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E – 6
Week 1:
Management of
Family Resources
and Needs
Review: Generate ideas from learners about their definition of resources.

Resources are a stock or supply

of money, materials, staff, and
other assets that can be drawn
on by a person or organization in
order to function effectively.
Resources is a source of
supply, support, or aid,
especially one that can
be readily drawn upon
when needed.
* What, then, is the meaning of family resources? The learners are asked to
give examples of family resources and needs.
Family Resources - means that can be used by
the family to cope with difficult situations;
include the following resources:
social resources - strong social support
network which may include spouse, children,
parents, siblings, neighbors, co-workers and
cultural resources - cultural values which can
influence an individual or family's ability to care
for the sick and cope with stress e.g. optimism,
familialism, approach vs avoidance style, etc.
religious resources - spiritual beliefs,
practices and support services
economic resources - family's income and
educational resources - level of formal
education attained by an individual which
allows him to understand the patient's
condition and give him appropriate care
medical resources - acessibility to medical
facilities and adequacy of help from
Resources are categorize into the
following :
Resources need to be managed.
*Ask the learners their idea of management.
Management is the
act or manner of
handling, direction,
or control.
Resource Management is the process
in which individuals and families use
what they have, to get what they
want. It begins with thinking and
planning and ends with the evaluation
of actions taken. ... Through choices,
individuals and families define their
lives and influence the lives of others.
* Is Management of
important? Why
Management is important. Example is in
the management of time. Time is in the
category of nonmaterial.
Time is gold. It is a God-given gift that
must be valued and used wisely. Time is
short and once lost, cannot be regained.
Proper time management can bring good
results. (Give the advantages of proper time management)
•Happiness and security for having
accomplished something very important
for the day;
•More time to spend for family members
after accomplishing the planned activity;
•More time to attend to other constructive
activities and worthwhile projects.
Time can be managed properly by scheduling
activities wisely. Make plan for every activity.
Routinize some activities based on available
time and how often these tasks have to be
The preparation of a realistic daily time
schedule is a helpful management tool to help
the students identify and prioritize activities.
Formative Assessment:

Direction:Prepare a one-
day time and work
schedule. Start from the
morning till you get to

•NonMaterial resources-(culture;like traditions, time)


Referring to the resources

identified; Human resources,
Material resources and Non-
material resources, choose
one and explain why this is
Bring photos or drawings on:
•How to simplify work with the
use of energy?
•How to conserve energy?
DAY - 2


Non-Material resources- (culture;like

Ask: Tell something about the picture.

Time is a very important resources.

The preparation of a realistic daily time
schedule is a helpful management tool
to help identify and prioritize activities.
Energy is also a resource which falls
under Human resources.
Ask the learners :
•Why energy is important.
• Why should this be
•How should this be
Every activity utilizes energy,
thus reducing strength and causing
tiredness and fatigue. Our energy
has its limits, so we have to avoid
unnecessary use. The proper
management of strength can speed
up work and reduce stress.
Group Activity: Divide the class into
four (4). Using photos and
drawings brought by the learners,
identify helpful measures that need
to be done to simplify work at home
and conserve human energy.
Helpful measures that need to be
done to simplify work at home
and conserve human energy.
•Analyze the activity.
•Use gadgets to facilitate completion of
•Know the appropriate time in carrying
out the activity in order to accomplish the
•Arrange the materials and things
needed at work in one place.
•Maintain a good posture while working
•Use both hands to facilitate working.
•Alternate the heavy and strenuous
•Finish the work you have started.
: Why energy is important. Why should
Ask the learners

this be managed? How should this be

Every activity utilizes energy, thus reducing
strength and causing tiredness and fatigue. Our
energy has its limits, so we have to avoid
unnecessary use. The proper management of
strength can speed up work and reduce stress
•Energy is a human resource.
•We learned the importance of energy
management to simplify work at home
and conserve human energy.
•Rest is very much important after a
hard day’s work.
Share on your insights on
the lessons for the day.
Bring photos or drawings of
possible sources of money
DAY – 3
•Energy is a human resources.
•Energy management is very much
important to simplify work at home
and conserve human energy.
•Rest is very much important after a
hard day’s work.

Just like time and energy, money is a

very much important resource too
which falls under material resources.
The prudent management of money
is very important.
Ask the learners:
•Why money is important.
• Why should this be managed?
•How should this be managed?
Money is very important. It is a
part of life just like time and
•How do we differentiate money
from income?
Money is a current medium of
exchange in the form of coins and
Income is money received,
especially on a regular basis, for
work or through investments.
Ask what the possible sources of money are?
Goup Activity 1: ACROSTICS
Group the class into five. Using the
acronym MONEY, provide a letter on
each group and tell them to give a
corresponding word or phrase opposite
each letter, indicating its possible
Group Activity 2: COLLAGE
Ask the class to bring out the photos or drawings on the possible sources of

Prepare a collage of the photos

and present it in class.
•The teacher will facilitate discussion on other sources of family income that may
not be covered by the group.
Sources of Money
•The money being used by the family comes from
the salary or other forms of income of family
•It can also come from bonuses, commissions or
honorarium received by an employee belonging to
the family.
•Other source of family income will be profits from
business from those who are self-employed.

Money is very important and

should be managed wisely but
ensure that the money you use
for you to live should come
from sources that are in
accordance with the law of the
people and of God.

Give your insights on

the lesson for the day.

Divide the class into four (4).

Ask each group to come up with a
presentation in whatever form on the
three examples of resources. This may
be in the form of a skit, news format etc.;
Be resourceful, creative and artistic.
For presentation on Friday.
DAY – 4

Yesterday, we talked about

money and the need for its
prudent management, We
also identified sources of
Ask the class,
•“Do you think the family income is
sufficient for the family”?
•“Do you think the family income is
more than sufficient for the family”?
•“Do you think the family income is
not sufficient for the family”?
Why do you think the family income
•More than sufficient for the family
•Sufficient for the family
•Not sufficient for the family
Give examples.
*Based on our discussion, we have
realized that family income most of
the time was not sufficient?

What must we do to ensure that we

spend the family income wisely?
Group Activity:

Group yourselves into four (4).

Identify helpful tips in the wise
spending of the family money.
*Teacher provide examples.
Synthesis of reports:

The following are some helpful tips in

the wise spending of your money.
•Make a list of all the needed things to
avoid buying things which are not
much needed. Include the kind, size,
color and prices to be bought.
•Know and compare the prices of
commodities to be bought, Do not
buy products with unreasonably high
•Buy fruits and vegetables in season
to be sure of their freshness, cheap
price, and their good quality.
•Buy in bulk foods which are needed
every day.
•Know the less costly ingredients that
can be used as substitute for expensive
•Limit your expenses within the amount
of money that you have but be sure to
buy what you have listed.
•Shop at the market nearest your
place. You should be familiar with the
stores offering the lowest prices for
each commodity. Have a permanent
store or grocery where you purchase
the needed items to ensure the good
quality and standard price.

As a Grade VI learner,
how can you ensure that
you are spending your
money wisely?
For the teacher:

Remind the class about the

presentation the next day on
the three examples of
resources. It will be an
application of what was
learned this week.
DAY – 5

This week we have talked

about time, energy and money as
examples of non-material, human
and material resources.
This activity is intended
for the learners to be able
to deepen appreciation of
the resources that were
discussed this week.
Presentation of group work.
Each group will be given 8
minutes to present their

Based on the presentation,

provide generalizations and

Give your insights on

the presentations
being presented.
Thank You !!!

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