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• There are two types of pickers as date, Time
pickers and month calendar controls.
• Date and time pickers Set the date and Time
picker by simply editing the displayed values
in the control.
• If we click the arrow in the date and time
picker, it displays the month calendar, just as
a combo box would display a drop down list,
make selection by clicking the calendar.
Date and time pickers
• MinDate and MaxDate – limit the Date and
• CalenderForeColor
• CaenderFont
• CalenderTitleBackColor
• CalenderTitleForeColor
Public properties of DateTime object
Month Calender Controls
• It allows the user to select a date and time
• Limit the date and time that can be selected
by setting the MinDate and MaxDate
• When a new date is selected, a DateSelected
event occur. And when the date is changed , a
DateChanged event occurs.
Month Calender Controls
• We can select the range of dates
• SelectionRange property - determine which
date or dates have been selected
• SelectionRange property returns a
SelectionRange object.
• This has two useful property as start and end
which returns DateTime object corresponding
to the start and end of the selected date.
Notify Icons
• It display an icon in the status notification
area of the windows taskbar called windows
system tray.
• To set the icon displayed for a control we use
the icon property.
Notify Icons
Notify Icons
• Write code in the DoubleClick event handler,
• so that when the user double click the icon it
will be doing action.
• The icon appear and disappear by setting the
control’s Visible Property
• Small windows that appear with explanatory
text when mouse rest on a control or
• Tool tips are used for to give quick help when
the mouse rest on an item. Controls had a
ToolTip properry themselves , but now tool
tips are separate components.
• We can associate a tool tip with any other
control, use its SetToolTip method.
• Tooltip1.settooltip(Button1, “This is a Button”)

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