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Grade 5

I think By testing:
1- Physical properties like:

2- Chemical properties like:

Because particles are very tiny and can not be seen
by eyes.
Properties Solid Liquid Gas

Shape Definite shape No definite shape No definite shape

Volume Definite volume Definite volume No definite volume

Arrangement of Tightly packed ,Less tightly packed Much farther

particles ,together Random ,apart
Regular pattern arrangement Random
Movement of Vibrate in the place Can move and slide Move around in all
particles past one another directions
Freez Condense

Solid Liquid Gad

Melt Evaporation
Decrease Increase
All objects on earth are affected by the Earth gravitational
force & they are pulled to the center of the Earth.
1- Magnetism is measured by placing a Magnet closer to the
object .
2- Mass is measured by Balance .
3- Volume is measured by using beaker or cylinder.
We use Copper to make electric wires because it is
good conductor for Electricity, and we can shape it &
it is Shiy because it Reflects light.

I think both water & container will fall down

Center of Earth.
It indicates the distance of Stars from Earth & the size of
the Stars.
A force (Gravity)
I think Changes in temperature can change the state of matter.
The matter’s mass should stay the same.

.The mass of the materials stays the same

Because we mixed two materials together , so
mass will increase .
I think the mass of the mixture will be the same of the mass of
the sum of original materials .

If we mixed 2 substances A + B. If (A) has mass of 10g & (B)

has mass of 5g. The mixture will have mss of (15g). 10 + 5 =
15g, this is called Conservation of mass.
Yes they can be separated, because Magnet can separate the small ball bearings
then the Sieve can separate Gravel from the Sand.
Mixtures are formed by mixing 2 or more substances & mixtures will be
Homogeneous or Heterogeneous.

Mixtures can be separated by many ways such as:

Because in Rusting the type of the matter change. But in painting
wood the type of matter is not change.

When burn wood , temperature will increase then give new

substance ( ash ) and odor will change .
Length & direction of Shadow change as Sun moves from east to
The Shadow get shorter then it get longe which support my

When the Sun is Low in the sky, the Shadow is Long & when the
Sun is high in the sky, the Shadow is Short..
The Earth’s gravity pulls the Moon & keep it orbiting around
Earth. The Moon appears in the night sky every day.

Adding energy increase the movement of matter’s particles

which makes the matter to change in state from solid to liquid to
Gas. Removing energy slower the movement of particles which
change the states of matter from Gas to liquid to solid.
Adding energy increase the movement of matter’s particles which makes the
matter to change in state from solid to liquid to Gas.
Adding energy increase the movement of Water’s particles which makes the
Water to change in state from solid to liquid to gas.

Freez Condense

Solid Liquid Gas

Melt Evaporate
As we come near Earth’s Center, the Earth’s Gravity increase & when we go
far from Earth, Earth’s Gravity decrease.
Chemical change

Is a change that An example of

The mass is
produces new change is
matter with producing gas
during chemical
different after mixing
properties from vinegae & soda.
the original
Ends with new Begins & Ends with
matter same matter

I think Changes in temperature can change the state of matter.

The matter’s mass should stay the same

The Sun is a Star & it pulls The Earth planet to move around it by the effect of the
Sun Gravitional Force.
Because of Earth revolution aroun the Sun.
Earth is the Third planet from the Sun. it is an inner planet.

The Bigger the distance of Planets from the Sun, the bigger the Orbit of
them around the Sun which means longer time to complete the tour
around the Sun {loner year).
Is the distance the Light travels in 1 year..

Light year: Is the Distance the Light travels in 1 year..

Earth year: is the Time Earth needs to travel around the Sun.

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