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Illustrating and Describing

Mathematical Systems with

Axiomatic Structure
Mathematics 8
Quarter III – Module 1
Describing Mathematical System
Geometry is the measurement of earthly objects. It started as a way of
calculating land measurement particularly in Egypt and Babylon, where it
got its name “geo” which means earth and “metrein” which means to
measure. But Euclid gave geometry a new definition and developed it into a
formal study of statements that involve reasoning. He then defined
geometry as the study of a body of logically connected statements. This
makes completely clear that in geometry, a statement leads to another
statement in an arrangement that is supported by reasons.
In the mathematical system designed by Euclid, there are four parts
1. Undefined Terms
2. Defined Terms
3. Axioms and postulates
4. Theorems
Illustrating Axiomatic System

An axiomatic system is a way to establish the

mathematical truth that flows from a fixed set of
assumptions. An axiomatic system is a collection of
axioms, or statements about undefined terms. You
can build proofs and theorems from axioms. Logical
arguments are built from with axioms.
The following properties of an axiomatic system should be considered to
establish mathematical truth
Consistency – A statement is said to be consistent if there are no axioms or
theorems that contradict each other
Independence – An axiom is called independent if it cannot be proved or
disproved from the other axioms of the axiomatic system.
An axiomatic system is said to be independent if each of its axioms is
Completeness – An axiomatic system is called complete if every statement
expressible in the terms of the system is either provable or has a provable
Proof is a logical argument in which each
statement is supported/justified by given
information, definitions, axioms,
postulates, theorems and previously
proven statements.

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