2、六级阅读解题技巧 黄艳彬

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1 七大命题特点

2 五大常考题型

3 五步解题顺序
1 、段首、段尾处常考
2 、语义转折或对比处常考
3 、列举处常考
4 、因果处常考
5 、代词出现处常考
6 、引用人物论断处常考
7 、特殊标点符号后的内容常考

题型 比例
1. 推理判断题 47%
2. 细节辨认题 41%
3. 观点态度题 10%
4. 语义理解题 1%
5. 主旨大意题 1%
1 、推理判断题


1 、推理判断题

1 、推理判断题

1.The passage implies ( 暗示 ) that_____.
2. We can conclude ( 得出结论 ) from the
passage that____.
3.Which of the following can be inferred ( 推
论 )?
For much of the past decade, American and British scientist have been
annoyed by the phenomenon known as the French Paradox.
Nutritionally speaking, the French have been getting away with
murder: They eat all the butter,cream, fois gras,pastry and cheese that
their hearts desire, and yet their rates of obesity and heart disease are
much lower than ours. The Frech eat three times as much saturated
animal fat as Americans do, and only a third as many diet of heart
attacks.It’s maddening.
1. What is the French Paradox according to the passage?
A. The French eat more nutritious food than Americans. C
B. Few French people die of heart attacks each year.
C. The French are much less likely to suffer from heart disease although they eat lots
of fatty food.
D. The French are as likely to die of heart attacks as Americans although they eat less
fatty food.
2. 观点态度题
一般来说,说明文体裁客观,所以作者的态度应是客观的 (objective) 或
中立的 (neutral) ;而在议论文中,作者的观点往往是有所表达的,考生应细心
抢答 --- 有关态度的词:

optimistic pessimistic cautious enthusiastic objective

subjective arbitrary neutral positive negative

critical compromising indifferent ironic appreciative

2. 观点态度题
抢答 --- 有关态度的词:
optimistic 乐观的 enthusiastic 热情的 arbitrary
客观的 中立的
pessimistic 悲观的 objective neutral
cautious 审慎的
subjective 主观的

negative 否定的 compromising 折中的
critical indifferent 漠不关心的
appreciative 欣赏的
The recent British paper on the last half century of music found that hip hop
has reigned the Billboard charts longer than any other musical style. Why might
that be? In the early 1990s, some cultural critics argued that rock was
qualitatively supervisor, because rap songs were mere “bricolage( 拼 凑 , 大 杂
烩 ).” But it’s precisely because hip hop’s nature is to absore other musical styles
that it has proved so durably elastic.

What does the author think of the cultural critics’ claim concerning
A. Self-evident B. Thought-provoking C. Appropriate D. Subjective
显而易见的 引起思考的 合适的 主观的
不证自明的 发人深省的 恰当的
The recent British paper on the last half century of music found that hip hop
has reigned the Billboard charts longer than any other musical style. Why might
that be? In the early 1990s, some cultural critics argued that rock was
qualitatively supervisor, because rap songs were mere “bricolage( 拼 凑 , 大 杂
烩 ).” But it’s precisely because hip hop’s nature is to absore other musical styles
that it has proved so durably elastic.

What does the author think of the cultural critics’ claim concerning
A. Self-evident B. Thought-provoking C. Appropriate D. Subjective

解析:选择 D 。一些文化评论家高度评价摇滚,却认为说唱音乐只是拼凑,但作者
可见作者认为这些评论家的看法并不符合客观事实,故答案为 D 。
3. 主旨大意题
主要的目的是了解文章所 论述的主 题思想以及作者的 写作意 图。

A: What is the general topic of the passage

B: The best title for this passage is ______.
C: The main idea of this passage is______.
D: What is the passage about?
E: What does this passage mainly discuss?
3. 主旨大意题

选择 答案 时 切忌 过 于具体,不能 选择概 括全篇文章中某一段落的主

题 的、或是某 个细节 的 选项 ;
也不要 选择过 于 笼统 的答案,致使 选项 中包含的 内 容超越了文章的
最基本的方法是找各 个 段落的主 题句。
主 题 句通常在一段的 开头或者 结尾部分。多 关注一 个段落的 两头。
主旨 = 各段主 题 句相加 并有所 侧重
题源: The Christian Science Monitor

What may be the best title of the passage ?

A. How can we help cities withstand shock with data?

B. What may be the wicked problems of sustainability?
C. When can municipal intelligence be fully developed?
D. Why should urban informatics be taught in colleges?
题源: The Christian Science Monitor
1. Cities are getting smarter, embedded with more Internet-
connected devices that are generating data in unbelievable
volumes. Yet increasing connectivity also means increasing
complexity—and sometimes, that means higher vulnerability.
Deeper connectivity meaans the failure of one system can
cascade (像瀑布般大量倾泻下来) into the failure of another.

Which is the topic sentence?

题源: The Christian Science Monitor
1. Cities are getting smarter, embedded with more Internet-
connected devices that are generating data in unbelievable
volumes. Yet increasing connectivity also means increasing
complexity—and sometimes, that means higher vulnerability.
Deeper connectivity meaans the failure of one system can
cascade (像瀑布般大量倾泻下来) into the failure of another.

Which is the topic sentence?

题源: The Christian Science Monitor

2. Having more data about those kinds of interactions is both a

good and bad thing: we've never been able to observe the
complex inner workings of society as closely but the waterfall of
information is more than we can analyze, leaving us unable to
see potential dangers of our newfound connectivity.

Which is the topic sentence?

题源: The Christian Science Monitor

2. Having more data about those kinds of interactions is both a

good and bad thing: we've never been able to observe the
complex inner workings of society as closely but the waterfall of
information is more than we can analyze, leaving us unable to
see potential dangers of our newfound connectivity.

Which is the topic sentence?
题源: The Christian Science Monitor

3. A research of Dr. Shade Shutters, a scientistwith Arizona State University's

Global Security Initiative , is focused around the“wicked problems”of
resilience ( 恢 复 力 ) and sustainability as they apply to social and urban
development. Ask anyone who studies resilience what it means and you'll get a
different definition just about every time. Many different academic disciplines
and theoretical viewpoints use different definitions for the word,but Shutters
says that at a fundamental level, resilience is “something that implies the long-
term sustainability of a particular state of a system.”
Which is the topic sentence?
题源: The Christian Science Monitor

3. A research of Dr. Shade Shutters, a scientistwith Arizona State University's

Global Security Initiative , is focused around the“wicked problems”of
resilience ( 恢 复 力 ) and sustainability as they apply to social and urban
development. Ask anyone who studies resilience what it means and you'll get a
different definition just about every time. Many different academic disciplines
and theoretical viewpoints use different definitions for the word,but Shutters
says that at a fundamental level, resilience is “something that implies the long-
term sustainability of a particular state of a system.”

Which is the topic sentence?

题源: The Christian Science Monitor

4. The challenge with designing cities with long-term sustainability in

mind? They've become so complex that every push or pull on the system
results in new and surprising outcomes. Making one part of a city more
resistant to threats can potentially mean weakening another part.
Improving your highway system means more lanes for traffic, which can
mean less space for buildings and residences, and therefore more
suburban homes being built, which can mean more urban sprawl that
affects the local ecosystem.

Which is the topic sentence?

题源: The Christian Science Monitor

4. The challenge with designing cities with long-term sustainability in

mind? They've become so complex that every push or pull on the system
results in new and surprising outcomes. Making one part of a city more
resistant to threats can potentially mean weakening another part.
Improving your highway system means more lanes for traffic, which can
mean less space for buildings and residences, and therefore more
suburban homes being built, which can mean more urban sprawl that
affects the local ecosystem.

Which is the topic sentence?

题源: The Christian Science Monitor

5. Shutters says he expects that in the next few years a “municipal

intelligence or metropolitan intelligence” field will develop as a public-
side analog to business intelligence. These positions don't currently exist,
but Shutters hypothesizes that it's because the data modeling isn't
advanced enough to prove the benefit of such investment..

Which is the topic sentence?

题源: The Christian Science Monitor

5. Shutters says he expects that in the next few years a “municipal

intelligence or metropolitan intelligence” field will develop as a public-
side analog to business intelligence. These positions don't currently exist,
but Shutters hypothesizes that it's because the data modeling isn't
advanced enough to prove the benefit of such investment..

Which is the topic sentence?

题源: The Christian Science Monitor

6.However, a number of universities have started offering advanced

degrees in“Urban Informatics,”including Northeastern University and New
York University's Center for Urban Science and Progress (CUSP),which
Shutters thinks is a positive step forward .

Which is the topic sentence?

题源: The Christian Science Monitor

6.However, a number of universities have started offering advanced

degrees in“Urban Informatics,”including Northeastern University and New
York University's Center for Urban Science and Progress (CUSP),which
Shutters thinks is a positive step forward .

Which is the topic sentence?

题源: The Christian Science Monitor

7.Topics covered in these degrees include urban informatics and

technologies,geographic information systems labs , and focuses on urban
modeling and simulation. The new cohort ( 一 群 同 期 群 组 ) of experts
graduating from these programs will work in a field that ranges from
urban design to civil engineering and from applied mathematics to
statistics and public policy.

Which is the topic sentence?

题源: The Christian Science Monitor

7.Topics covered in these degrees include urban informatics and

technologies,geographic information systems labs , and focuses on urban
modeling and simulation. The new cohort ( 一 群 同 期 群 组 ) of experts
graduating from these programs will work in a field that ranges from
urban design to civil engineering and from applied mathematics to
statistics and public policy.

Which is the topic sentence?

这个学位包括 ...... 关注城市建模与仿真模拟。
题源: The Christian Science Monitor

8.People in those positions will be inundated (收到太多而应接不暇) with

data , this time from the complex ecosystems of business, politics, land
management, urban planning, water distribution and the hundreds of
other systems that make up a city. But, Shutters says he hopes his work
will help prepare them to filter the signals from the noise and make their
cities more efficient and more resilient.

Which is the topic sentence?

题源: The Christian Science Monitor

8.People in those positions will be inundated (收到太多而应接不暇) with

data , this time from the complex ecosystems of business, politics, land
management, urban planning, water distribution and the hundreds of
other systems that make up a city. But, Shutters says he hopes his work
will help prepare them to filter the signals from the noise and make their
cities more efficient and more resilient.

Which is the topic sentence?


1. generating data---increasing complexity---higher vulnerability

2. Having more data---is both a good and bad thing
3. resilienceand sustainability
4. The challenge for long-term sustainability
5. develop a municipal intelligence field
6. advanced degrees in“Urban Informatics”
7. Topics covered in these degrees
8.his work---make cities efficient and resilient
题源: The Christian Science Monitor

What may be the best title of the

passage ?

A. How can we help cities withstand shock with

B. What may be the wicked problems of
sustainability? A
C. When can municipal intelligence be fully
D. Why should urban informatics be taught in
4. 细节题 + 词汇题

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