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- is made of several disciplines and these

include history, political science,
sociology, psychology, economics,
geography, demography, anthropology
and linguistics.
-provides diverse set of lens that help us
understand and explain the different
facets of human society.
-that investigate human society.
- studies the allocation of scarce
resources and the production and
exchange of goods and services in
Environmental Economics
- studies the allocation of natural
LABOR ECONOMICS-focuses on the study of
the decision- making and behaviors of
employees and the relationships between
employers and their employees.
behavior of companies and firms by studying
the factors that result in profit maximization,
price setting, production goals, and the role of
MONETARY ECONOMICS- on the other hand,
studies the nation’s production, inflation,
income, interest rates, and monetary policies.
- is the scientific study of humans and their cultures in the
past and present time.
CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY studies the development of
human culture based on ethnologic, linguistic, social, and
psychological data analysis. It explains how people in other
societies live and affects their environments to their
respective lives.
PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY studies human biological
nature, particularly its beginning , evolution, and variation
in prehistory.
ARCHEOLOGY studies human life in the past through the
examination of things left behind by the people.
- is systematic study of human past events in
order to understand the meaning, dynamics,
and relationship of the cause and effects of
events in the development of societies.
POLITICAL HISTORY studies history of
political institutions
development of economic institutions and
other economic factors.
-studies the history of ordinary lives of people like
women, children, ethnic groups, and the different
sectors of society from historical point of view.
ENVIRONMENTAL HISTORY looks into the history of
the interaction of humans with the environment
examines the history of public health and human
BUSINESS HISTORY studies the history of the
development of businesses, companies, and industries
BIOGRAPHIES studies the history of great persons in
POLITICAL SCIENCE primarily studies human behavior in
relation to political systems, governments, laws, and
international relations.
DOMESTIC POLITICS studies public opinion, elections,
national and local governments.
COMPARATIVE POLITICS studies politics within countries and
analyzes the similarities and differences between among
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS focuses on the study of political
relationship and interaction between and among countries
PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION studies national and local
governance and bureaucracy
PUBLIC LAW examines legal systems, civil rights , and criminal
PSYCHOLOGY studies how the human mind works in
consonance with the body to produce thoughts that
lead to individual actions.
EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY studies of humans and
animals examines how and why learning takes place
people change and behave as they go through their life
PERSONALITY PSYCHOLOGY studies human nature
and differences among people
ENVIRONMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY studies the effects of
surroundings on a person’s attitude and behavior
APPLIED SOCIOLOGY focus on the use and proper
application of sociological theories, methods and
skills to examine data, solve problems and
communicate research to the public.
URBAN SOCIOLOGY studies societal life
interactions in urban areas through the application
of sociological methods like statistical analysis and
CULTURAL SOCIOLOGY analyzes the development
of social institutions, norms and practices.
RURAL SOCIOLOGY studies the social life of people in
rural areas
MEDICAL SOCIOLOGY examines the societal aspects
of health and medicine of people
SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION analyzes how social
forces and institutions like politics, economic systems,
and culture affects school and educational systems.
POLITICAL SOCIOLOGY examines how social
structure affects and influences politics.
MILITARY SOCIOLOGY is a sociological study of the
military organization, the different civilian and military
relationships, war experiences, and the use and
control of force
GEOGRAPHY is the study of interaction
between people and their environments.
natural features of the earth , including
land, water , and atmosphere
people create cultures in their natural
DEMOGRAPHY according to the Max Planck
Institute for Demographic Research (2016)
demography is the scientific study of human
populations across time.
analyze demographic data to define, explain,
and foresee social phenomena. It also studies
social – status composition and population
-branch of study that applies the
different concepts, theoretical models,
and theories of the social science
disciplines to help understand society
and the different problems and issues.
The applied social sciences is utilized to
provide alternative solutions to the
diverse problem of the society.
is one of the fields of applied social
sciences as an application of the
social sciences, counseling provides
guidance, help, and support to
individuals who are distraught by a
diverse set of problems in their lives.
of the social sciences and these professions, expert help are
given to individuals who needed guidance or advice pertaining
to their business successes, general conditions and personal
life transitions, relationships and career.
LIFE COACH analyzes the present condition of the client,
discovers different obstacles or challenges that a client faces,
and provides a certain course of action to make the client’s life
CAREER COUNSELING is needed by people who are in the
process of entering the job market, searching for possible
career change, or those wanting career advancements.
evaluation of different aspects of a client’s life.
SOCIAL WORK practitioners help individuals,
families, and groups, communities to improve
their individual and collective well-being.
science provide adequate training for careers
in the field of journalism and mass
communication because of multidisciplinary
knowledge and skills that graduates learn
from social sciences.
COUNSELING – For Nystul (2003)
-defined it as basically an art and a science wherein you
endeavor to weigh the objective and subjective facets of
the counseling process.
-the counselor modifies the approach to meet the
developing needs of the clients.
-happens when a person who is distressed asks for help
and permit another person to enter into a kind of
connection with him/her.
It is indicative with formal of someone in search of
counseling requests for time and attention from
person who will listen, who will allow him/her to speak
and who will not condemn and criticize him/her.
- is a kin with formal helping in some ways such as
presence of good listening skills, empathy, and
caring capacity.
Based on Guidance and Counseling Act of 2004,
guidance and counseling is the profession that
implicates the application of “ an integrated
approach to the development of a well-functioning
individual “ through the provision of support that
aids an individual to use his/her potential to the
fullest in accord with his/her interest , needs and
abilities. (University of Queensland, 2015).
At the American Counseling Association (ACA)
Conference in Pittsburgh in March 2010, the
representatives come to an agreement on a mutual
definition of counseling. They agreed that
counseling is a professional relationship that
empowers diverse individuals, families and group
to accomplish mental health, wellness, education,
and career goals (Kaplan, Tarvydas, and Gladding,
If something is bothering about life matters: academics,
relationships, family, identity, and financial concerns, with whom do
you share your problem? Will you pursue formal help or a non-formal
help? Why or why not? Explain your answer.
Write your answer on the box.

GOALS OF COUNSELING – the key component of individual,
group, organizational and community success .
-Detailed and expansive counseling goals have been
identified by Gibson and Mitchell (2003), which are as
1. DEVELOPMENT GOALS – assist in meeting or advancing
the clients human growth and development including
social, personal, emotional, cognitive, and physical
2. PREVENTIVE GOALS – helps the client avoid some
undesired outcome.
3. ENHANCEMENT GOALS- enhance special skills and abilities.
4. REMEDIAL GOALS – assisting a client to overcome and
treat an undesirable development
5. EXPLORATORY GOALS- examining options, testing
of skills, trying new and different activities, etc.
6. REINFORCEMENT GOALS- helps client in
recognizing, that what they are doing, thinking,
and feeling is fine
7. COGNITIVE GOALS-involves acquiring the basic
foundation of learning and cognitive skills
8. PHYSIOLOGICAL GOALS – involves acquiring the
basic understanding and habits for good health
9. PSYCHOLOGICAL GOALS – aids in developing good
social interaction skills, learning emotional control,
and developing positive self – concept.
Goal Description
Insight Understanding of the origins and development of emotional
difficulties , leading to an increased capacity to take rational
control over feelings and actions
Relating with others Becoming better able to form and maintain meaningful and
satisfying relationships with other people : for example , within
the family or workplace
Self- awareness Becoming more aware of thoughts and feelings that had been
blocked off or denied, or developing a more accurate sense of
how self is perceived by others.
Self- acceptance The development of a positive attitude toward self, marked by
an ability to acknowledge areas of experience that had been the
subject of self- criticism and rejection
Self – actualization Moving in the direction of fulfilling potential or achieving an
integration of previously conflicting parts of self.

Enlightenment Assisting the client to arrive at a higher state of spiritual

Problem- Solving Finding a solution to a specific problem that the client had not
been able to resolve alone. Acquiring a general competence in
problem – solving
Goal Description
Psychological Enabling the client to acquire ideas and techniques with
education which to understand and control behavior
Acquisition of Social Learning and mastering social and interpersonal skills
Skills such as maintenance of eye contact , turn taking in
conversations, assertive, or anger control
Cognitive change The modification or replacement of irrational beliefs or
mal adaptive thought patterns associated with self-
destructive behavior
Behavior change The modification or replacement of maladaptive or self-
destructive patterns of behavior.
Systematic change Introducing change into the way in that social systems
Empowerment Working on skills , awareness, and knowledge that will
enable to client to take control of his or her own life
Restitution Helping the client to make amends for previous
destructive behavior
Generality Inspiring in the person a desire and capacity to care for
others and pass on knowledge and to contribute to the
collective good through political engagement
In What Way Will Counseling Empower Me?
“Counseling aims to empower the client by helping him/her make critical decisions in life,
develop ability to cope, enhance effectiveness, and improve quality of life”.
What do you think about this statement? Do you accept or support it? How will it empower
you? Explain your answer.
Write your answer in the box.

The wide ranges of human problems
create a widened scope and field of
counseling. Broadly, the scope of
counseling includes
individual counseling,
marital and premarital counseling,
family counseling, and
community counseling.
1.Afford counseling services to individuals, groups, organizations,
or the general public compromising of: application of clinical
counseling principles, methods, or procedures to assist
individuals in realizing effective personal, social, educational, or
career development and adjustment.
2.“Apply clinical counseling principles, methods , and
procedures “, means an approach to counseling that emphasizes
the counselor’s role in systematically assisting clients through all
of the following: assessing and analyzing emotional conditions ,
exploring possible solutions, and developing and providing
treatment plan for mental and emotional adjustment or
development. It may include counseling, appraisal, consulting,
supervision, administration, and referral.
3.Engage in the diagnosis and treatment of mental
and emotional disorders when under the
supervision of a professional clinical counselor,
psychologist, psychiatrists, independent marriage
and family therapist, or independent social worker.
4. Provide training supervision for students and
registered counselor trainees when services are
within their scope of practice, which does not
include supervision of the diagnosis and treatment
of mental and emotional disorders.
- is a key component of an organization. It has
significant influence on other organizational
components, more specifically, to its members. It
serves as standards that shape the members
behavior in their interaction with their clients and
other people.
founders of humanistic psychology, including
Maslows and Rogers ,highlighted the importance
of values.
Ethical Principles These are the ideas that underpin both personal and
professional codes.
 Is based on the right to freedom of action and
freedom of choice in so far as the pursuit of
these freedom does not interfere with the
freedom of others ; counseling cannot happen
unless the client has made a free choice to
 This refers to instruction to all helpers or
healers that they must ,above all, do no harm;
 Beneficence refers to the order to promote
human welfare
 Concerned with the fair distribution of
resources and services , unless there is some
acceptable reason for treating them differently
 For counseling , the principle has particular
relevance to the question access

General Moral Theories  The BACP Ethical Framework for Good Practice ,
drawing on virtues perspective also identified a
set of personal qualities that all practitioners
should possess: empathy, sincerity, integrity,
resilience, respect, humility, competence,
fairness, wisdom and courage
(2003) a helping profession is composed
of members “who are especially trained
and licensed to perform a unique and
service for fellow human beings”.
Roles / Functions Description

Individual Assessment Seeks to identify the characteristics and potential of

every client ; promotes the client’s self-understanding
and assisting counselors to understand the client better

Individual Counseling Considers as the core activity through which other

activities become meaningful. It is a client –centered
process that demand confidentiality. Relationship is
established between counselor and client.

Group Counseling and Guidance Groups are means of providing organized and planned
assistance to individuals for an array of needs.
Counselor provides assistance through group
counseling and group guidance.

Career Assistance Counselors are called on to provide career planning and

adjustment assistance to clients.
Roles / Functions Description

Placements and Follow -Up A service of school counseling programs with emphasis on
educational placements in course and programs.

Referral It is the practice of helping the clients find needed expert

assistance that the referring counselor cannot provide.

Consultation It is the process of helping a client through a third party or helping

system improve its service to its clientele.

Research It is necessary to advance the profession of counseling; it can

provide empirically based data relevant to the ultimate goal of
implementing effective counseling.

Evaluation and Accountability Evaluation is a means of assessing the effectiveness of counselor’s

Accountability is an outgrowth of demand that schools and other
tax-supported institutions be held accountable for their actions.

Prevention This includes promotion of mental health through primary

prevention using a social – psychological perspective.
There might be other areas but we will focus on the input of
McLeod (2003).
1. Interpersonal Skills –counselors who are competent display
ability to listen, communicate ; empathize ; be present ; aware of
nonverbal communication; sensitive to voice quality , responsive
to expressions of emotion, turn taking, structure of time and use
of language .
2. Personal beliefs and Attitude- counselors have the capacity to
accept others, belief in potential of change, awareness of ethical
and moral choices and sensitive to values held by client and self.
3. Conceptual ability – counselors have the ability to understand
and assess client’s problem; to anticipate future problems; make
sense of immediate process in terms of wider conceptual
scheme to remember information about the client.
4. Personal Soundness – counselors must have no irrational beliefs
that are destructive to counseling relationships, self-
confidence ,capacity to tolerate strong of uncomfortable feelings in
relation to the clients, secure personal boundaries, ability to be a
client ; must carry no social prejudice, ethnocentrism and
5. Mastery of Techniques – counselors must have a knowledge of
when and how to carry out specific interventions, ability to assess
effectiveness of the interventions, understanding the rationale
behind techniques, possession of wide repertoire of intervention
6. Ability to understand and work within social system – this would
be compromise of awareness of family and work relationships of
client the impact of agency on the clients, the capacity to use
support networks and supervision ; sensitivity to client from
different gender, ethnicity , sexual orientation, or age group.
7. Openness to learning and inquiry – counselors must have the
capacity to be curious about client’s backgrounds and problems;
Career Opportunities and Areas of Specialization of Counselors
1. Marriage and Family Counseling – refers to the efforts to establish an
encouraging relationship with couple or family and appreciate the
complications in the family system.
2. Child and Adolescent Counseling – is a developing area of expertise
in counseling profession. The counseling strategies focus on helping
children and adolescents acquire coping skills through promotion of
resiliency, positive attachment relationship, emotional and intellectual
intelligence, and other qualities that promote optional development.
3. Group Counseling – is the dynamic field in the counseling profession.
Group counseling as a practice can be located in most counseling
programs and became the essential part of counselor’s system. Group
counseling offers the following : opportunities to members to learn
from observing other group members ; can functions as helpers and
helps ; opportunities to discover that you others have similar concerns ;
members are encouraged to offer help to others ;opportunities to
enhance interpersonal skills; the therapeutic climate created similar as
the client’s family origin.
4. Career Counseling –is an evolving and challenging counseling field. This
type of counseling aids individual on decisions and planning concerning their
career. The counseling approach includes integrating theory and practice.
Adopted Savickas ( 1996 )as cited Nystul ( 20003 ) adopted the model of
Wagner ( 1971) on structural analysis of personality to the realm of
vocational psychology. The model consist of vocational career services,
occupational placement , vocational guidance , career counseling , career
education , career therapy, and position coaching.
5. School Counseling- refers to the process of reaching out students with
concerns on drugs, family and peers or gang involvement. The job requires
sensitivity to individual differences and considers diversity in enhancing
educational perspective. The job requires skills on consultation, counseling’s
exceptional students and with the ability to handle problems such as drug
abuse, teenage pregnancy, divorced or single parents, dropping out of
6. Mental Health Counseling - is manifested in the challenges posed by its
clientele with mental disorders. Mental disorders include serious
depression, schizophrenia, and substance abuse. Mental health counselors
have to be inventive, and creative to address these problems. The job
requires patience, humility, kindness and compassion.
Rights and Responsibilities, and Accountabilities of Counselors
Code of ethics help counselors to remind them of their rights,
responsibilities and accountabilities in the counseling
profession. The rights, responsibilities and accountabilities of
the counselors are based on the counselors associations of
Code of Conduct.
The code of ethics of the counselors is divided into seven
sections, namely ,
(a)counseling relationship,
(b) confidentiality
(c) professional responsibility
(d) relationships with other professionals ,
(e) evaluation, assessment, and interpretation,
(f) teaching ,training and supervision
(g) research and publication.( Gladding , 2000 ).
Areas Description
The Counseling Relationships
1. Client welfare Counselor’s primary responsibility is to respect the dignity and promote the
welfare of clients. They are also expected to encourage client’s growth.
Counselors and clients are expected to work together in crafting individual
counseling plans consistent with the client’s circumstances.

2. Respecting Diversity Counselors do not engage in discrimination based on age, color, culture, disability,
ethnic group, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, marital status and socio
economic status. Counselors shall respect differences and understand the diverse
cultural backgrounds of their clients.

3. Client Rights Counselors shall disclose the purposes, goals, techniques, procedures, limitations,
potential risks, benefits of the services to be performed and other pertinent
information to the client throughout the counseling process. Counselors offer
clients the freedom to choose whether to enter into a counseling relationship and
determine which professional will provide counseling, except when the client is
unable to give consent.

4. Clients Served by others In cases where the client is receiving services from another mental health
professional, with clients consent, inform the professional person already
involved to develop an agreement.

5. Personal Needs and values Maintain the clients and avoid actions that seek to meet their personal needs at
the expense of the clients. Counselors shall be aware of their values, attitudes,
beliefs, and behavior and how these apply in a diverse society and avoid imposing
their values on clients.
6. Dual Counselors are aware of their influential position over
Relationships their clients avoid the exploiting the trust and dependency
of the clients. Counselors should not accept as superiors or
subordinates clients’.
7. Sexual Intimacies Counselors should not have any type of sexual intimacies
with Clients with clients and do not counsel persons with whom they
have sexual relationship. Counselors should not also engage
with sexual intimacies with their former clients within a
minimum of two years.
8. Multiple Clients In cases where counselors agree to provide counseling
services to two or more persons who have a relationship,
counselors clarify at the outset which person or persons are
clients and the nature of relationship they will have with
each other involved person.
9. Group Work Counselors screen prospective group counseling / therapy
participants to determine those with compatible needs. In
group setting, counselors take reasonable precautions to
protect clients from physical or psychological trauma.
10. Fees Prior to entering the counseling relationship, the counselors
clearly explain the clients all financial arrangements related
to professional fees.
1.Right to Privacy  Counselors respect a client’s right to privacy and avoid illegal and
unwarranted disclosures of unwarranted information.
 The right to privacy may be waived by the clients or their legally
recognized representative.
 The general requirement that the counselors keep the information
confidential does not apply when disclosure is required to prevent clear
and imminent danger to the client or others or when legal requirements
demand that confidential information is be revealed.
 Counselors who received information confirming that a client has a disease
known to be communicable and fatal is justified in disclosing information
to an identifiable third party, who by his/her relationship with the client is
at high risk of contracting the disease.
 When court orders the counselors to release confidential information
without client’s permit, counselors request to the court that the disclosure
should not be required due to potential harm to client or counseling
2. Group and Families  In group work, counselors clearly define confidentiality and parameters for
the specific group being entered, explain its importance, and discuss
difficulties related to confidentiality involved in group work.
 In family counseling, information about one family cannot be disclosed to
another member without permission.
3. Minor  When counseling clients who are minors or individuals who are unable to
Incompetent client give voluntary, informed consent, parents or guardians may be included in
the counseling process as appropriate.
4. Records  Counselors maintain necessary records for rendering professional
services to their clients and as required by laws, regulations, or agency
or institution procedures.
 Counselors are responsible for securing safety and confidentiality of
any counseling record they create, maintain, transfer, or destroy
whether the records are written, taped, computerized, or stored in any
other medium.
 Counselors recognized that counseling records are kept for the benefits
of the clients therefore provide access to record and copies of record
when requested by competent clients unless it contains information
that may be misleading or detrimental to the clients.
 Counselors obtain written permission from clients to disclose or
transfer records to legitimate third parties unless exception to
confidentiality exists.
5. Research and  Use of data derived from counseling relationships for purposes of
Training training ,research , or publication is confined to content that is disguised
to ensure the anonymity of the individuals involved. Identification of the
client involved is permissible only when the client has reviewed the
material and has agreed to its presentation or publication.
6. Consultation  Information obtained in consulting relationship is discussed for
professional purposes only with persons clearly concerned with the case.
Before sharing information, counselors make efforts to ensure that there
defined policies that effectively protect the confidentiality of information
with other agencies serving the counselors clients.
Areas Description
1. Standards  Counselors have a responsibility to read, understand, and follow the Code
Knowledge of Ethics and Standards of Practice
2. Professional  Counselors practice only within the boundaries of their competence based
Competence on their education, training, supervised experience, state and national
professional credentials and appropriate professional experience.
Counselors will demonstrate a commitment to gain knowledge, personal
awareness, sensitivity, and skills pertinent to working with diverse client
 Counselors practice specialty areas new with to them only after
appropriate education, training, and supervised experience. While
developing skills in new specialty area, counselors take step to ensure the
competence of their work and to protect other from possible harm.
 Counselors accept employment only for positions which they are qualified
by education, training, supervise experience, state and national
professional credentials, and appropriate professional experience.
 Counselors continually monitor their effectiveness as professionals and
take steps to improve their skills and knowledge.
 Counselors refrain from offering or accepting professional services when
their physical, mental, or emotional problems are like to harm clients or
Act. 2 Count Me In, Count me Out: Will I Give up My Job or Not?
1. In the area of counseling relationships of the Code of Conduct, it
states that “Counselors should not have any type of sexual
intimacies with clients and do not counsel persons with whom they
have sexual relationship. Counselors should not also engage with
sexual intimacies with their former clients within a minimum of two
2. What if you are counselor and you have fallen in love with
your client and the client has also fallen in love with you. Since, it is
unethical to pursue the relationship; you will quit your job. Your job
is also important to you. Now, what will be your decision?
3. The class will be divided into two. The first group will choose,”
quit the job.” The second group will choose, stay on the job”. Why?
Which is more ethical? Why is it more ethical? Support your
answer .Explain your answer in form of debate.
Will I report My Client or Not

1. In the area of confidentiality of the Code of Ethics,

there is a portion on client’s right to privacy. What if the
counselor, in his/her conversation with the client, found
out that the client accidentally killed a person, will you
report the client to police or not? Explain your answer.
2. The class will be divided into two. The first group will
choose the position of disclosing the information to the
right authorities. The other group will take the position of
not disclosing the information to the authorities. What is
your position? Why?
3. Share your answer through the debate.
4. Will I report? Or will not report?
Superior - 4 Proficient - 3 Poor - 2 Unsatisfactory Score
Used many facts Used some facts Used few facts Did not present facts to
to support all arguments. to support all to support support arguments.
arguments. arguments.

All arguments were logical Most arguments were Some arguments Few arguments were
and convincing logical and convincing were logical and logical and convincing

Communicated clearly and Communicated clearly; Seldom Failed to communicate

confidently; maintained eye frequent eye contact; communicated clearly; no eye contact;
contact; excellent voice good voice and delivery clearly; poor eye monotone delivery.
inflection and delivery rate. rate. contact; poor voice
and delivery rate.

Addressed all opponent Addressed most of Addressed some of Did not address
arguments with counter- opponent’s arguments opponent’s opponent’s arguments.
evidence. with counter-evidence. arguments with

Total Score:
People who abuse drugs – drug abuse is not just
harmful to our physical health but to our mental
health as well. It cannot be denied that the drug
addiction create more social problems and
contribute to social disintegration. Consequently,
more youth victims cry for help and seek for
counselors’ attention.
People who use Tobacco – slowly our population
recognizes the bad effects of tobacco to our health.
However, many people still use and continue use
tobacco even if it is deadly. Users find it difficult to
stop smoking. Hence, smokers who desire to quit
tobacco were added to the list of the counselor’s
People who abuse alcohol – alcoholism is seen as a disease alcoholics
find it difficult to stop drinking on their own. This requires help from a
professional as it requires appropriate treatment. However, an equally
important paradigm is to look at alcoholism as a weakness of self –
control and self –discipline .therefore this requires intervention other
than treatment.
Women – most men still have less participation in household
responsibilities and child care. In this case, women’s advancement is
constrained. What complicates this situation is the women’s
perception about themselves and the society’s expectations.
Counselors are responsible in helping women appreciate their own
values, abilities, aptitudes, and interests and to utilize these to develop
their full potential. ( Gibson and Mitchel ,2003 )
Older Adults – a transition from a busy life to retirement stage must be
instituted. This is a challenge to the counseling profession. other issues
that require attention of counseling include loss of a partner ,decline
of mental capacity and mobility, increased loneliness ,decline in
financial security etc.
People with AIDS –acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) has
been labeled as the most feared disease due to its incurability.
Victims of this disease are seeking help to improve their quality of life
and to handle their emotional stress and low self-esteem.
Counseling’s approach requires sensitivity and appreciation of the
intricacies of the disease. Counselors may also help in assisting and
educating the victims’ support system.
Victims of Abuse – this population represents victims of domestic
violence characterized by spouse and child abuses. Spouse abuse is
often associated with poverty, drug abuse and career
disappointments. The abuse has also become rampant and has
caused psychological damage to the victims. The counselors are
increasingly utilized to help the victims.
Gay Men and Lesbian Women- they are usually the victims of
harassment, violence, discrimination, and isolation. Gays and
lesbians, like other sectors of the society, suffer from peer denial,
family clash, health uncertainties and prejudgment. Counseling will
focus on self-awareness, self- acceptance and understanding.
Counselors in Schools – has grown rapidly. According to
Gibson and Mitchell (2003), counselors are recognized
especially in the preventive interventions and developmental
stage. There are elementary school counselors, junior high
school counselors, secondary school counselors, counselors
in vocational schools, counselors in higher education, and
counselors in community and junior colleges. The counseling
service in the schools is usually located under the student
affairs program. It is under the supervision of the Dean of
Students Affairs.
Counselors in the Community Setting – refers to
employment in community, agency, and other non-school
professional situations. Counselors can be found in
community and mental health agencies, employment and
rehabilitation agencies, correctional settings, and marriage
and family practice. ( Gibson and Mitchell , 2003 )
Counselors in the Private Sector – refers to counselors
who decided to do full time work as private
practitioners or engage in part – time private practice
while employed by community agencies. This is
feasible if the counselors expertise and specialization
matches or relevant to an adequate client population
in the geographic area. ( Gibson and Mitchell , 2003 )
Counselors in the Government - counselors are also
present in various agencies of government or
institutions supported by the government that are into
social welfare, health, and education. Relevant
agencies or institutions include public schools, public
social welfare agencies such as that for the youth,
children, and the aging.
1. relationship building,
2. assessment and diagnosis,
3. formulation of the counseling goals,
4. intervention and problem solving,
5. termination and follow –up,
6. research and evaluation.
1. Stage One: Relationship Building
This is the heart of counselling process because it
provides the force and foundation for the
counselling to succeed.
This stage involves establishing rapport,
– promote acceptance of the client as a person with
– establishing genuine interaction,
– promote direct mutual communication
– helping clients understand themselves,
– helping client focus and
– Slowly promote counselling relevant communication,
from the client.
2. Stage Two: Assessment and Diagnosis
• One of the most crucial stages.
• This serves as the window for the
counsellor to have a thorough appreciation
of the client’s condition.
• It entails analysis of the root causes of
• The data that will be gathered in diagnosis
will be utilized in the formulation of goals.
3. Stage Three: Formulation of Counseling
• Goals are important as it sets the direction
of the counselling process.
• It shall serve as the parameter of work and
the client-counsellor relationship.
• Counselling goals may be treated as a
process goal or outcome goal.
• The client and counsellor must agree on the
counselling goals.
4. Stage Four: Intervention and Problem
• Guidelines:
• A. The counselor has to provide a mapping
of the different approaches offered.
• B. Describe the role of the counselor and
client for each procedure.
• C. Identify possible risks and benefits that
may come.
• D. Estimate the time and cost of each
• Kafner and Busemeyer identified the
six-stage model for problem solving
• Problem detection
• Problem definition
• Identification of alternative solutions
• Decision-making
• Execution
• Verification
5. Stage Five: Termination and Follow –up
• The essential goal in counselling is to witness a
client progress on his/her own without the
assistance of the counselor.
• There are four components of termination which
were identified by Quintan and Holahan:
1. Discussion of the end of counselling
2. Review of the course of counselling
3. Closure of the counsellor-client relationship
4. Discussion of the client’s future and post-
counselling plan
6. Stage Six: Research and
• This stage can be undertaken at any
point in the counselling stage.
• Research and evaluation are
fundamental part of the evaluation.
• Results of the research provide a
scientific appreciation of the
counselling situation.
Class will be divided into 5 groups. Each
group will identify a typical youth
counseling case, i.e., victim of bullying,
Divide the tasks (counselor, client,
friends of the client, family of the client,
etc.) among your group members.
Present at least 5-8 minutes.
Develop the plot and story line and
present it in class.
Counseling and Its Methods
1. CLASSIC THEORIES -The psychological theories developed by
Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler, and Carl Jung are considered as
the classic schools for the reason that they primed the
underpinning of clinical practice.
-The approach of Freud in counselling and psychotherapy is
popularly known as psychoanalysis which is an analysis of the
mind. Its objective is to restructure the personality by
resolution of intrapsychic conflict, which focuses in the internal
forces such as unconscious processes .
It focuses on personal adjustment through reorganization of
internal forces within the person to help him/her become aware
of the unconscious aspect of his/her personality.
It focuses on personal adjustment through reorganization of
internal forces within the person to help him/her become aware
of the unconscious aspect of his/her personality.
1. to help clients gain insights about
2. to help clients work unstuck issues
3. to help clients cope with the
stresses of the society.
The following techniques may be used:
1. FREE ASSOCIATION- a method to encourage the
patient to discuss whatever comes to his mind in order
to release suppressed emotions.
2. DREAM ANALYSIS- a method to explore unconscious
process using dreams.
feedback procedure for patients to become aware of
what is happening to him/her and to determine areas
for further analysis.
4. INTERPRETATION- a process of giving insights to
patients about their inner conflicts which can be
reflected in resistance, transference, and other
The approach of Adler in counseling and psychotherapy
focuses on the role of cognition is psychological
Its objective is to gain an understanding of the clients
and assess why clients behave and think in certain ways.
Adlerian counseling focuses on four goals:
1. establishment and maintenance of egalitarian
2. analysis of client’s lifestyle
3. interpretation of client’s lifestyle in a way that
promotes insight
4. reorientation and reeducation of the client with
accompanying behavior change.
ADLERIAN TECHNIQUES can be explained in four phases of Adlerian
• -Use of listening skills
• -Winning respect and offering hope
• -Encouragement
• -Lifestyle Analysis
• -Dream analysis may be used to conduct lifestyle analysis
• -Insight Process
• -Spitting in the Client’s Soup
• - The push-button techniques
• -Catching oneself
• -Acting as-if
• -Task setting and commitment
• The counseling and psychology approach of Jung
is referred to as psychotherapy.
• Jung’s approach highlights the task of the
unconscious processes in “psychological
• The approach applies dreams and other
procedures to determine the unconscious
processes to utilize the result to boost the
functioning of personality and to enhance
mental health and wellness.
• It falls under the affective theories which are
concerned about generating impact on the
emotions of clients to effect change.
• The well-known experiential theorists include
Rogers and Perls
• a. Roger’s Person-Centered Counseling
• It has been described as the “if-then” approach.
• The following conditions were formulated by
• 1. Counselor Congruence
• 2. Empathic Understanding
• 3. Unconditional Positive Regard
b. Pearl’s Gestalt Therapy
• It focuses on the here and now.
• It refers to the dialogue between the therapist and the client
wherein the client experiences from the inside what the
therapist observes from the outside.
• The goal of the approach is awareness on the environment, of
responsibility for choices, of self, and self-acceptance.
• Gestalt’s technique include the following:
• ASSUMING RESPONSIBILITY- rephrase the statement and add “I
take responsibility for it”.
• USING PERSONAL PRONOUNS- take personal responsibility by
saying “I or me “instead of “us or us”
• NOW I AM AWARE- assists the clients to get in touch with
• THE EMPTY CHAIR TECHNIQUE- helps client work through
conflicting parts of personality.
• REBT highlights the role of cognitions on emotions with
assertion that persons can be best appreciated in terms of
internal cognitive dialogue or self-talk.
• REBT views the emotional disorder is associated with
cognitive processes that are not rational.
• COGNITIVE- reforming ideas that are reasonable and
irrational. Focus on “defeating cognitions”.
• EMOTIVE TECHNIQUES- focus on the client’s “affective or
emotional domain”
• BEHAVIORAL TECHNIQUES- Focus on the full array of
behavioural methods such as assertiveness training,
relaxation therapy, self-management, self-monitoring, and
homework assignments.
• DECATASTROPHIZING- referred to as “what if”.
• REDEFINING- rearticulating an obstacle to
something that may be useful.
• DECENTERING- This will help the client apprehend
that they are not the “center of attention”.
• BEHAVIORAL TECHNIQUES – this method applies a
broad selection of methods to assist clients
obtaining ‘essential skills, relaxing preparing for
difficult situations, and exposing them to feared,
preparing for difficult situations, and exposing
them to feared situations”.
• Refers to examining and dissecting transactions between people.
• It includes evaluating the “three ego state of parent, adult, and
child of each person”.
• The fundamental goal is for the client to be “autonomous, self-
aware, spontaneous and have the capacity for intimacy.”
• STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS- assists clients to be conscious of their
“three ego”.
• TRANSACTIONAL ANALYSIS- assists clients to “learn to
communicate with complementary transactions.”
• SCRIPT ANALYSIS- looks into the “type of life script the client has
developed and how it can be re-written.”
• ANALYSIS OF GAMES- comprise of determining “what games the
clients play and how the games interfere with interpersonal

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