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Introduction to the

▪ Care
▪ Parts
▪ Focusing
Light Microscope - uses compound (2) lenses to magnify
objects. The lenses bend or refract light to make the
object beneath them appear closer.
Body Tube

Revolving Nosepiece
Objective Lens

Stage Clips
Coarse Focus
Adjustment Knob
Fine Focus
Light Adjustment Knob

Your microscope has 3 magnifications (objective lenses):

o Scanning
Each objective has its magnification labeled. In addition to this, the _______ ______ (eyepiece)
has a magnification of __X.
To calculate total magnification, ________ the ocular x objective.

Ocular Lens 10
General Procedures

• Make sure all backpacks and materials are

out of the aisles and off the tops of desks.

• Store with cord wrapped around microscope

and the scanning objective clicked into

• Carry by the base and arm with both hands.

Focusing Specimens

1. Always start with the Scanning Objective.

2. Place your specimen in the center of your field of view.
3. Use the Coarse Knob to focus.
4. Next, use the Fine knob until clear.
5. Once you've focused on Scanning, switch to Low Power.
6. Repeat steps 3-4.
7. Now, switch to High Power.
8. At this point, ONLY use the ____
Fine ___________
Adjustment _____
Knob to
focus specimens.
1. Scanning --> use coarse and fine knob DO NOT SKIP
2. Low power --> use coarse and fine knob STEPS!!!!
3. High power --> use fine knob only

What will happen if I use the course knob

under high power?

The slide or lens could crack

Field of View
⚫ Field of View: the area a person can _____
view through a
⚫ It is represented by a _______.
⚫ RELATIONSHIP: As magnification __________,
increases field
of view __________.
⚫ As you switch from scanning (40X) to high power
(100X), the area you see through the microscope gets
⚫ We can see better detail with higher powers of
magnification, but we cannot see as much of the image.
⚫ The lens inverts the image of the object inside the
Inverted means that the image appears
microscope. _________
upside down and backward compared with the actual

• This means that the slide must be moved in the

opposite direction that you want the image to move.
• Ex. If you move the slide to the right on stage, as
you look through the microscope the slide appears
to move ____.
Making a Wet Mount Slide
1. Get a clean slide and coverslip from your teacher.
2. Place ONE drop of water in the middle of the slide.
3. Place the specimen into the water.
4. Place the edge of the cover slip on one side of the
water drop at a 45° angle.
5. Slowly lower the cover slip on top of the drop. THIS
Staining Specimens
Scientists stain specimens to see parts of the cell more

1. Put a drop of stain (iodine) on a slide. Caution:

methylene blue will stain clothes and skin.
2. Place specimen in the center of drop of stain.
3. Place a coverslip onto the slide.
Drawing Specimens

1. Use pencil - you can erase and shade areas

2. All drawings should include clear and proper labels (and be

large enough to view details). Drawings should be labeled with
the specimen name and magnification.

3. Specimens should be drawn to scale - Ex. if your specimen

takes up the whole viewing field, make sure your drawing
reflects that.

Drawing should have: Fewer cells at a larger size


1. Store microscopes with the scanning objective in place.

2. Wrap cords and cover microscopes.

*Double check to make sure you didn't leave a slide

3. Place microscopes in their designated location (probably a cabinet)

Occasionally you may have trouble with working your microscope. Here are some
common problems and solutions.

1. Image is too dark!

Adjust the diaphragm, make sure your light is on.

2. There's a spot in my viewing field, even when I move the slide the spot stays in
the same place!
Your lens is dirty. Use lens paper, and only lens paper to carefully clean the
objective and ocular lens. The ocular lens can be removed to clean the inside.
The spot is probably a spec of dust.

3. I can't see anything under high power!

Remember the steps, if you can't focus under scanning and then low power, you
won't be able to focus anything under high power. Start at scanning and walk
through the steps again.

4. Only half of my viewing field is lit, it looks like there's a half-moon in there!
You probably don't have your objective fully clicked into place. .
Practice Labeling the Parts

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