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Blood Rites

A brief for the group project

Blood Rites (a cult-based horror game set in 1932 inspired by the
popular horror games amnesia and Outlast 2) will explore the horrors
that lie within the cults of Satan and for those who have been dragged
into the world.​
Set in the rural areas of America in 1932 our protagonist Eilleen will be
forced to confront her past and the horrors she was subject to when
she was younger. She will experience the themes of fear, horror,
claustrophobia and shock as she returns to a place trapped in the past.
Outlast 2 screenshot. (inspiration)
The Cult
This cult is unknown to the public as it’s located in its own makeshift town in rural
America surrounded by forest making it near impossible to find for outsiders. Led
by a deranged priest who manipulates the minds of those under his wing. He has
convinced his cultists that they must follow this path of purity and the world has
become flooded with sinners and they all must be cleansed.
With a cleansing they can start the world fresh “A New World” in which they can
do what they believe is right. To achieve his goal, he has convinced his followers
that sacrifices need to be made from the sinners of the current world. They need
these sacrifices to bring about a malevolent demon to purge the world of sin and
show them the horrors they will face in hell.
Amnesia screenshot. (inspiration)
Protagonist Backstory
Eileen was born into the cult and was manipulated her whole life to follow the beliefs of their
leader. Being a child, she didn’t know any better and went along with what she was told as the fear
of being banished to hell would terrify her almost every night. It was just her and her mother since
her father mysteriously died when she was an infant. As she grows up and matures, she starts to
develop her own ideologies and realizes that the “family” she was in was but a mindless cult full of
sheep following a crazy man with his extremist ideologies.
Once she reached her 18th birthday, she had what she thought to be more freedom in her life,
however this was not true. One night, she made her escape through the thick forest making the
tough decision of leaving her mother behind as she was too deep into that world. Upon her escape,
she realized there was a whole world out there which was entirely different to the one she grew up
in. To her the normal world felt alien but exciting. She loved the freedom she had compared to the
prison like world she was used to. Eileen set up her own life for two years before her past eventually
caught back up to her.
Outlast 2 screenshot. (inspiration)
Exposition –

Eileen wakes up in a cellar, dazed and confused

as how she got there and why she’s in the cell.
As she wakes and walks out of the makeshift
cage, she sees a dead guard's body and reads a
note next to him.

(This triggers an event which allows the player

to grab a key which unlocks a trapdoor out of
the crypt)

Note reads: “another night of me watching

these lifeless bodies. I must sit here and watch
these unconscious people for hours on end whilst
everyone else is helping bring about our goal”
*leads into the chapel level + crypt trap door shuts behind you*

Eileen finds herself in the priests' vestry and is shocked to find her former priest hanging from a ceiling fan.
There Is a note on his desk explain the ritual.

She finds a case file of herself and photos to indicate being stalked like she was never free of them, knowing
now she had false hope.

*exits vestry + leads into main area*

Eileen enters the main area to find rows of pews
and a goat head on the alter as she approaches the
alter, she slowly becomes aware as she looks up at
the cross and sees it isn’t Jesus on the cross
anymore, it’s a real human body (a cult member
who was the first sacrifice). – This is explained via a
note on the alter.

*as reading the note, the scenery changes behind

her and can hear faint footsteps*

As she turns around and notices the differences

there is a gleaming light from the confession booth
which she enters and hears the voice of her mum
(ghost) telling her more details about the plan and
that she needs to escape and lets her know that
she’s been lured here to be sacrificed to the Anti-
Eileen runs towards the exit but realises the doors are
locked but notices a key on a side table which will open
the door near the vestry. After Eileen picks up the key,
she can see the first enemy type which is called a finder
*low level enemy* exiting on a pathway system leading
outside towards the graveyard.

Eileen then exits the door and comes into the graveyard
which has heavy fog. *Triggers cat event* She sees a cat
on the graveyard (the spirit of her mother). The cat goes
towards a tree indicating it needs to be followed. Eileen
makes her way through the graveyard. While exploring
the graveyard she comes across a mysterious key (for
the maze).

Once the key is picked up it triggers the cat event again

and it runs from behind a tombstone towards the maze.
*the last gravestone you see her mother’s, indicating
the cat was her mother helping her one last time*
*Makes way to maze including general horror atmosphere as she approaches the gate*

When the gate opens towards the maze a screech can be heard (the monster). As approaching the entrance, a dark figure
walks Infront of Eileen down a path in the maze – player can choose whether they want to follow or not.

Next section of the game is just exploring the maze coming across finders.

Upon reaching the centre of the maze, Eileen finds a pentagon encircled by candles. In the centre, a burning crucifix. One-
by-one candles light up going from nearest to furthest, revealing cult members waiting with crucifixes held out in-front of
them. After a few seconds all the cult members will flip their cross upside summoning the beast. The cult members back
up into the corn, disappearing. Eileen must run from the beast or choose to fight, trying to avoid being the sacrifice
needed to fulfil the beast's true power.

Eileen chooses to fight and uses the lantern as a weapon. Holding it up to the beast, it burns and crumbles, going back to
the place it came from.
Resident Evil 7 screenshot. (inspiration)
Art Style
When concepting for blood rites we all agreed that to fit the theme and time-period of the game that an
American gothic style would be best suited. The American gothic style will help to build the atmosphere of
horror and the paranormal. With the cult village being set in the late 1800s the style of buildings will be wood
paneled and very dated décor to symbolize the time that has past with no change. Paired with lots of old aged
tools and maybe some very detailed machinery that fits the period. With the style being inspired from games
such as Outlast 2, Amnesia and some of the Resident Evil games, the style will be dark and gloomy as to fit the
horror theme.
Here are some concepts:
Resident Evil 4 screenshot. (inspiration)
The mechanics will involve basic exploration of the supernatural
area our player will find themselves in. With multiple pickups to
further the story, they will navigate through the level
understanding what monstrosities have occurred at this hidden

A mechanic included will be a lantern used for the players light

source but what the player will discover is that this light will
help them later in the game when faced with enemies as it will
destroy those exposed to its direct source.

To build the atmosphere random events will be triggered to

create a tense, disturbing atmosphere with random jump scares
to keep the player on edge throughout the playthrough.

Notes, pictures and items can be found around the map

detailing the story and giving life to the scene.

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