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Animal Science

Blaine Red
Fall 2015
Mating Systems
Two classifications of Animal Breeders
1. Purebred –Mate animals with recorded pedigrees.
2. Commercial- Crossbreed animals from two or more
breeds or lines of breeding.
Two Major Systems of Mating
1. Inbreeding- Breeding of animals more closely
2. Out breeding- Mating of animals not as closely
Two Forms of Inbreeding
1. Intensive Inbreeding- Mating of closely related
animals for several generations.
2. Line breeding- A mild form of inbreeding used to
maintain a high genetic relationship to an
outstanding ancestor.
Characteristics of Inbreeding
1. Inbreeding is usually detrimental to reproductive
reproductive performance and post weaning growth.
2. Quickly identifies some desirable genes and also
undesirable genes.
3. Inbred animals with superior performance are the
most likely to have superior breeding values with
more uniform progeny.
4. Crossing of inbred lines results in heterosis.
5. Inbreeding such as sire- daughter mating are logical
ways to test for undesirable recessive genes.
Out breeding 4 types
1. Species Cross- crossing of animals of diff. species.
2. Crossbreeding- mating animals of diff. breeds.
3. Out crossing- mating of unrelated animals within
the same breed.
4. Grading up- mating purebred sire to common grade
females and female offspring for several years.
Two Primary Reasons for Crossbreeding
1. Breed Complementation
2. Heterosis

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