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Cannabis Sativa and Cannabis Indica

Samuel Surmík, Samuel Smolárik

Basic Information
• Marijuana refers to the dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds from
the Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica plant.
• Cannabis originates from Central Asia, most likely China and Japan.
• It is not endangered, despite its growth being illegal in most countries
• Some people cultivate it for recreation, as well as medicine and sometimes
even profit (highly illegal, usually)
Cannabis Plant
Benefits of Marijuana
• Medical Marihuana is beneficiary
• It is marihuana which is adapted for medical use
• It can help relieve pain, stress as well as anxiety
• Can relieve chronic pain
• Can regulate seizures
Downsides of
Marihuana usage
• You can become addicted
• It is illegal in most places
• Can help cancer development
• Can make you dependent on it
• Can temporarily as well as
permanently affect behaviour
Issue with marihuana
• Marijuana is a plant which we haven’t studied enough about yet
• It most likely has many health benefits which we arent’t even aware
of right now
• It is heavily taboolised
• It is illegal
• The opinions about it vary between regions and people
• Society is polarised on the issue of using marijuana
Interesting Facts
• Approximately 9% of people who try marijuana become addicted
to it, compared to 15% of people who try cocaine, and 24 % of
those who try heroin.
• The word “canvas” is related to the word “cannabis.” Historically,
canvases were made of hemp.
• Bob Marley was buried with his Bible, his guitar, and bud of
• The first recorded use of marijuana as a medicinal drug occurred in
2737 B.C. by Chinese emperor Shen Nung. The emperor documented
the drug’s effectiveness in treating the pains of rheumatism and gout.
Thanks for your attention

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