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MGMT 50199

An Applied Course in Leadership

Week 3 – Building Trust and

Leading Teams

 Week 2 + Credo
 Trust
 Teams
In-Class Activity
My Authentic Leadership Profile
 Review your completed Profile with feedback.
These eleven strengths are the pillars of your
authentic leadership.

 Based on your review of these eleven leadership

strengths (the right-hand column), rate each one
 1: very important
 2: important
 3: less important
Leadership Credo
To be able to articulate who you are, what you believe
in, and what you stand for, is the first step toward being
a credible authentic leader.

You will capture that by crafting your leadership credo.

A leadership credo typically serves three purposes.
 It helps to clarify what you believe in and stand for as a
 It helps to communicate your leadership beliefs to others.
 It helps to align your behaviour to what you believe in and
stand for.
Leadership Credo
 Consider your personality strengths, values, cognitive thinking
and conflict management style that is captured on the
Summary of Leadership Strengths form and express them as a
Leadership Credo.
 Write your Leadership Credo in the first person and focus on
what you personally believe in, rather than what you think
leaders should do or feel. Focus on your beliefs as to the type
of leader you aspire to be. Choose a limited number of values
and principles.
 Do NOT do any online research! This is about YOU.
 Include this as part of your Personal Leadership Development
Leadership Credo Examples
• As a leader, I…
– …believe in servant leadership-working to understand and
support others while also challenging them to be all that they
can be. (…)
– …believe in using my personal strength of imagination to see
new possibilities to create inspiring visions in challenges. (…)
– … will challenge myself to maintain an attitude of curiosity,
optimism and fun and by doing so will intrinsically motivate my
team. (…)
– …will take risks and demonstrate courage if I believe that the
risk-reward is worth it and by doing so will lead a team into
exciting new adventures. (…)
 From the Plan draft, list the “my leadership
strengths” that you rated 1: very important.
 Use them to draft your Credo.

“The Credo clarifies what the leader believes in and stands for
and communicates the leader's leadership benefits to others; the
Credo is unique to the leader, and it also stresses the connection
to the leader's leadership strengths.”

Five Steps of Leadership

1. Step One: Be authentic. 

2. Step Two: Build Trust and Build Team
3. Step Three: Clarify the core issue and
the leadership situation
4. Step Four: Create good Ideas and
Communicate Your Vision
5. Step Five: Act and Deliver Results
Five Waves of Trust

A New Way to Lead: Trust & Inspire

Five Waves of Trust

 Self-Trust: confidence we have in and also with our ability to inspire trust in

 Relationship Trust: how to establish and increase trust with others.

 Organizational Trust: how leaders can generate trust in different organizations.

 Market Trust: reflects the trust customers, investors, and others in the
marketplace have in the company or organization.

 Societal Trust: creating value for others and for society at large.
How to Build Trust
1. Know and live your values

2. Demonstrate Trustful Behaviour

3. Practice Intentful Listening

Build Trust through your Values

 Personal values: your moral compass that provide

direction, particularly in difficult times
 Your values define what is important to you in
your life; they are who you are

 Values must be translated into action

 What is a core value that you have and how could
you use it to build trust?
Build Trust through your Behaviour
 Perform competently.
 Be consistent and predictable. Do What You Say
You Will Do.
 Communicate accurately and openly.
 Share and delegate control.
 Show concern for others.
 Which ones come easy to you; difficult to you?
Build Trust through Intentful Listening
Intentful listening = letting the other person know
that you respect and honour them.

 Listen without thinking about what you are going

to say next.
 Clarify for a full understanding
 Give ongoing verbal and body feedback
Five Steps of Leadership
1. Step One: Be authentic. 
2. Step Two: Build Trust and Build Team
3. Step Three: Clarify the core issue and
the leadership situation
4. Step Four: Create good Ideas and
Communicate Your Vision
5. Step Five: Act and Deliver Results

What are your Team Experiences?
Teams vs. Groups
A team is a unit of two
or more people (less
than 15 people) who
interact regularly and
are focused on a shared
purpose with shared
responsibility and
Otherwise, they are a
group of people.
Teams vs. Groups
A Team A Group
Shares or rotates leadership Has a designated leader
Shared accountability Individual accountability
Specific team purpose Identical group purpose
Performance goals set by Performance goals set by
team and organization others
Not inhibited by Works within
organizational boundaries organizational boundaries
E.g., Acquisition Team E.g., Corporate
Development Department
High Performing Teams
1. They have Purpose: Work on challenges that have a
meaningful purpose
2. They are Skilled: Members have strong and diverse
3. There is Trust: The members understand, trust each other
and can work through conflicts
4. They are Accountable: The members hold each other
5. They get Results: Are committed to the goal and to
achieve success
Five Steps to a High Performing Team

1. Assemble the Right Team

 Create the right size, get the right team members, select the Leader-Facilitator, create
the right team interdependence
2. Establish Team Leadership
 Leader-Facilitator responsibilities: Facilitate group tasks and behaviours to achieve team
 Team member responsibilities: use skills, support each other
3. Build the Team Foundation
 Create an inspiring purpose and set clear goals
 Define how the Team will work together, make decisions, hold different roles.
4. Build Team Cohesiveness
 Get commitment, build trust, be accountable to each other, manage conflict
5. Achieve Results
 Create scoreboards to measure and achieve results

Stages of Team Development
Stages of Team Development: Forming
• The forming stage is a • The leader's role is to
period of orientation, facilitate communication
getting acquainted and and interaction; and to
determining task establish team
orientation. guidelines.
• Uncertainty is high
because no one knows
what the ground rules
are or what is expected.
Stages of Team Development: Storming
• During the storming
stage, individual
personalities emerge,
and people become
more assertive. Conflict
results. • The leader's role is to
• Members need to work encourage participation
through the by each team member
uncertainties to move to find the common
on. vision and values.
Stages of Team Development: Norming
• Consensus develops as
natural team leaders
emerge and members’
roles become clear.
• The team leader
emphasizes openness
• At the norming stage,
and facilitates
conflict has been
communication, roles,
resolved and team unity
values, and
and harmony emerge.
Stages of Team Development: Performing

• At the performing stage, • Members are

the major emphasis is committed to the
on achieving the teams mission and interact
goals. frequently.
• The team leader
focuses on high task
performance and
supporting team
members to self
Get Commitment
1. Encourage lively debate and ensure that each individual's
ideas are heard, considered and explained. Members are
then able to “disagree and commit”.
2. The first commitment is to the purpose which is bigger than
the individual's agenda.
3. Identify what each individual personally wants to get from
the team project and then, in some way, integrate that need
to the project.
4. Ask for commitment .

Peer Accountability
Accountability is the willingness of each team member to
remind and support one another when they are not living up
to the agreed norms or performance standards in either
results or behaviour.
If a team member fails to provide their peer with constructive
feedback, they are hurting the team and the teammate.
Create successful accountability by:
1. Having the leader model the desired accountability
2. Team members know how to and give constructive feedback
3. Use formal team member effectiveness tools

Give Constructive Feedback
To be most effective, feedback should be:

1. Timely: Provide feedback as close as possible to the occurrence of the

behavior in question
2. Specific: Describe the undesirable behavior in exact terms. Be able to
substantiate with facts and speak to the behaviour not the person.
3. Delivered in a Supportive Climate: Make it clear that the purpose of the
feedback is to help your teammate in achieving theirand the team
4. Balance the content: Begin by providing comments on specific
strengths. Then identify specific areas of improvement and ways to
make changes. Conclude with a positive comment.

Five Steps of Leadership
1. Step One: Be authentic. 
2. Step Two: Build Trust and Build Team 
3. Step Three: Clarify the core issue and
the leadership situation
4. Step Four: Create good Ideas and
Communicate Your Vision
5. Step Five: Act and Deliver Results

Team Activity

Lost at Sea


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