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Leadership Values

Leadership Linked In
Course 1
Leadership Values
• Describing a hero helps you grasp the qualities you'd like to emulate.
• Looking at another's life gives you a window into your own.
• To be effective as a leader at any level and in any social context, you
have to know your values and strive to embody them.
Leadership Values
• Your values, what you hold most dear and are willing to strive for, determine your actions as a
leader and how you view your world.
• Values drive your choices in life and in work. The kind of career you choose, the people with
whom you want to spend time, and your capacity to inspire.
• People want to know what you stand for. Your values are essential building blocks for your
growth and impact as a leader.
• When you've clarified what's important to you it becomes easier for you to make your values
come alive in your everyday actions, in any setting.
• People are drawn to those leaders who have this kind of self-knowledge and can articulate their
values in plain terms because such leaders are seen to be acting with a sense of purpose.
• Here's a list one of my students generated, along with his reasoning for why he chose these words.
Leadership Values

Core values are unique to each person, and spring from

the core. They're typically long-standing and resistant to
change, but they can shift over time, as life unfolds and
you discover more about who you are and what you
Leadership Values

In a word or a phrase, list the values, between

four and seven is ideal, that are most important to
Leadership Values

Next, for each one, explain why it's

important to you in a sentence or two.
Leadership Values
• Your distinctive values are an important part of what makes your own
particular brand of leader.
Leadership Values
• Our values as leaders are determined by our life experiences.
• What is the origin of your leadership story?
• As a leader, when you reveal who you are and articulate what you stand for you build relationships that
enhance your impact.
• You mine the ore from the mountain of your life. A few personal stories that clarify your values in a way
that binds you to others.
• With practice, you can learn to display both confidence and vulnerability by revealing yourself with these
stories and that increases trust because people then see you as more of a real person, a human being. ”
• "Your work is going to fill a large part of your life "and the only way to be truly satisfied "is to do what
you believe is great work "and the only way to do great work is to love what you do. "If you haven't found
it yet, keep looking. "Don't settle."
• Everyone has a leadership story to tell.
Leadership Values
Develop leadership Stories
•Find a comfortable place to reflect and then compose your notes in a
journal, in a blog, in a video, anywhere.
Leadership Values
Develop leadership Stories

• The moments that have defined you involve choices you've made in
your life and the consequences that ensued in which your values were
revealed, shaped, or put to the test.
• These episodes create clarity about the things that matter to you, about
your abiding commitments, and they reveal to others who you are as a
Leadership Values
Ideal Values
• - A leadership vision is a compelling image of an achievable future.
• It focuses your attention on your values, what matters most to you, what you want
to accomplish in your life, and what kind of leader you wish to become.
• A useful vision brings stability in times of change, and it inspires people, you most
of all. It helps to clarify your purpose and so enhances the sense of meaning in your
life as a leader.
• Make it come alive with some details, and don't hold back. The more of yourself
that you can pour into this, the more valuable it will be. It can be an emotionally
challenging exercise, so here's some advice should you encounter any one of these
common stumbling blocks.
Leadership Values
Ideal Values
Key elements.
Leadership Values
Ideal Values

You might be tempted to write

about how you've gotten to where
you are in the future and all the
milestones you've achieved, the
journey, that is, but I'm asking you
to write about the destination, what
your everyday life actually looks
like once you're there
Leadership Values
Ideal Values
• A leadership vision is a point of departure, and it's not fixed.
• You can adjust it as you change and as things change around you.
• Once you've refined your thinking, if you don't let others know about
it, then the likelihood of achieving it is reduced.
• When you paint an image of the future for others to see, your
excitement will be contagious, though it might take practice to do
this in a way that feels natural.
Leadership Values
Impact of Values
• Let's dig further into the impact of your living in accord with your
values and your vision so you can be clearer still about this
impact, and more motivated to pursue it
• A life of meaning derives from consciously, intentionally acting in a
way that's driven by your values.
• This is how we create legacies to be proud of.
• Putting aside any material wealth you might leave behind when you're
gone from this precious planet we all share, it's useful to think about
your life's legacy in this way.
Leadership Values
Impact of Values

Specifically, note the three or four most important individuals or

groups in your life 15 years from now in each of these three areas of
your life, your work or career, your home or family, and your
community or society.
Leadership Values
Impact of Values
Leadership Values
Domains of Life
Leadership Values
Impact of Values

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