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Characterization of Major and Minor Characters in "Theodore Boone: The

Accused" by John Grisham

Submitted by: Bhawana Bhandari

Roll no: 20
B.A.LL.B, 2ND Semester
"Characterization of Major and Minor Characters
in John Grisham's Theodore Boone: The Accused"

Author and title of the book: John Grisham's Theodore Boone: The Accused
A brief overview of the presentation's purpose and content:
 The purpose of this presentation is to provide an in-depth analysis of the major
and minor characters in the book.
 The presentation will cover the character traits, development, and contributions of
each major and minor character, as well as provide relevant examples from the
Main Characters: Theodore Boone

The Protagonist of “Theodore Boone: The Accused”:

 Passion for law and justice: Theodore is deeply passionate about the law and
justice, and is determined to do everything in his power to clear his friend's name.
For example, he spends hours researching legal procedures and talking to
witnesses to build a case for his friend.
 Intelligence: Theodore is incredibly intelligent and knowledgeable about the law,
despite his young age. He often impresses the adults around him with his
knowledge and insights.
 Determination: Theodore is determined and persistent in his efforts to clear his
friend's name, even when faced with obstacles and setbacks. For example, he
refuses to give up when he is initially denied access to certain information he
needs for his case.
Major Characters: Pete Duffy

The Antagonist of "Theodore Boone: The Accused“:

 Manipulative nature: Pete Duffy is a master manipulator who is able to deceive those
around him to achieve his goals. He lies and twists the truth to avoid taking
responsibility for his actions, and is not above threatening or intimidating others.
 Greed: Pete Duffy is driven by a relentless desire for money and power. He is willing
to commit crimes and manipulate the legal system to protect his financial interests.
 Arrogance: Pete Duffy is arrogant and overconfident in his abilities to outsmart
others. He underestimates Theodore's intelligence and determination, which
ultimately leads to his downfall.
 By understanding Theodore's personality traits and motivations, we can gain a
deeper appreciation for the novel's themes and messages. Theodore is a compelling
character whose journey inspires and captivates us throughout the novel."
Major Characters: April Finnemore

Description of April's character traits: loyal, determined, brave

Examples from the book that illustrate these traits:
 April is a close friend of Theodore's and becomes involved in the murder trial
 She stands by Theodore throughout the trial, even when others doubt his
 April spends a lot of time researching and gathering evidence to support
Theodore's case.
 She is willing to take risks and face danger to help Theodore, including sneaking
into a suspect's house and confronting the real murderer.
Minor Characters: Judge Gantry

Description of Judge Gantry's character traits: Authoritative, Impartial, Stern

Examples from the book that illustrate these traits:
 Judge Gantry commands respect in the courtroom and maintains order during the
 Despite external pressures, Judge Gantry remains impartial and makes decisions
based on the evidence presented.
 Judge Gantry is stern when necessary, such as when he reprimands a witness for
being uncooperative.
Minor Characters: Mr. Mount's

Description of Mr. Mount's character: Observant, Helpful, Trustworthy

Examples from the book that illustrate these traits:
 Mr. Mount notices a suspicious individual on school grounds and reports it to the
authorities, ultimately helping in the investigation.
 When Theo and his friends need a place to hide during the murder trial, Mr.
Mount offers them a secure location in the school.
 Mr. Mount proves to be a trustworthy ally to Theo and his friends throughout the
book, providing them with valuable information and keeping their secrets safe.
Minor Characters: Mrs. Gladwell

Description of Mrs. Gladwell's character traits: Protective, Manipulative, Deceptive

Examples from the book that illustrate these traits:
 Mrs. Gladwell lies about her son's whereabouts on the night of the murder, trying
to create an alibi for him.
 She manipulates the jury by making them feel sorry for Lester, presenting him as
a victim rather than a suspect.
 Mrs. Gladwell tries to deceive Theo when he questions her about her son, but
Theo sees through her lies
Minor Characters: Detective Kelleher

Description of Detective Kelleher's character traits: Persistent, Methodical,

Examples from the book that illustrate these traits:
 Detective Kelleher spends countless hours investigating the murder case, even
when others have given up hope.
 He carefully examines all the evidence, including surveillance footage and
witness statements, to piece together what happened on the night of the murder.
 Detective Kelleher is meticulous in documenting all aspects of the case, from the
crime scene to the trial, to ensure that nothing is overlooked.
Minor Characters: Judge Yekovich

Description of Judge Yekovich's character traits: Stern, Impartial, Unemotional

Examples from the book that illustrate these traits:
 Judge Yekovich is a stern and no-nonsense judge who expects order and decorum
in his courtroom.
 He remains impartial throughout the trial, refusing to take sides or show
favouritism to either the prosecution or defence.
 Judge Yekovich is unemotional and detached in his demeanour, always
maintaining a professional and objective stance.
Minor Characters: Mr. Underwood

Description of Mr. Underwood's character traits: Shrewd, Resourceful, Cunning

Examples from the book that illustrate these traits:
 Mr. Underwood is a shrewd businessman who knows how to negotiate and get
what he wants.
 He is resourceful, always finding ways to exploit any situation to his advantage.
 Mr. Underwood is also cunning and manipulative, using his charm and influence
to bend others to his will.
Minor Characters: Jack Leeper

Description of Jack Leeper's character traits: Reckless, Impulsive, Troublemaker

Examples from the book that illustrate these traits:
 Jack Leeper is a reckless teenager who often makes impulsive decisions without
considering the consequences.
 He is a troublemaker, frequently getting into fights and causing disruptions at
 Jack's reckless behavior leads him to become involved in the murder trial, putting
himself and others in danger.
Minor Characters: Woody Lambert

Description of Woody Lambert's character traits: Loyal, Trustworthy, Resourceful

Examples from the book that illustrate these traits:
 Woody Lambert is a loyal friend to Theodore, always willing to help him with
anything he needs.
 He is trustworthy, keeping Theodore's secrets and never betraying his trust.
 Woody is resourceful, using his connections and knowledge to gather information
and assist Theodore in the murder trial.
Minor Characters: Lottie's character

Description of Lottie's character traits: Observant, Perceptive, Intelligent

Examples from the book that illustrate these traits:
 Lottie is very observant, noticing small details that others might overlook.
 She is perceptive, able to read people and situations accurately.
 Lottie is intelligent, using her knowledge and quick thinking to help Theodore in
the murder trial.
Minor Characters: Melvin Duffy

Description of Melvin Duffy's character traits: Arrogant, Rude, Aggressive

Examples from the book that illustrate these traits:
 Melvin Duffy is very arrogant, constantly belittling and disrespecting others.
 He is also rude, speaking to others in a harsh and insulting manner.
 Melvin Duffy is aggressive, using physical intimidation to get what he wants.
Minor Characters: Barry Gorman

Description of Barry Gorman's character traits: Aggressive, Intimidating,

Examples from the book that illustrate these traits:
 Barry Gorman is introduced as a notorious troublemaker in town, who has had
several run-ins with the law in the past.
 He becomes a prime suspect in the murder case and is interrogated by Detective
Kelleher. However, Gorman proves to be uncooperative and refuses to answer any
 Later in the story, Gorman becomes aggressive towards Theodore and even
threatens him, showing his intimidating nature.
Minor Characters: Sarah

Description of Sarah's character traits: Shy, Kind, Perceptive

Examples from the book that illustrate these traits:
 Sarah is often quiet and reserved, preferring to stay in the background rather than
draw attention to herself.
 She shows kindness towards others, especially Theodore, by helping him with his
investigation and supporting him during the trial.
 Sarah is also perceptive and has a keen eye for details that others might overlook,
which proves to be valuable in uncovering important information about
Minor Characters: Officer Gonzales

Description of Officer Gonzales's character traits: Honest, Dedicated, and Cautious.

Examples from the book that illustrate these traits:
 Officer Gonzales is known for his honesty, which he demonstrates by refusing to
lie on the stand during the trial.
 He is dedicated to his job, as shown by his willingness to work long hours and
follow up on all leads.
 Officer Gonzales is cautious in his approach to the investigation, carefully
considering all evidence before making any conclusions.
Minor Characters: Mr. Ike

Description of Mr. Ike's character traits: Arrogant, Manipulative, Greedy

Examples from the book that illustrate these traits:
 Mr. Ike is the owner of the abandoned property where Pete Duffy's boat was
found, and he refuses to allow investigators to search the property.
 He is also reluctant to give information about his business dealings with Pete
Duffy, even though it could be relevant to the murder case.
 Mr. Ike is shown to be greedy, as he tries to take advantage of the situation by
demanding a large sum of money from Theodore's parents in exchange for
allowing investigators to search the property.
Minor Characters: Mr. Finnemore's

Description of Mr. Finnemore's character traits: Protective, Supportive,

Examples from the book that illustrate these traits:
 Mr. Finnemore is protective of his daughter, April, and goes to great lengths to
ensure her safety and well-being, including hiring a private investigator and
providing her with a safe place to stay.
 He is a supportive friend to Theodore, offering him advice and guidance
throughout the murder trial.
 Mr. Finnemore shows compassion for those who have been wrongfully accused,
and is willing to do whatever it takes to help them clear their name.

 The characters in "Theodore Boone: The Accused" are unique and diverse, with
their own strengths and weaknesses.
 By exploring each character, we gain a deeper understanding of their roles in the
plot and how their personalities and relationships shape the story's outcome.
 Reflecting on these characters' experiences allows us to better understand the
book's themes of justice and perseverance.
 The presentation has hopefully given a new appreciation for the characters that
make this story so compelling

 Goodreads. (2023). Theodore Boone: The Accused. Retrieved from:
 "Theodore Boone: The Accused by John Grisham - Review." The Guardian,
Guardian News and Media, 17 May 2012,

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