Presentation 4

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I'm going to utilize dozens of Muslim and Hindu sources to claim that

Banda Singh Bahadur was an Amritdhari Sikh.

Bansavalinama (1769) says the same thing: “There was a Lachman Das,
a Sikh of the Guru. He was PREVIOUSLY a Bairagi, he came forth to
obey the Hukam of the Guru. He gave his dead (became Shaheed) but
took revenge for the Guru. Has any other Sikh accomplished such a

Banda Singh Bahadur was initiated into the Sikh faith through the
Amrit process, according to the key Sikh book Guru Ki Sakhian written
by a Brahmin Sarup Singh Kaushik (1790)
Other Muslim sources which will further prove my point
One must take into account theologically that only a baptized Sikh can
baptize others, and here in a Muslim source it is clearly recorded that
Banda Singh Bahadur was baptizing the Musalmans and Hindus into
Sikh faith

Muslim historians call Banda Singh Bahadur the brave disciple of Guru
Gobind Singh till the end of his life.
The writer of Siyar-Ul-Mukhatein, who never left any chance to
criticize the Sikh Gurus, writes that Banda was a pure Sikh. Now, if
Banda had spoken ill about the Guru or Khalsa, then this writer must
have definitely written about it because, by writing so, he may have
shown the world that Sikhs of the Guru were not even loyal to the Guru
himself and how the Sikh faith lacks commitment. But he didn’t write
anything sort of that; instead, he praised the Sikhs and Banda who
attained martyrdom.

Banda Singh's descendant's statement who are still Amritdhari Gursikhs

claims that Banda was also a Gursikh. Also, they belongs to Sodhi gotra
which create doubts whether Banda Singh was a Rajput or not which I
will cover in my upcoming posts.
Then see the seal of government of Banda Singh Bahadur dedicated to
Guru Nanak and Guru Gobind Singh. The inscription on his seal and his
coins is an everlasting monument of his overflowing devotion to Gurus.
According to contemporary news report- Akbar-i-Darbar-i-Mualla :

Even Panth Prakash which talks ill about Banda Singh also says that
Banda adopted Sikhi and took Amrit pahul. I will soon debunks the
false allegations Ratan Singh Bhangu asserts on Banda Singh.

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