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Concept of Environment

The environment of any organization is “the aggregate of all conditions,

events and influences that surround and affect it.”
Characteristics of Environment:
• Environment is complex
• Environment is dynamic
• Environment is multi-faceted
• Environment has a far reaching impact
Internal & External Environment

The internal environment refers to all factors within an organization that impact
strengths or cause weaknesses of a strategic nature.
The external environment includes all the factors outside the organization which
provide opportunities or pose threats to the organization.

Internal Environment
Strength: is an inherent capacity which an organization can use to gain strategic
Weakness: is an inherent limitation or constraint which creates strategic

External Environment
Opportunity: is a favourable condition in the organization’s environment which
enables it to consolidate and strengthen its position.
Threat: is an unfavourable condition in the organization’s environment which
creates a risk for, or causes damage to the organization.

• Favourable Location • Uncertain Cash Flow
• Excellent Distribution • Weak Management
Network Information System
• Established R&D Centre • Low Employee
• Good Management Commitment
Reputation • Absence of Strong USP for
major product lines

• Favourable Industry Trends • Unfavourable Political
• Low technology options environment
available • Obstacles in licencing new
• Possibility of niche target businesses
market • Uncertain competitor's
• Availability of reliable intentions
business partners
External Environment
The factors beyond the control of the firm that influence its choice of
direction and action, organizational structure, and internal process.
Remote Environment: Remote environment comprises factors that originate
beyond and usually irrespective of any single firm’s operating situation.
• Social Factors
• Economic Factors
• Political Factors
• Technological Factors
• Ecological Factors
Industry Analysis & Competitive Analysis
The firm’s executives need to address following
1. What are the boundaries of the industry?
2. What is the structure of the industry?
3. Which firms are our competitors?
4. What are the major determinants of
Operating Environment

• Competitive Position
• Customer Profiles
• Suppliers
• Creditors
• Human Resources: Nature of Labor Market

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