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Today, I receive all of God’s love for me.

Today, I open myself to the unbounded,
limitless, overflowing abundance of God’s
Today, I open myself to God’s blessings,
healing, and miracles.
Today, I open myself to God’s Word so I
become more like Jesus every day.

No Space 2
Today, I proclaim that I am God’s
I am God’s servant.
I am God’s powerful champion.
And because I am blessed, I am blessing
the world.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.

No Space 3
At Contoso, we believe in giving 110%. By
using our next-generation data architecture, we
help organizations virtually manage
agile workflows. We thrive because of our
market knowledge and great team behind our
product. As our CEO says, "Efficiencies will
come from proactively transforming how we
do business."​

No Space 4
No Space
Give no space
to the enemy.
You can control
what’s in your
container! You can
control what you
think about and what
you choose to let in.
Am I going to let these negative
emotions consume me?

Or am I going to protect my
heart and give space for God’s
best blessings in my life?

No Space 8
God is embracing in
ways that are beyond
what I see and feel.

No Space 9
God fills my life with good things,
so I stay young and strong.
Psalm 103:5

No Space 10
What if God is trying to
fill you with good
things, but there’s no
more space?
You didn’t just forgive.
You made room for more of God.

No Space 12
God’s promise is not just to
give you good things. He also
promises to keep us young
and strong!

No Space 13
You’re not lessening the
offense; you are just
spitting out the poison.

No Space 14
He will fight for you
more than you can
fight for yourself.
“As I was embracing
Oshea, I could feel
hatred and bitterness
rising out of me and
leaving my body.”
Be careful what you
think because your
thoughts run your
Proverbs 4:23

No Space 18
Power thoughts are not
just positive thoughts,
they are bold declarations
of your faith.

No Space 19
Remind God of
His promises.
We remind ourselves that
God is capable of
completing what He has

No Space 21
God will be good to
those whose hearts
are in tune with Him.
Psalm 125:4

No Space 22
I am powerful. I spoke
worlds into existence. I
flung stars into space.

No Space 23
My name is I am.
Leave no space for
the enemy. Fill your
heart with God’s
thoughts today.
Discussion starters
1. What are the resident thoughts in your head? What
can you declare to push the negativities away?
2. Has God promised you something, but it seems like
that promise is far from coming into reality? How
can you stay patient until that promise has come
into reality?
3. What struck you the most in this session?

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