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[@Lusaka Apex Medical University]

January 30, 2024 Nursing Research (Ethical Issues) 1

Learning objectives:

At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

1. Define terms ethical related terms
2. Outline ethical implications at every stage of the
research process
3. Describe research ethical principles

January 30, 2024 Nursing Research (Ethical Issues) 2

 There are ethical implications at every stage of the
research process, including the choice of topic to
research, selection of the design & the publication of
findings. Same can be said concerning decision to
research or not to research.
 Research process constitutes all decisions & actions
taken by the researcher
 Research as long as it is conducted on human beings
will have many implications, hence requiring that you
are vigilant to ensure participants’ rights & safety
January 30, 2024 Nursing Research (Ethical Issues) 3
What ethics means
 Relates to right and wrong conduct
 Deals with standards that govern the conduct of a
person, especially a member of a profession
 Any conducted study that involves human
subjects, either directly or indirectly demands
that certain ethical considerations be fulfilled
 Without this, legal litigations are unavoidable

January 30, 2024 Nursing Research (Ethical Issues) 4

 Permission from relevant authority should be sought
before embarking on any research & inviting
participants to participate in your research
 Local ethics committees exist for the purpose of
examining ethical implications of your study & granting
permission when appropriate.
 Requirement now to submit research proposal abstracts
 Subjects in the research have a right to know the
purpose of the study, & should never be forced to
participate in any study

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January 30, 2024 Nursing Research (Ethical Issues) 6

Ethical principles in research..
Here are critical ethical principles that you
can use to guard your
participants/respondents/clients from harm:

January 30, 2024 Nursing Research (Ethical Issues) 7

Ethical principles in research..

1. Principle of beneficence:
 Research project should benefit the participating
individual & society in general [by contributing to the
pool of human knowledge]
= access to a new treatment not yet available to
= Likelihood of participants receiving more
attention & human contact by virtue of them
participating in a study

January 30, 2024 Nursing Research (Ethical Issues) 8

Ethical principles in research..

2. Principle of non-maleficence:
 Research project should not cause any harm to
 Potential physical harm could be obvious, but
psychological effects may not be as transparent

January 30, 2024 Nursing Research (Ethical Issues) 9

Ethical principles in research..
3. Principle of fidelity:
 Concerned with building of trust between researchers &
 Researcher needs to inform respondent of any apparent risk
in the course of the study [respondent deserves all the right
to withdraw from the study at any time in any time & cannot
be coerced to continue]
 Benefits including risks (if any) foreseen or unforeseen that
may arise from the study must be explained to the
respondents before commencement.

January 30, 2024 Nursing Research (Ethical Issues) 10

Ethical principles in research..
4. Principle of justice:
 As researcher, always ensure that your participants
are fairly treated
 Power relations should not be tilted in your favour
 Involves being fair to participants [not giving
preferential treatment to some & depriving others of
care & attention they deserve]
 Participants’ needs come before objectives of your

January 30, 2024 Nursing Research (Ethical Issues) 11

Ethical principles in research..

5. Principle of veracity:
 Building trust between yourself [researcher] entails
that you must tell the truth, even if at expense of
participants shunning or withdrawing from your study.
 Its some form of deception by you being “economical
with the truth”

January 30, 2024 Nursing Research (Ethical Issues) 12

Ethical principles in research..
6. Principle of confidentiality:
 Ensure anonymity of respondent
 Name of respondent not necessary
 Respondent identifiable only by some affixed identity number
 Consent to participate does not provide explicit rights for you to
expose respondents’ medical records as well
 Take care NOT TO inadvertently reveal information that
participant wishes to remain confidential without their
permission [you could be sued for this]
 Don’t take advantage of participants’ show of trust in you

January 30, 2024 Nursing Research (Ethical Issues) 13


January 30, 2024 Nursing Research (Ethical Issues) 14

Unethical breaches in research..
7. Plagiarism
 Practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas &
passing them off as though it was your own
 Very unethical if caught up in this practice

January 30, 2024 Nursing Research (Ethical Issues) 15

Unethical breaches in research..
8. Fabrication of data [cooking facts]
It is professional impropriety as researcher to be
involved in such:
 Deliberately making false or improbable account
 Writing in a fictional form
 Deliberate act of deviating from the truth

January 30, 2024 Nursing Research (Ethical Issues) 16

Unethical breaches in research..
9. Informed consent
 Process by which you ensure potential participants
understand potential risks & benefits of participating in a
 Informed about their rights not to participate & in a manner free
from coercion
 It is researchers’ responsibility to seek informed consent
 Illegal to use your position to recruit participants unfairly
[especially captive & vulnerable ones]
 Participants must understand information given & should not
be under pressure to participate [should never withhold
information that may lead to a refusal to participate]
January 30, 2024 Nursing Research (Ethical Issues) 17

January 30, 2024 Nursing Research (Ethical Issues) 18

The ethical principles discussed by this far can be
synthesised into four rights of participants
considering participation in research:
1. Right not to be harmed
2. Right of full disclosure
3. Right of self-determination [respondents’ right
to decide to take part or to withdraw at any
4. Right of privacy, anonymity & confidentiality
January 30, 2024 Nursing Research (Ethical Issues) 19
Thank you

January 30, 2024 Nursing Research (Ethical Issues) 20

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