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Prodi Kimia UNTAD


Saadatul Husna, S.Si., M.Si
Learning Outcomes

Subject Outcomes Sub Subject

Vitamins Students are able to  Definition of
explain the types of vitamins
vitamins  Classification of

• Lehninger, A, Nelson, D.L, Michael M.C. 1982.

Principle of Biochemistry fifth edition. New York:
Worth Publisher
 Anna poedjiadi. 1994. Dasar-Dasar Biokimia.
Jakarta : Penerbit Universitas Indonesia.
 Bintang, M. 2010. Biokimia Teknik Penelitian.
Jakarta : Penerbit Erlangga.
Pre Test

1. Explain the meaning of vitamins

2. Mention the food sources of vitamins
A and C
A. Definition of vitamins
 Vitamins are organic compunds that function in a
wide variety of capacities within the body
 Vitamins cannot be produced by body; must be
supplied in relatively low amounts in the diet to help
metabolisms in body and maintain health

 Non Caloric
B. Function and Vitamins classification

The main function in metabolism as a cofactor

Cofactor: non-protein substance that plays a role in
enzymatic reactions
Based on solubility, vitamins divided into 2 groups:

Fat-soluble vitamins

• Vitamins A, D, E, and K

Water-soluble vitamins

• B Vitamins and Vitamin C

Vitamins Function Source
Vitamin A Eye health, Immune Oil, fish, liver, butter, green
(Retinol) system, Cell growth and yellow plants
Vitamin D Formation of teeth Milk, fish, egg yolks, yeasts
(Calciferol) and bones
Vitamin E Antioxidants Fish, chicken, egg yolks,
(Tocoferol) yeast, plant oils, papaya
Vitamin K Blood clotting, wound Beef liver, eggs, spinach,
(Filokinon) closure cauliflower, broccoli, tomatoes
Vitamin B1 Skin health and help Wheat, rice, meat, milk, eggs,
(Thiamine) convert carbohydrates and legumes, spinach, yogurt
to energy
Vitamin B2 Body system Milk, eggs, liver and green
(Riboflavin) development and skin vegetables
Vitamins Function Source
Vitamin B3 Metabolism of carbohydrates, Meat, liver, eggs, brown
(Niacin) fats and proteins rice, potatoes, fish, milk
Vitamin B5 Metabolic processes, such as Beef, milk, eggs, legumes,
(Pantothenic food nutrient breakdown whole grain, most
acid) reactions, especially fat vegetables
Vitamin B6 Nutritional metabolism and Rice, corn, beans, meat
(Pyridoxine) producing antibodies and fish
Vitamin B9 Maturation of red blood cells Fruits, green vegetables
Folate Acid)
Vitamin B12 Prevent anemia Eggs, liver and meat
(Cobalamin )
Vitamin C Antioksidants, strengthen Citrus fruits, broccoli,
(Ascorbic acid) resistance to infection peppers, kiwi, strawberries,
potatoes, tomatoes
Task: Journal Review


 Definisi Hormon
 Fungsi Hormon
 Mekanisme kerja hormon
Game pin : 01973513

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