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Chapter 5: Exception Handling


 Exception handling overview

 Causes of exception and types
 Java exception hierarchy
 Handling exception
 The finally clause
 User defined exception
Overview of exception
 An exception is an unexpected event that occurs during program

 It affects the flow of the program execution which can cause the
program to terminate abnormally.

 An exception is an indication of a problem that occurs during a

program’s execution.
Exception Handling
 In many cases, handling an exception allows a program to continue
execution as if no problem had been encountered.

Exception handling: is a mechanism to handle runtime errors (which allows

exceptions to be thrown and caught)

 Exception handling enables you to create applications that can resolve (or
handle) exceptions.
Advantages of Exception Handling
The core advantage of exception handling is to maintain the normal
flow of the application.
– An exception normally disrupts the normal flow of the application; that is
why we need to handle exceptions

The ability to keep cleanup code in a dedicated location and making

sure this cleanup code will execute

The ability to locate and fix bugs in the code

Causes of Exception
 When a program violates the semantic constraints of the java
programming language, the JVM signals the error as an exception
– e.g. index out of bound, division by zero
 A throw statement is executed
– Throw statement is used to explicitly raise an exception
Types of Exception
 Checked Exception
– Are exceptions that are checked at compile time
– The classes that directly inherit the Throwable class except
RuntimeException and Error are known as checked exceptions
• For example, IOException, SQLException, FileNotFoundException etc.

– If these exceptions are not handled/declared in the program, you will get
compilation error
public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

FileInputStream GFG
= new FileInputStream("/Desktop/GFG.txt");
 Unchecked Exception
– The classes that inherit the RuntimeException are known as unchecked
• For example, ArithmeticException, NullPointerException,
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, etc.
– These exceptions are not checked at compile-time. So, compiler does not
check whether the programmer has handled them or not but it’s the
responsibility of the programmer to handle these exceptions and provide a
safe exit.
– Unchecked exceptions are not checked at compile-time, but they are checked at
Error vs Exception
Error: An Error indicates serious problem that a reasonable
application should not try to catch
– e.g. out of memory error

Exception: Exception indicates conditions that a reasonable

application might try to catch.
Exception Hierarchy
All exception and errors types are sub classes of class Throwable
(java.lang.Throwable), which is base class of hierarchy.
One branch is headed by Exception. This class is used for exceptional
conditions that user programs should catch.
– NullPointerException is an example of such an exception.
Another branch,Error are used by the Java run-time system(JVM) to
indicate errors having to do with the run-time environment itself(JRE).
– StackOverflowError is an example of such an error.
Handling Exception
 Customized Exception Handling : Java exception handling is
managed via five keywords:
– try
– catch
– throw
– throws and
– finally
Java Exception keywords
 Try
– The "try" keyword is used to specify a block where we should place an
exception code.
– It means we can't use try block alone. The try block must be followed by
either catch or finally.
 catch
– The "catch" block is used to handle the exception.
– It must be preceded by try block which means we can't use catch block
alone. It can be followed by finally block later.
– The "finally" block is used to execute the necessary code of the program. It
is executed whether an exception is handled or not.
 Throw
– The "throw" keyword is used to throw an exception.
 Throws
– The "throws" keyword is used to declare exceptions. It specifies that there
may occur an exception in a method. It doesn't throw an exception. It is
always used with method signature.
try {
// code that requires common cleanup or
// exception-recovery operations
catch (InvalidOperationException) {
//code that recovers from an InvalidOperationException
// (or any exception type derived from it)
catch (SomeOtherException) {
// code that recovers from an SomeOtherException
// (or any exception type derived from it)
catch {
// code that recovers from any kind of exception
// when you catch any exception, you usually re-throw
finally {
// code that cleans up any operations started
// within the try block. This code ALWAYS executes.
User Defined Exception
 In Java, we can create our own exceptions that are derived classes of
the Exception class.
– Creating our own Exception is known as custom exception or user-defined

Basically, Java custom exceptions are used to customize the exception

according to user need.
Why use customer exceptions?
– To catch and provide specific treatment to a subset of existing Java
– Business logic exceptions: These are the exceptions related to business logic
and workflow. It is useful for the application users or the developers to
understand the exact problem

 In order to create custom exception, we need to extend Exception class

that belongs to java.lang package.
Class InvalidAgeException extends Exception {
public InvalidAgeException(string str) {

throw new InvalidAgeException(‘Age is not valid to vote’);

Exercise 1
• This program is throwing exception IndexOutOfRangeException. How
do you handle it?
Exercise 2
• Is the following code legal?

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