Q1 W9 TLE Goat Raising & Fish Raising

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Goat raising


• Goats are easier to raise because they simply live on grass and leaves
of plants like ipil-ipil, kangkong, camote, and tamarind. They are
managed for the production of milk, meat and wool. Among goats,
major health problems are internal and external parasites coccidiosis
(in kids before and after weaning) and pneumonia. A good health care
program includes vaccination for most diseases and is established
between the grower and veterinarian. In the Philippines, goat meat is
relatively more expensive than chicken, pork, or beef, Goat farming
has a high potential for profit. Goats, like cattle, may be caged in a
pen or allowed to graze on a large parcel of grassy land.

Needs in goat raising

• In launching a goat enterprise, consider the

resources you have to devote to the project.
Personal attitudes like interest and
determination, availability of land, machinery,
equipment, labor, capital, and
marketing/selling are the things that should
matter. Also, there should be a profitable
outlet for goat products.
Housing for goats

• A good housing for goats is very essential as

they are prone to pneumonia when regularly
exposed to rain. A goat house must be well
ventilated, clean, and dry. There should be
separate pens for lactating does, dry does,
kids and bucks. A fenced loafing area should
be provided complete with feeding racks and
Feeding the goats
• Goats are known to relish paragrass, stargrass,
napier grass, guinea grass, and centrosema among
other grasses and legumes. Goats like other
livestock, require the same nutrients such as
protein, carbohydrates, fats , minerals, vitamins,
and water. During the rainy season, keep the goats
in their pen. Feed them with cut grass and salt. Salt
makes goats keep a steady appetite making them
grow faster and produce more milk.
Feeding the goats
• Goats are known to relish paragrass, stargrass,
napier grass, guinea grass, and centrosema among
other grasses and legumes. Goats like other
livestock, require the same nutrients such as
protein, carbohydrates, fats , minerals, vitamins,
and water. During the rainy season, keep the goats
in their pen. Feed them with cut grass and salt. Salt
makes goats keep a steady appetite making them
grow faster and produce more milk.
Fish farming

•Fish farming is one of the biggest

industries in the Philippines. As an
archipelago, surrounded by many bodies
of water, the country is rich in natural
resources, making fish farming is suitable
and viable source of livelihood for many
Different Kind of Fish
A. Tilapia
• Tilapia is one of the most in
demand fish in the market
today. Fish growers both locally
and abroad are focusing
aquaculture efforts on Tilapia
because of the demand for it as
well as its rapid growth and
productivity at harvest time.
Ways of raising Tilapia

• Tilapia may be grown in

three ways.
• Choose what suits your
locality, space, and even
your purpose whether for
family consumption or as
a livelihood project.
1. Using the drum.

• Using the drum. This

pertains to the use of big
drums to grow tilapia.
Because the space is
limited, the harvest is also
limited just enough for a
family’s consumption.
2. Using a fish pen or pond

•This indicates that the

use of rivers and lakes
with pens or ponds
measuring 1x1x1 square
meters. This can raise
from 250 to 1500
3. Using an artificial pond
This suggests raising
tilapia in an excavated
or dug out concrete pond
at the backyard
preferably near a water
source where water
supply is sufficient.
B. Milkfish
• Also referred to as the
national fish of the
Philippines, milkfish or bangus
is very popular for its milky
taste. Like the tilapia, milkfish
requires no special kind of
feed, for its diet. Milkfish can
be harvested after seven to
ten months of feeding.
C. Catfish
• Catfish resembles cat’s
whiskers. This fish has become
a staple food for many
Filipinos especially in the
tagalog region. Catfish can be
harvested between four to six
months of feeding.
Ways of raising fish
• The following are the common types of fish enclosures used
a.Dug out/excavated enclosures – This type
of fish pen is an inland fish pen. A large
land area is excavated to create a pool of
water where fish can be grown.
Ways of raising fish
•b.Concrete/plastic enclosures-
Concrete and plastic fish tanks
are usually used for commercial
fingerling production and
research development.
Ways of raising fish
c.Fish cages- This is an enclosure
made of nets and stakes placed in
large bodies of water like the sea,
lakes, and rivers to contain and
protect fish until they can be
The following points out the schedule
of work when you put up a farm.
• Development of a business plan
• This includes setting the objectives that you want to attain

• The following are the required permits when putting up a farm business:
• Business name registration
• This permit is secured from the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)
• Barangay Clearance
• You need to secure the necessary permit to operate from the barangay where your farm will be put up.
• Mayor’s permit and License/Sanitary permit
• The local government, which has jurisdiction over the area where the business is located issues business licenses or
license to operate to establishments.
• Tax Identification Number (TIN)
• This serves as the business tax ID.
• Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC)
• This document is issued by the department of Environment and natural Resources (DENR) after inspection of the
Planning for operations
•This is an outline of the day
to day operations of your
farm. What gets done, how it
is done, when it is done, who
does it (production cycle).
Establishing your financial plan

•This includes budget

allotment vs. expenses, debt,
labor, and miscellaneous
expenses of the farm.
Execution of the business plan

•At this point, you as a farm

operator are able to translate
all your actions to income
generation and experience
•It is important to keep
records to assess whether
your farm business yields
income or not.
Research and development

•It is best to keep learning and

take in new ideas and practices
that can help improve your daily
operations. The internet is a
good source of free information.

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