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Moehammad Hoesni

Moehammad Hoesni Thamrin was an Indonesian freedom fighter who played a
crucial role in the intellectual and political movements of the Dutch East Indies.
He was known for his eloquence and was instrumental in the development of the
modern Indonesian language.

by Suharso Raharjo
Tan Malaka
1 Marxist Revolutionary
Tan Malaka was an outspoken Marxist revolutionary. He organized workers and
peasants, advocating for social reforms and against foreign control in the Dutch East

2 Nationalist Leader
He was a prominent figure in the Indonesian National Revolution, working to
establish an independent Indonesia free from colonial rule.
Jenderal Soedirman
1 Guerrilla Warfare Strategist 2 National Hero
Jenderal Soedirman was a master in guerrilla He became an iconic national hero, revered for his
warfare tactics, leading the Indonesian National bravery and dedication in the fight for Indonesian
Revolution by organizing and executing effective independence.
military operations against the Dutch forces.
Dr. Sam Ratulangi
Education Advocate Political Leader
Dr. Sam Ratulangi was a pioneer in He played a crucial role in the Indonesian
education, promoting literacy and independence movement, advocating for
knowledge among the people of the Dutch the rights of the local people and their
East Indies. freedom from colonialism.
Letnan Kolonel Syafei

Armed Struggle Loyalty to the Nation

Letnan Kolonel Syafei was a key leader in the armed He dedicated his life to the fight for sovereignty,
resistance against Dutch colonial rule in Indonesia, demonstrating unwavering loyalty to the nation's
participating in various battles for independence. independence cause.
Oemar Said Tjokroaminoto
Islamic Scholar Committed to social and religious reform,
Tjokroaminoto was a prominent Islamic scholar
advocating for justice and fair treatment of the
Indonesian people.

Labour Rights Advocate He fought for the rights of workers, organizing labor
unions to demand better working conditions and fair
wages under the Dutch colonial rule.
Sultan Agung

16th Century Unity

Led successful military campaigns in the 16th century, He unified diverse cultures and regions, establishing a
expanding the territory of the Mataram Sultanate. powerful and cohesive kingdom that influenced
Indonesian history.
Soekarno & Mohammad Hatta
Proclamation of Independence Government Leadership

Soekarno & Mohammad Hatta were pivotal figures in They both held crucial leadership positions, guiding the
the proclamation of independence, symbolizing the nation through a critical period in history and shaping
unification of the diverse Indonesian archipelago into a Indonesia's political landscape.
single nation.
Raden Intan II
Tokoh Perlawanan Promotor Budaya
Raden Intan II adalah tokoh perlawanan Beliau dengan aktif melestarikan dan
yang menonjol di Lampung, dengan gigih mempromosikan warisan budaya unik
melawan penjajahan Belanda dan Lampung, menanamkan rasa bangga dan
memperjuangkan otonomi dan kedaulatan identitas yang kuat pada masyarakat.
Sutan Syahrir
1 Statesman 2 Intellectual Thought Leader
Sutan Syahrir was a distinguished statesman and He played a pivotal role in promoting intellectual
the first Prime Minister of Indonesia, contributing discourse, advocating for critical thinking and
significantly to shaping the nation's political progressive ideologies that defined Indonesia's
framework and diplomatic relations. post-independence era.

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