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to the
Philosophy of
the Human

Human Persons as
Oriented Towards
Their impending Death

What does this say about the meaning of life?

1.Enumerate the objectives you really want to achieve
and to define the projects you really want to do in his/her
2. Reflect on the meaning of your own life.
3. Recognize that death is inevitable
What is your initial ideals and
impressions about death?

Why do you think some people

have such a negative view
regarding death?
How are you going to describe

your life today?

•Commonly, death is understood
•the end of bodily functions
which signals the end of a
person’s life.
•It also refers to the separation of
the body and the spirit.
•the human person is an
embodied spirit.
•The body, being material, is
subject to growth, death, and
• While the spirit, being
immaterial, will continue to
exist even after the body has
refers to the
capacity to
choose and act
for oneself.
We have the freedom to
choose a well-lived
life; doing good and
doing what is right.
Kinds of Good
1. Noble good is
one which is
pursued for its own
sake, example is
love and friendship.
2. Useful good is
found only from
what it can provide,
example, money is
good as it can buy
you something.
3. Pleasurable
good is good so long
as it provides some
form of pleasure,
though it does not
have to be physical.
Direction: Answer the following questions using your own words:
Express your answer with a maximum of 5 sentences. Write it in your

Based on what you have learned about happiness,
suffering, death, and the meaning of life, could you give
advice to the following people in various situations? Be
realistic as much as possible.
1. Your sister is an overachiever. Being on top of the
class is what makes her feel fulfilled. However, she
got lower grades than usual for this quarter. She is
extremely saddened and discouraged by this and
becomes withdrawn and aloof.

2. Your best friend is dating a married man. Despite

her family’s disapproval, she does not want to
break up with him. She says that he is the only one
who makes her very happy.
What's a bucket list?
What's a bucket list?

A bucket list is a list of

experiences someone wants to
have at some point in their life.
They’re a fun method of life
planning that can include
professional and personal goals
or anything else you can imagine.
Your list will undoubtedly differ
from your mom’s, friend’s, or
coworker’s — and that’s okay. A
bucket list should reflect what
you value and desire.
Group Activity: “Bucket List”
Make a personal “Bucket List” of what you wish to do or
accomplish in life. List them in your notebook.
In addition, answer these questions that follow and write
your answers at the bottom of your bucket list.
a. Why did you choose these things to be in your “Bucket
b. Which among these do you feel is the easiest to
accomplish in your lifetime?
c. Which would be the most difficult to do?
What is your take or
realization on our lesson?
Test I. Multiple Choice. Direction: Choose the letter of the correct
1. It refers to the separation of the soul and body.
a. Happiness b. life c. sadness d. death
2. It means that our lives are temporary.
a. temporality b. permanent c. body d. spirit
3. It is a kind of good that provides form of pleasure.
a. noble good c. useful good
b. pleasurable good d. permanently good
4. It is a kind of good that is pursued for its own sake.
a. permanently good c. noble good
b. useful good d. pleasurable good
5. It is a kind of good that is found only on what it can provide.
a. useful good c. permanently good
b. pleasurable good d. noble good

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