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Self- Esteem

“Rebuilding Self – Esteem after
loved ones”

Aljay Meraben R. Raupan, RSW

Jovilen P. Minandang, RSW

Table of contents
Ways to Rebuild
01 What is Self-
Esteem 03 your self- esteem

Losing self –
02 esteem Issues 04 Workshop....
What is self –esteem?

Self- esteem is how we value and

perceive ourselves. It’s based on our
opinions and beliefs about ourselves,
which can feel difficult to change.
Losing self –
esteem Issues
• Sadness or depression. This can be brought on
at the realization of the loss and may cause you to isolate
yourself whilst reflecting on things you did with your
loved one or focusing on memories from the past.

• Shock, denial or disbelief. It is natural for our

minds to try to protect us from pain, so following a loss
some people may find that they feel quite numb about
what has happened.
• Numbness and denial. You may find that you
feel numb after a loss. This is natural and helps
us to process what has happened at a pace that
we can manage, and not before we are ready.

• Panic and confusion. Following the

loss of someone close to us we can be
left wondering how we will fill the gap
left in our lives, and can experience a
sense of changed identity.

• Anger or hostility. Losing somebody

is painful and can seem an unfair thing
to happen.
Mixed feelings. All relationships have their
difficulties and you may think that, because you had
a difficult relationship with the person, that you will
grieve less or cope better.
Ways to Rebuild your
self- esteem
Allow Yourself To Feel The Pain
Acknowledge your pain. The sooner you allow yourself to
feel it, to process it, the faster you can move on with your life.

Practice Self-Compassion
Self-compassion is critical when you are grieving. Some people start
feeling better in weeks, months, while for others it can take years.

Acceptance Doesn’t Mean Goodbye

Accepting your loss is an important step to healing. Birthdays, anniversaries,
holidays, and other special days are milestones that remind us of those we’ve lost.
Food can even trigger a memory
Learn To Rest
You need to believe that things will get better. It’s easier to
keep yourself busy than sit with your thoughts. So, practice
good sleep hygiene. It’s imperative for healing.

Make Time For Joy

What did you enjoy doing as a kid? Keeping your childlike
wonder will lead you back to your true self. You may even
find happiness on the way there. Nothing makes me happier
than the simple things in life like waiting for a sunrise, or
watching seagulls flying at the beach.

• If I could turn
back Time

• Feels of Heart
Thank you!

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