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 The aim of creating a project on war and its
sufferings is to raise awareness, promote
understanding, and contribute to efforts for
peace and conflict resolution

 Seeing the ongoing war between Isreal and

Palestien, I got an inspiration to make a project
report on this topic to get an insight about the
sensitivity of people towards war
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4 presentation title 20XX

Action plan:
• For my project on the universal significance of values and ethics, I would start by
understanding the topic thoroughly. Researching from reliable sources like books and
articles would help me gain a strong foundation of knowledge. Next, I would define
clear objectives, specifying what aspects of values and ethics I intend to explore.
• To get an insight about the sensitivity of people towards war I would conduct surveys
of people by making a google form followed by interview of a expert.
• Organizing the collected data systematically would be crucial for easier analysis. Utilizing
appropriate tools, I would analyse both quantitative and qualitative data to draw meaningful conclusions.
The findings would be presented clearly in a comprehensive report, incorporating visual aids like charts
or graphs for better understanding.
• Prior to the final presentation, I'd seek feedback from peers and teachers to ensure my project addresses
all essential aspects. Incorporating constructive feedback would refine my work further. During the final
presentation to the class, I'd summarize key findings and insights.

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presentation title

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Question no. 5

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Question no. 6

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Question no. 7

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Question no. 8

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Question no. 9

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Question no. 10

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Conclusion on People's Mindset Towards War
and Its Sufferings:
 In summary, the survey reveals a public mindset characterized by a
moderate concern about the impact of war, influenced by both trust
and skepticism in media reporting. There is a growing awareness of
the overlooked psychological trauma and a recognition of economic
hardships as a significant challenge for families affected by war. The
preference for diplomatic solutions and the call for increased
attention to healthcare underscore a collective desire for peaceful
resolutions and comprehensive humanitarian efforts. The findings
emphasize the need for nuanced approaches in media literacy,
policymaking, and international collaboration to address the
complexities of war and its consequences.
 People are sensitive towards war as at the end they have to pay the
physical and emotional price of it.

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Israel-Palestine conflict

 MR.DEV TRIPATHI is a retired Army Officer having 40yrs of experience ,a

BACKGROUND very knowledgeable ,sensible and responsible citizen. He provided valuble
perspective on Isreal-Palestien war ,its impact and its sufferings.

 In this interview, we engage with an expert whose profound insights shed

light on the intricate dynamics of war and its sufferings. Our interviewee
INTRODUCTION brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the discussion, offering a
nuanced perspective on the historical context of conflicts, the complexities
surrounding the Israel-Palestine conflict, and the various international
viewpoints that shape the discourse.
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Interviewer: Thank you for joining us today. Can you provide a brief overview of the historical
context of the Israel-Palestine conflict?

Expert: The Israel-Palestine conflict has deep historical roots, dating back to the late 19th
century. It involves competing national aspirations and claims to the same land. The Zionist
movement, seeking a homeland for Jews, gained momentum in the early 20th century, leading
to the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948. This event resulted in the displacement of
hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, creating a complex and enduring conflict.

Interviewer: What are the main issues at the heart of the conflict today?

Expert: The core issues include the status of Jerusalem, the right of return for Palestinian
refugees, the establishment of borders, and the ongoing Israeli settlements in the West Bank.
Additionally, questions surrounding security concerns, access to resources, and the recognition
of each side's national identity contribute to the ongoing tensions.
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Interviewer: What role does religion play in the conflict?

Expert: Religion plays a significant role, particularly with Jerusalem being a holy city for Judaism, Christianity,
and Islam. Religious narratives often influence the perspectives of individuals and communities on both sides,
contributing to the complexity of the conflict.

Interviewer: How can a resolution to the conflict be achieved?

Expert: A sustainable resolution requires political will, negotiation, and compromise from both sides. Many
experts and international bodies advocate for a two-state solution, where Israel and Palestine coexist within
recognized borders. However, achieving this necessitates addressing core issues, including the status of Jerusalem,
the right of return, and security concerns.

Interviewer: What are the major obstacles to peace in the region?

Expert: Obstacles include historical grievances, the status of Jerusalem, Israeli settlements, and differing
interpretations of international law. Ongoing violence and geopolitical influences further complicate efforts to find
a peaceful resolution.

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Interviewer: How does public opinion influence the dynamics of the conflict?

Expert: Public opinion, both domestically and internationally, can impact

political decisions and negotiations. Public sentiment often reflects historical
narratives, cultural ties, and perceptions of security. Governments need to
consider these factors when formulating policies related to the conflict.

Interviewer: Thank you for sharing your insights on this complex and
challenging issue.

Expert: You're welcome. The Israel-Palestine conflict is a deeply rooted and

multifaceted challenge, and finding a sustainable resolution requires ongoing
dialogue, empathy, and a commitment to peace from all parties involved
21 presentation title 20XX
In this interview, we engage with an expert who provides a comprehensive perspective on the
complexities of war and its impact. The expert delves into the historical context of conflicts, with a
specific focus on the Israel-Palestine conflict, and discusses varying international viewpoints. Throughout
the conversation, the emphasis is placed on the human cost of war, including both physical and
psychological suffering. The expert also highlights the enduring consequences such as PTSD and
displacement, and suggests ways for individuals and societies to contribute to healing and rebuilding
efforts. The overarching theme encourages a collective commitment to empathy, awareness, and the
pursuit of peace as essential elements in addressing the profound challenges associated with war.

As the interview unfolds, a compelling message emerges—a call for a collective

recognition of our shared humanity that transcends borders and conflicts. The
overarching theme centers on the urgent need for understanding the devastating
impact of war and actively working towards a future characterized by peace,
empathy, and diplomatic solutions to conflicts.

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Refrence: (from ncert)
In s u m m ary, " T h e L as t L es s on " d ep i ct s t he i m p act of war on cu l t ure an d i d en t i t y, wh i l e " On t h e F ace of It "
explores the aftermath of suffering and the potential for human connection .23

 War and Sufferings:

"The Last Lesson"  Set during the Franco-Prussian War.

by Alphonse  Illustrates the suffering of people in Alsace-Lorraine due to the imposition of
German language and culture.
Daudet:  Highlights the emotional impact on characters like Franz facing cultural
suppression and loss of identity.

War and Sufferings:

On the Face of It" Not directly related to a specific war.

Explores suffering through the character of Derry, a boy disfigured by a bomb
by Susan Hill: explosion.
Addresses emotional and psychological scars, touching on themes of loneliness
and human connection.

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