between two groups that preserves the group structure.

Throughout this presentation, we will explore these fundamental concepts in Group Theory in more detail.
Application: The Rubik's Cube

 Problem: The Rubik's Cube is a popular 3D puzzle that consists of 26 small cubes arranged in a 3x3x3 grid. The
goal of the puzzle is to arrange the cubes so that each face of the cube has a single color. However, the Rubik's
Cube has over 43 quintillion possible configurations, making it a challenging problem to solve.

 Statement: Using group theory, we can analyze the symmetries of the Rubik's Cube and develop algorithms that
can solve the puzzle efficiently.

 Solution: The Rubik's Cube can be analyzed using group theory by considering the set of all possible moves that
can be made on the cube. These moves form a group, known as the Rubik's Cube group, which has over 43
quintillion elements. By studying the structure of this group, we can develop algorithms that can solve the Rubik's
Cube in a finite number of moves. In fact, the current world record for solving the Rubik's Cube is just 3.47 seconds,
achieved by using advanced group theory techniques to optimize the solution algorithm.

Books Journals Online Portals

 Dummit, D. S., & Foote, R. M.  Journal of Algebra 

(2004). Abstract algebra (3rd ed.).
Wiley.  Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics 

 Fraleigh, J. B. (2003). A first course 

in abstract algebra (7th ed.).
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