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African Slavery

Slavery in Africa started in 1441 when the Portuguese first sailed to the West
African coast. While at first, the intention was to trade with the African for gold and
spices, but they found value in the African people and over time around 11-12
million Africans were forcibly transported to the Americas by the Europeans.
What was it like to be a slave in the Americas?
Even though owners made huge
profits from slaves, they weren’t
treated well, in the Caribbean,
owners wouldn’t think twice before
torturing or working a slave to death
because they were richer and slaves
could easily be replaced. In the
northern state in America, they were
used as servants and were harder to
replace. In the southern states,
where the conditions were harsher,
they were treated worse
How was freedom achieved for the slaves?
Some slaves could save up money to buy their
freedom, but other slaves had to resort to other
methods such as rebellions and sabotaging crops.
After 1865 some individuals beat the system and
made a way for others to freedom.

The Underground Railroad was the system that

slaves took to reach the northern states in America
from the Southern States made by a Quaker Isaac
Hopper who made safe houses for slaves, around
300 slaves escaped from this passage.
Who was Harriet Tubman?
Harriet Tubman was an ex-slave who
escaped from her plantation at the age of 29,
she became the conductor of the
Underground Railroad when her owner died
and she saved over 300 slaves. She was a
spy and a nurse during the civil war and there
was a $40000 bounty on her capture but she
was never caught
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